The Death Knell

Chapter 3377 Chase home

"So, people on this planet are like gophers, living in underground shelters, and there are no effective communication channels between them. The main theme of the wasteland is plundering and killing."

While the three of them were flying slowly close to the ground, Su Ming told them about the condition of the earth:

"Brutus should be a native here, but we still don't know why he came into contact with Zubado, and behind Zubado is the Hand of the Void."

"Heh, a familiar yet unfamiliar code name." Luther sneered. He just smiled normally, but it felt like he had bad intentions. Just get used to it: "Perpetua was once the creator of One of our own, we won’t face the Court of Origin directly this time, right?”

Superman was confused, he couldn't understand anything, and the intelligence gap was too big.

However, through the conversation with Deathstroke, he also discovered something that Batman didn't tell him, that is, the Hall of Justice was almost captured, a suspected mole appeared, and he died unscientific.

This makes Clark angry and helpless. Bats are always like this. Based on his analysis, if he thinks that you are not suitable to know any news, he will never tell you.

In comparison, Deathstroke is more frank. Although it also doesn't explain it, it at least mentions it.

The evening wind was full of radiation dust, whistling past the three people's ears. Su Ming shook his head as he flew.

Su Mingde expected Luther to know this. Don't forget that Peppertua's Legacy Divinity is now in the hands of this bald man, and there is a lot of information there.

"You have never been in contact with the Hand of the Void, Lex. He is not on the same side as the Origin. The 'evil dignitaries' under that guy are either zombies or tentacle monsters. All kinds of indescribable flesh and blood creations are deformed and pathological. Planets have been animated by him and are devouring each other, and his Multiverse 2 is as dirty as a toilet in a New York subway station, so he is probably also on the clean-up list of the Court of Origins."

"But because he is too strong, the Court of Origin has nothing to do with him, so it first targets us weak persimmons?" Luther still had that malicious smile and completed the remaining half of Deathstroke's sentence, smart man That's it, there's no need to explain anything too clearly.

"There are no clues to confirm this. This is just a guess between you and me." Deathstroke spread his hands, then pointed to a place and slowly landed: "But to be honest, I wanted to trick the Court of Origin into confronting Darkseid. This way It also saves some energy.”

"But none of us have seen the Judge of Origin, nor have we seen the hand of creation belonging to Origin." The bald man answered the words skillfully, as if he was deliberately showing off to Superman how well he and Deathstroke understand each other.

The death knell fell on the ground without splashing even a speck of dust: "You will always see it."

In front of the three people was a funnel-shaped hole. They could vaguely feel some moisture coming from the dark hole below. Under the night, there were no insects or birds. The world was as quiet as death. Even the three of them Everyone's breathing was extremely obvious.

"Is Brutus down there?" Luther adjusted his armor, raised his arm and operated on a control panel, adjusting the weapon power to the 'anti-Superman' level.

"To put it in a more magical way, I can sense the soul of the spider, and Brutus is the man possessed by the spider." Su Ming was talking casually, and first walked into the downward sloping cave, surrounded by the wasteland. After being abandoned by him.

Superman took his arm and asked a little hesitantly: "Deathstroke, answer me a question, are the indigenous residents here human beings?"

It turned out that he had been struggling with this matter for quite a while.

Without thinking, Deathstroke broke free from his grasp and said: "They all speak Cockney English, so I guess they are aliens."

I don't know if Superman needed some psychological comfort or if he really believed Su Mingde's lies. In short, he followed him quickly and used his clairvoyance ability to observe everywhere.

"There is an underground lake deep underground. It's small, but it's still a lake."

Although the underground environment was completely lightless, Superman could still see the fluorescent green lake surface. After a slight acceleration, the three of them descended nearly a kilometer and arrived at the edge of the lake.

It was so green that the lake water could be seen even from a long distance away. It was sticky, a bit like fluorescent green glue, and exuded a weird smell.

There are some mushroom-like fungi on the edge of the lake. They are very big. They have actually grown a circle of tooth-like spikes. It seems that they must be caused by mutation.

As the people landed, these mushrooms pointed their umbrella caps in the direction of the people like sunflowers, looking like they wanted to hunt.

"Who's coming?" Luther moved his neck. He hadn't done anything for a while.

"Come on, the mushroom spores and radiation pool water may be a little unhealthy for you." Superman stood up on his own initiative. He took a deep breath and blew it out slowly.

Does he have a tone? Su Ming didn't notice, but as Da Chao blew, a mist mixed with white frost surged toward the lake, and the mushrooms and lake water were all frozen, freezing them solid.

How to put it this way, Superman's two skills, heat vision and cold breathing, are the most universal, and everyone who has used them says they are good.

But it should be noted that there is no sun on Soybean Earth. Superman is now like Ultraman who can only discharge electricity. If he runs out of power, he will leave the earth and go to space to recharge.

But this good old man is still thinking about Deathstroke and Luther, as if he has never thought that both of them can actually swim in radioactive slime without suffering any harm.

After blowing in one breath, the thousands of square meters of lake in front of him turned into ice. Superman cleared his throat and looked at Deathstroke: "Then where is Brutus?"

"His private safe house is at the bottom of the lake. Originally we only needed to kill these mushrooms and dive down, but with you freezing like this, we have an extra job to break the ice." Su Ming curled the corner of his mouth downwards, and he began to imitate Batman, Superman loves to see this expression.

Clark closed his eyes: "You can tell me earlier next time."

"Let me break the ice." Luther stretched out his arm and shot a green light from the arm armor, cutting the ice into large pieces like cutting tofu, and then used a sonic weapon to shake the ice into the air and shatter it: "Okay Yes, the road is clear."

Only then did the scattered ice crystals fall on the three of them like small hailstones. At the bottom of the pit, there was a very hidden, camouflaged door that looked like a submarine hatch cover.

There was no need to go down anymore, Luther made such a big noise, and Brutus below was not dead. He jumped out on his own initiative, standing like a hero in the ice and snow.

When he saw Deathstroke and Superman, he knew that he had to fight hard and think of a suitable tactic.

For example, the bald man on the side looks quite weak, so let's use him to achieve the goal of striking first!

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