The Death Knell

Chapter 3362 Tragic Victims

Strangler found some unconscious people, but at the same time it was attacked by many liquid robots. Some staff in the technology department were killed, so it arrived a little late.

Someone took over Batman's backup in the Hall of Justice and put sleeping gas into almost every room. Then the other party mobilized some strange robots to deal with the unconscious people. This was probably the process.

But obviously the death knell came too quickly, and the people behind the scenes didn't expect it, let alone that Superboy-Prime would be accompanying him.

So after all the liquid robots in the hall were strangled and eaten, no new robots were put into the battlefield.

"The bad news is that almost all the scientists in the science and technology department are dead. The good news is that I saved the tauren who cooked in the restaurant, and everyone's late-night snack taste is guaranteed."

Countless black tentacles retreated back to Deathstroke's feet like streams. He informed the three people who were exchanging metaphysical experiences.

"Niuniu is Diana's friend. If he dies, the heroine will go crazy." Oliver said a cold joke, but he still couldn't hide the sadness in his heart, and then sighed: "Oh, it's a pity that those from the Science Department They are human beings. Although they are not superheroes, they are all scientific and technological talents with a righteous mind. This loss is too great."

Superboy was a little confused and asked a question that ruined the atmosphere:

"Really? Do they have any famous inventions? I have seen the "007" series of movies, and the scientists there can also build very cool sports cars."

"..." Oliver opened his mouth to say something, but his mouth was so numb that he still couldn't think of anything, so he turned his head and looked aside: "Dina, is there anything in the Science Department that can promote human development or An invention that changes the social landscape?”

"No." Black Canary covered her forehead and seemed very speechless: "If scientific research contributions can be quantified, then Mr. Excellence contributed 40% of new inventions, Batman provided 50%, Blue Beetle provided 5%, and Atom Superman, Superman, Barry, Hawkgirl, and Golden Vanguard provided 4%, leaving 1%..."

“Is the remaining one percent their contribution?”

Superboy touched his hair in a daze. Although it's not a good thing to say a group of dead people, it sounds like trash.

Unexpectedly, Black Canary wrinkled her nose and shook her head, lowered her head and replied with difficulty:

"There is still one percent left. We seized the technological props of each villain and took them back to crack them ourselves."

Because there might be a camera filming, Superboy could only smile awkwardly and politely: "..."

Yes, although people say that in order to achieve breakthroughs in science, we need to rely on a few geniuses rather than the wisdom of the crowd, but this achievement is too embarrassing, right?

He felt a little guilty, because it was not his intention to make the atmosphere so awkward. He just wanted everyone to get over the sadness of people's deaths and recall the great achievements of the murdered scholars during their lifetimes.

Who knew it would be like this?

So Superboy turned his face to Deathstroke and mouthed silently, which looked like 'help me! ’, he was a bit unable to get off the stage.

Su Ming calmly smoked while leaning against the wall. He knew that this was the case. It was not that Zhenglian's scientific research department was not strong, but because ordinary people really couldn't keep up with Mr. Zhuo Zhuo's scientific research. For the bizarre brain circuit.

For example, if a new virus is discovered, others are still preparing virus culture dishes. Mr. Zhuo Zhuo has even made an antiviral vaccine...

Necessary experimental process? In-brain simulation; various materials needed? In-brain simulation; various possible situations? All simulated in the brain.

This is the gap in thinking. Ordinary geniuses cannot compare with technological superheroes. Top scientists often make others despair. That is a level of brain use that ordinary people cannot even imagine.

Even so, Mr. Excellence is not the strongest scientist on the planet, because that title is recognized as belonging to Luther.

"There is a saying in the East that there is hard work without credit. Although those scientists have not made any valuable inventions, at least they come to work in the Hall of Justice every day, and they have to be attacked by scientific research freaks like Mr. Excellence. Is this easy?"

Su Ming opened his mouth to help Little Superboy out of trouble. His point of view was the same as before, just like when he had high hopes for his own scientists, but it turned out that they could only make various convenience foods and daily necessities. Wasn't he just as lifeless?

"Yes, Deathstroke is right." Green Arrow came down the slope. He showed a somewhat forced smile, saving some dignity for the dead scientists: "What should we do next? We can't contact anyone else now. I don’t know what the situation on earth is like.”

Under the current situation, all monitoring methods have failed, and even the observation post on the moon cannot be contacted. If Darkseid really sends people here now, everyone will be blind.

"I will let the adjutant share some information with you, but there are no special changes for the time being, except for the emergence of liquid robots all over the world." Su Ming handed Oliver a spider totem and patted his arm: "This It is a communication method that uses mental power. You can contact me at any time, but Superboy-Prime will accompany you to do things next, and Bobo and I will have to go elsewhere."

"Do you need to go elsewhere in this situation?" Green Arrow accepted the totem and carefully placed it close to his body: "If possible, you should help me find someone first, right?"

"Don't worry, Superboy can do everything I can do. But on the other side, I have to chase a fugitive. If it's too late, the information in that bald head may escape. And that side is in another multiverse. Here, the time flow rate of the two universes is not necessarily the same..."

Su Ming smiled and took out a bunch of cans to use as food reserves for them:

"Anyway, this is my decision, Clark. You will find Barry first, and then ask him to contact the Lightning family through the Speed ​​Force plane. Then let the speedsters help, gather all the living forces and then think of a solution. Listen to Oliver. Arrangement...Oliver, remember that you can defeat technology with magic. If the situation is particularly bad, let Diana find the wizards for help, that's it."

Superboy nodded in agreement and showed a standard smile. He patted the S logo on his chest hard and made a sound of gold and iron:

"Leave it to me, and you can go about your business without worries! Because I was born to protect the earth! Hey, the camera crew just needs to stay. The last half of the sentence should be cut and not broadcast."

Oliver thought for a moment and nodded, although he felt that Superboy seemed a little mentally disturbed...

But few people around Deathstroke are sane, so this situation is normal.

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