The Death Knell

Chapter 3349 The current chaotic situation

In another space, the Incarnation of Justice also ended the meeting, and several Zhenglian members of Earth 0 held a small meeting on the spot in the living room nearby.

"Now everyone has gone back to their own earth to look for Brutus who may exist, but I think there is a high probability that he will not be found. No one even knows where he came from and how he returned."

Superman crossed his arms and looked at Luthor beside him as he spoke. In fact, he just wanted to hear the bald man's opinion.

As for the bald scientist? His expression was very calm, because although he had not seen the horned monster with his own eyes, according to Queen Hippolyta's description, the transmission method was not like a technology that the reckless man could master.

As we all know, individual transmission saves more energy than group transmission, because the quality of matter is linked to the result in many consumption formulas. The more things are transmitted, the more energy is consumed.

But I heard from some members of Zhenglian that every time Brutus left, he always entered a red portal.

If it's a single teleportation, why do we need to open the door? Wouldn't it be possible to directly target an individual and take them away with a ray of light?

The other party was even chased through the light gate by the Amazon Queen. Although I don't know how he threw the queen into the middle city when he escaped, this all shows that the monster is just a pawn crossing the river, and there is more behind it. The chess pieces are cooperating with him, and they should all be Zubado's subordinates.

And there are not a few pioneers like them.

From beginning to end, the Justice League has been looking for the wrong target. They are not looking for one person, but a force lurking in the unknown universe. The other party may have an entire single universe as logistical support, because the Minotaur also said when facing Superman, " I'll be back when I'm ready'.

He couldn't prepare on his own and needed the people behind him to help him. If he wanted to deal with Superman head-on, at least everyone on the planet would need to brainstorm ideas.

Yes, not every earth is as lucky as Earth 0 to have someone as smart as himself or Batman who can compete with Superman alone.

But even if you know this, is it necessary to tell Superman? If you can't find the opponent's location, then no matter how much you say, it will just put more pressure on those who are not smart in the first place.

"Don't look at me, I didn't find anything." Luthor shook his head at Superman with a sincere expression on his face: "After all, you are the only ones who have seen him, and I don't even know what he looks like."

"Ah, then it seems we should bring a camera next time."

Barry sighed. He had no hostility towards Luther, at least he was in a much better mood than Neptune next to him.

Arthur was staring at the bald head with fierce eyes because of the alien Poseidon affairs. If it weren't for several teammates around him watching, he probably wanted to practice with Luther.

"In this case, there is no shortcut. We can only wait for his next invasion."

Superman didn't have the slightest doubt about Lex's words. He just rubbed his face and sighed:

"In this way, Luther and I will go to Metropolis to look through the warehouse to find some of his previous inventions that can interfere with teleportation. Hawkgirl, Barry, Arthur, Her Majesty Queen Hippolyta, you go to Atlantis and check there. Does the library have records on ancient technology?"

Atlantis is the country with the longest history known to exist on earth. Even in the ancient times of mankind, they built rockets for fun. Maybe there will be principles for this unprecedented teleportation mechanism. Barry should be able to understand.

Meeting with the Incarnation of Justice is not without gain, but the greater significance is to remind the superheroes of other parallel worlds to be more vigilant, but it does not help the positive alliance on Earth 0.

That's how it is with meetings. If Batman isn't here, nothing can be discussed.

Neptune glared at Luther and turned away simply, while Barry smiled awkwardly and politely at the bald head, pulling Kendra to follow him, while Queen Hippolyta was always confused. , she found that she could not understand or understand anything, and could only follow others around.

At this time, she would inevitably wonder, what would her daughter do if Diana were here?

But Diana is not here, so the Queen can only listen to Superman's arrangements.

"What about me?" The black Green Lantern pointed to his nose. John Stewart felt like he was forgotten because he was not assigned a task.

Superman patted the other party's strong arm. This former construction engineer had a good body: "I need you to go to Oa and see the Lantern Group. If that kind of teleportation can travel through different multiverses, then monitor all the The lights in the sector should be aware of it.”

The Lantern punched Superman in the chest, pointed at his own eyes with two fingers, and pointed at Luthor, warning the bald man that he would be watching him.

But Luther just smiled disdainfully at this level of threat. Not everyone is Deathstroke, and the threat of a mere Lantern is no more than a buzzing fly.

After Green Lantern left, Superman said to the bald man apologetically: "I'm sorry Lex, they may still be a little prejudiced against you, but it will definitely get better as time goes by. I believe you have really changed for the better."

"It doesn't matter. I understand their mentality, because I did go too far in the past, but it was all for the sake of mankind to find a way for the future."

Luther smiled, reached into his pocket and took out the door handle of destruction, opened a door out of thin air and made a please gesture:

"Opposite is one of my warehouses. Some things that were not sent out were piled there. Please take care of them first."


Just when all parties started to take action, Su Ming took the two women and the orangutan into the Iceberg Restaurant. It was still the same as before, with transparent walls, gorgeous chandeliers, and the iceberg-like musical fountain.

The Penguin had a stiff smile on his face and stood at the door as a greeter. When he saw Deathstroke and others falling from the sky, he walked up to him with his short, lame legs:

"Welcome, welcome, Slade, it's been a long time, please come in."

"Where is the lobster I ordered? I came here wearing pink socks today not to listen to your nonsense. Where is the lobster?" Before Su Ming could say anything, Harley, who was hugging Xiaohong, interrupted the penguin first and grabbed Cobo. Wearing a special hat, he imitated Zatanna's preparations for the bunny trick.

Penguin is indeed the most adaptable person in Gotham. Even though Harley teased him about his height in disguise, his smile never changed:

"Of course I'm ready, dear, how could Old Penguin forget your request? You know, there's no one in Gotham who doesn't love Harley Quinn, hehehe..."

"Hehe! That's more like it. Your clothes today are also very cute." Harry rolled his eyes and put the hat on the dwarf again with a smile: "Let's go, Xiaohong, let's go in and eat. Let the men Talk about them."

Then the two of them ran away, while Su Ming carried the orangutan and chatted with the penguin for a few words, such as how the other felt after being killed by a madman during the invasion of the Laughing Bat, and whether he had sent a postcard back from the land of the dead. of.

The implication behind the words is to remind Penguin that he can save him, but he can also kill him.

So during these few minutes of waiting, Cobot felt that the day was like a year. He smiled so hard that his face froze, and sweat rolled down from under the brim of his hat in the cold rainy night.

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