The Death Knell

Chapter 3364 Black Dream Orchid

The orangutan detective nodded silently and had to admit that what Deathstroke said was right. He himself could not imagine what it would be like to be a rapist for a guy who would disappear as soon as a war started.

A smart person who cares deeply about his life would not be willing to offend Batman and Deathstroke at the same time.

As for Mr. Excellence, could he have considered the opposite of death knell thinking and deliberately went in the opposite direction? No, because it would be too troublesome. Michael hates trouble, so his intelligence can only be used in scientific research. He doesn't have even a little bit of tactical ability.

Even if trouble comes to him, he will hide whenever he can, and if he can't, he will push it to others.

So, the clue about canned soybeans was just thrown out by him as trouble?

"Are you talking about Mr. Excellence? He is not a traitor. I can guarantee him." Harley on the other side rubbed Deathstroke's arm and closed her eyes comfortably facing the sunset: "Seriously, the person you are talking about The black brother has a high IQ, but that is what he gets in exchange for his emotional intelligence. People who have difficulty maintaining interpersonal relationships cannot be spies."

Bobo glanced at the mad woman curiously, looked at her pale little face and asked: "I didn't know how familiar you were with Michael before, why are you willing to vouch for him?"

The last ray of light on the horizon flashed through the gaps between thick dark clouds. The smell of dust occupied more of the senses, and everything seemed to suddenly become dark.

"Ha, is it finally my turn? Thank you! I've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time!"

Harley, who was also born in darkness, rubbed her hands excitedly, stretched out her little tongue and licked her lips, exhaling and inhaling, and then the corners of her mouth also turned down:

"Because I'm Harley Quinn! Hahahahahahaha!"

As soon as she said these words, she immediately felt refreshed, and finally realized the happiness of Batman. Seeing the helpless look on the orangutan's face, and the despair of "listening to your words, it's like listening to them", she smiled happily. .

No wonder Deathstroke often plays this joke, it’s just fun!

The orangutan detective is not going to go any further on this topic, as he is just asking for trouble.

Besides, Deathstroke has brought himself to Multiverse 3, so he obviously doesn’t intend to have anything to do with the Zhenglian traitors.

"You seem to believe that Green Arrow can find internal enemies, so let's do it. I'm not a member of the Zhenglian, orangutan, and I don't have any fighting ability that I can put on the table. Alas, I'm just a plug-in investigator running errands."

"Don't belittle yourself, Bobo, you are not only a detective plug-in, but also our little pet. Let me make you smile, right?"

Harley felt a little distressed when she saw the orangutan's twilight heroic appearance. She quickly took it off Deathstroke's shoulder and put it aside. She took out her lipstick and prepared to draw a big smile on him to make him happy.


Bobo showed the same expression as in the famous oil painting "The Scream", and his rejection was so firm, but as a psychiatrist who had worked in Arkham, Harley had long been immune to all kinds of screams.

Ever since, one person and one monkey began a wrestling match between the height differences.

Harley was condescending, holding the lipstick in her hands as if holding a dagger behind her back and approaching the orangutan's face, while Bobo clamped the tube of the lipstick with his bare hands, grinning and confronting the crazy woman. , the arms of both sides began to tremble violently due to exertion.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the team was so harmonious, Su Ming also showed a satisfied smile. He took a long puff of cigarette, put out the cigarette butt and put it away, then turned to look at the Black Orchid behind him:

"Aren't you ready yet? Alba, I've been waiting a little too long for the Red of All Beings."

"Hmm! You actually know my name?"

The woman with the purple cabbage-like hood was a little surprised, and even the lower half of her face showed a flattered look. She opened her eyes, and there seemed to be light in her pupils.

"I won't repeat the joke Harley just said. In short, yes, Alba Garcia, I know your name, your origin, and the relationship between you and the Sky Eye Society. If there is anything about you, You don’t even understand, do you think I will bring you to Duanyuan 3?”

Deathstroke took out the wine bottle and took a sip to moisten his throat. He looked at Black Orchid's face and told the facts calmly.

She is actually the No. 28 test subject created by the Sky Eye Society's so-called "Ascension Project". Simply put, it is a madman's plan to try to turn people into gods.

The experiment completely failed, and many of the test subjects died and went crazy. However, Alba became the biggest winner because of Sandman's intervention. She became the spokesperson for the green of all things and the red of all living things.

Although it is still far behind the New Gods or the Earth Gods, at least people are alive and have gained a little ability.

The ascension plan failed. Based on the principle of using waste, the fat black woman Amanda secretly assigned Alba to become a "magical agent", the kind of character who goes to the magical world to inquire for information.

Going back a few generations, there are four generations of Black Orchids in the DC universe. The first generation of Susan Lyndon Thorne was the earliest character in the Valve universe. Her true form was a half-human, half-flower fairy in the Land of Dreams, and also Sandman and friend of Constantine.

In a major incident that endangered the V agency universe at that time, she acted with Zha Kang and then sacrificed her life. Don't ask how she died, she understands everything.

The second generation of Black Orchid has officially entered the DC universe, Flora Black, the clone of the first generation.

She didn't have any lofty ambitions, and she didn't want to be a superhero, so after gaining the power, she used plant pheromones to kidnap a South American fruit tycoon and get married. She played a lot of wealthy family dramas, killed her husband, and took over his family property. Enjoy your retirement.

The third-generation Black Orchid is called Suzy, who is also a clone of the first generation. She was a rebellious girl who lived on the streets of Gotham. She once joined the Suicide Squad and the Birds of Prey, and later died in the Flashpoint incident.

Because she was a clone, she had no origin story at all, she was just a dream that grew out of a greenhouse petri dish, and the universe reset wiped her out as if it were a programming error.

Next is the fourth generation in front of us. She is also an artificial human, but after inheriting the name Black Orchid, she also inherited some other benefits that belong to this code name.

For example, the second-generation Sandman Daniel also inherited the will of the first-generation Sandman, and occasionally comes to take care of her.

For example, although the Flashpoint incident restarted the universe and caused many people to lose their memories of the past, Harley and Poison Ivy will always subconsciously feel that Alba is very close. This time they acted together and they stayed together on the road.

For example, the Green of All and Red gave her a nice magic uniform, even though the uniform looked like a purple cabbage with veins.

"Well! Let's get down to business." Alba showed a wry smile. Deathstroke always acts when he is prepared, and his relationship with the Sky Eye Society is definitely a secret among secrets: "The Reds of All Living Things are adapting to their own situation in this diverse world. ability, but there are too few creatures on this earth.”

"Don't tell me how many difficulties we encountered. I'm not your superior, and I don't want to listen to the rhetoric in the workplace. You just need to tell me if Red of All Beings can find someone. If not, I will replace someone to contact Splinter."

Su Ming stared into her eyes and waved his hand to interrupt the nonsense.

The Withering Ash is the collective consciousness of the fungi, while the Schizophrenia represents bacteria. Bacteria are everywhere, even in the apocalypse of the wasteland.

"Yes, we can find it. Let me show you the way."

Alba immediately said it was okay, because once Deathstroke became serious, she seemed to feel the suffocation she had experienced before, as if she was going to be incontinent again.

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