The Death Knell

Chapter 3381 The so-called tactics

The huge ball of light came into contact with the ground for just an instant, and then the sky and the earth dimmed slightly. The next moment, an even brighter light erupted than before.

The bright white shock wave is like a bubble breaking out of the liquid surface made of mercury, or like a white mushroom opening its umbrella cap. This explosion sweeps up a large amount of soil near the explosion point and rises into the air, vaporizing them all. , a huge sinkhole formed in the blink of an eye.

The shelter disappeared, and so did the canyon. After a brief explosion, there was only a smooth crater with a diameter of tens of kilometers, which was exactly the size of the ball of light lifted by the cloaked man before.

The weirdos floating in the sky waited for the dust to disperse before looking for those eating figures.

According to his opinion, he shouldn't be able to see anything.

But he saw those people still floating in the air, maintaining their posture of sitting on the ground, but they were all looking in another direction, as if something had frightened several people.

The cloaked man looked over there, but saw nothing. He fell into a brief confusion.

Because this is simply unreasonable. It is impossible for these weaklings to resist their own attacks, even if it is just a casual blow.

Why were everyone eating hot pot unscathed? After the explosion, everyone still looked at a place where no one was there?

In fact, the answer to the mystery is very simple, that is, they are not there at all.

While Deathstroke was waiting for Luthor and Superman to arrive, he had already arranged for the others to return to the Waverider, and asked them to sit on the floor in the spaceship restaurant and start a hot pot party.

The process of their eating was filmed, and then projected through Sepurk to the door of the canyon shelter to form a lifelike holographic image. This can also be regarded as an application of the power of the Inverted Sphere. Technology and magic are connected. In the past, the adjutant and the Sky Council have always been One of the research projects.

As for when Superman and Luthor arrived, Clark greeted Bobo and the others, but none of them responded. Of course, this was because Clark had no way to communicate with the adjutant. Only Su Ming could hear what the orangutan said. What was missing was a communicator.

Probably only Superman would stupidly initiate interaction with a holographic movie, right?

But Su Ming felt that Luther had actually seen through it at that time, because the bald man should have discovered that the hot pot had no smell even if it was a butter pot.

When Deathstroke asked him to eat as a joke, Luther also mentioned the red pot of spicy oil in a joking tone, which was a subtle hint that he had seen through the trick.

But at the time, he wasn't sure whether Zubardo was eavesdropping, so not only did he not tell him directly, he didn't even tell Superman.

Deception is such a thing. If you want to deceive your enemies, you must first deceive your own people.

Deathstroke is indeed a master of tactics, but Luther knows the rules. Special tactics may be very diverse, but they can't be separated from one big category, which is to deceive and sneak attacks.

Yes, the Waverider is actually somewhere dozens of kilometers away from the explosion site, maintaining an invisible state and floating on standby. After the explosion, Bobo and the others looked in the direction of the vibration and roar. Naturally, the picture doesn't quite match up.

The orangutan was talking to Deathstroke now, sitting on the floor of the spaceship's restaurant and stretching his legs, while wryly complaining:

"Slade, although you say it's safe to fish with our images, the explosion range is too large. If the round mushroom cloud expands any further, the spacecraft we are in will be involved."

"Calm down, aren't you involved?"

Su Ming, who was far away underground, watched Strangler and Cloak drinking soup. While communicating with Bobo through the air, he also gave Cloak a few energy gems so that he could drink soup while doing it:

"Everything is as expected. Zuba most likely saw Superman and Luthor and thought that Brutus was entangled with them. After all, these people would make a lot of noise if they fought. Seeing you stay on the ground again, what's going on in your mind It will give rise to the idea that you are weak and will not take any serious action."

Speaking of which, this is also a test to investigate whether Zubaduo and his way of thinking are normal.

An ordinary person with a normal mind, such as Su Ming himself, would choose to use cosmic energy rays or lamps and rings to attack when he encounters an enemy on the level of a Gotham gangster?

Of course not, because there is no need to do it. Just let Strangler fire a few shots at will.

And Zubado's choice proves his way of thinking. He is also not the kind of person who fights mosquitoes with all his strength. He just casually used some void energy to throw thunder.

The situation of Bobo and the others is not dangerous. If it is discovered that Zubado's attack method is unexpected, or there are other situations that may threaten the Waverider, the adjutant can immediately teleport them, including the people and the ship, to Sepurk. of.

After all, Harley was still on the ship, and she was carrying a spider totem.

"You'd better get rid of this guy quickly, otherwise I always feel that this soybean earth is in danger. Do you need anyone to help you?" The orangutan has also become accustomed to calling this place soybean earth. Nothing else, it's just too easy to remember. .

But even though he said that, the only people present who could really help were Firestorm and Harley. Not to mention Sarah Lance, even Cindy was a little behind. She and Poison Ivy The only problem with women is that they can't fly.

"Don't bother, I'll just take care of him myself. I'll ask Harley to help analyze his thoughts later, and the adjutant will send the observation screen to your side. Okay, the cloak has finished drinking the soup, and I'll start taking action. "

As soon as Deathstroke finished speaking, the adjutant teleported him directly to the top of the huge pit, and he also appeared in the battlefield surveillance that Bobo and the others were watching.

Although the sky was still dark at night, and the dark clouds and radiation dust meant that there would be no light here, the sudden appearance of a person in mid-air immediately attracted Zubado's attention.

Not to mention that the man raised his hand to say hello: "Hi, Zubado, have you had dinner?"

Bobo almost fell down in the distance. The little orangutan rolled his eyes and asked everyone around him: "Why does he care about whether the enemy has eaten?"

Cindy held a bunch of quail eggs in her hand and looked at the projection screen and answered: "The first thing is to determine whether this creature needs to eat and determine the possibility of a protracted fight. On the other hand, if the opponent eats something, what will happen in the fight?" It’s better to cut off where the stomach is, otherwise the scene will become very disgusting.”

The man under the hood moved his neck and spoke in standard London English: "You know I'm coming?"

He didn’t answer the question, but it’s a good thing that he can talk. At least it’s much better than the zombies he saw on Martha’s earth last time. Although they are all evil-minded powerful people, it’s important to be able to communicate.

If you can't communicate, it means your intelligence is limited and you can't read much information from your brain.

Smart people either know a lot of things or think about a lot of things, and Strangler likes this taste.

By the way, after eating the meal just now, it has actually gained the ability to eavesdrop on the communication between evil powerful people. It is probably a biological communication across the multiverse level, which is all achieved by thoughts or telekinesis. , quite sci-fi.

"I know, you ordered the Death Qiaoqiao package from me. Of course I knew you were coming to pick it up." Su Ming smiled and raised his mask, took out the Night Sword and put it together with the God Killer: "Come on , don’t be shy, come closer and let me arrange a perfect funeral for you.”

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