The Death Knell

Chapter 3392 What is business

"Since you think Nightwing is going to make a mistake, why don't you talk to him?"

Su Ming patted Damian's hand and looked into the boy's eyes, appearing to be listening very seriously.

"Dick has always regarded himself as the eldest brother. Except for the fact that he can listen to Tim's words, Jason and I's opinions are like deaf ears to him." Damian talked about the past, he smiled slightly He raised his head and sighed: "I want to talk to him, but he has been paying attention to Jason's affairs recently. You should understand what I mean."

Deathstroke nodded slowly, and touched Rice's head again, looking like he understood:

"As expected, has the wealthy young man inherited Batman's CEO style? Well, it's understandable that you don't want to go to Titan Island, but even if you want to assemble the team, you are not here, but to protect New York."

"Understood." Damian accepted this arrangement after thinking for a while, because the situation in Gotham is obviously more complicated. He has no problem, but his teammates may not be able to adapt to the style here.

Now that we are inside the clock tower, we can hear the gunshots from the outside world like firecrackers. In Gotham, even a homeless person may suddenly take out a gun and fire at strangers. This may be too exciting for Black Wally and Xiaopang.

"Okay, as long as you understand, Barbara, do you know where Batman is now? I want to ask him about Greer." Su Ming gave Damian a bag of candies with satisfaction and asked him to take it. He gave it to his teammates, and then turned his face to Barbara.

It was a cold night with heavy rain. The white porcelain cup in the girl's hand lost its heat in a short time. She didn't even take a few sips.

Her hair was scratched and messy. It was obvious that the power outage had made her a little crazy before. At this time, she was embarrassed to smooth it out with her fingers, but she remained as calm as ever:

"Grell? I can't remember how long I haven't heard anyone mention this name. But there is only one way to find Batman in Gotham at night, and that is to let him come to you, and the key prop is in the police station. On the bureau rooftop.”

"Bat lantern?" Bobo understood instantly. He took off his deerstalker hat and held it in his hand, looking at the death knell behind him: "Although the power is out, you can use the energy of the lantern ring to light up the light again."

"Very good, your thinking is clear now and you are in good condition. As a hacker, you can still be useful after the power outage, so don't pull your hair, or you will really become bald." Su Ming stood up with a smile, and also seemed to take a photo Damian patted Barbara on the head in the same way: "Calm down, think, and solve problems. It's the same from ancient times to the present."

"So you've thought of it a long time ago. Are you here just to enlighten me? You're so kind." Barbara suddenly realized it. She felt a little ashamed and accelerated the movements of her hands, combing her messy hair back into a good girl's appearance: "I I understand. Next, I will prepare a telescope and a notepad, stay in the clock tower and continue to do what I did before with the computer. If I am lucky, maybe I can find the homing pigeon."

She suddenly felt energetic and even wanted to take action immediately.

"There is no need for homing pigeons. The melatonin response of birds is the most obvious. All pigeons sleep at night." Su Ming waved his hand to signal her not to worry, and gave her a smile: "Take your time, pay attention to safety, alone It's best to lay broadsword mines in the direction facing your back. I'll leave first, and you can continue to keep watch. I'll contact you if necessary."

After saying that, he stretched out his arm to Bobo, and the orangutan slid along his arm and climbed onto his shoulder.

Then the two of them disappeared into the darkness just as they came.

"So you don't plan to find Batman first?" Bobo looked at the dock in front of him with a confused expression. Didn't he agree to find Greer? What are you doing here?

Deathstroke sighed and stuffed a cigarette into the orangutan's mouth: "It seems that you have never done any big business. Let me ask you, what is the current situation in Gotham?"

"Uh, the battlefield in the Middle East? No, the end of the world?" Bobo told a joke, and Mao had a funny expression on his face.

"Yes, then Batman may have the information I want in his hands now. If I find him now, will he use it to make a deal with me and let me help him calm down the chaos in Gotham? Because he is I suspect that I instigated the gang bosses, and he will think that I am also responsible."

The orangutan came to his senses and extended an admiring thumb:

"Although Bat will not let the Zhenglian interfere in Gotham's affairs, if it were you, it is really possible, because all Deathstrokes are considered honorary Gothamites and Star City people."

"And I don't want to deal with tens of thousands of liquid metal robots all over the city. This work is too repetitive and boring. I would rather use this time to do other things."

Su Ming laughed and walked towards the pier. The wooden boards creaked under his feet. The waves occasionally reflected the explosions in the city. He said quietly:

"I deliberately mentioned Greer in front of Luthor and Superman just to let them know that the girl might be able to solve our current intelligence dilemma."

"After Superman can't find a clue for a while, he will go to Batman to ask about Greer; and Batman will learn from Clark that Luthor and you are also investigating. If he really knows something, He will feel the threat from you, and therefore hand over the information to Superman, whom he trusts more, because there is a high probability that he himself will not be able to take action."

As expected of the little secretary, he answered quickly as always, and his eyes became sharp.

The Supreme Mage lit cigarettes for himself and Bobo, and one person and one monkey walked around on the pier while puffing away:

"That's it, so we actually just need to wait for a while, do something else, and then go find Superman and take over the information. During this time, I plan to use it to investigate these liquid metal robots and the pirated version not long ago. The Deathstroke thing.”

"So, when we come to the beach, do you plan to ask the fish to help you find Arthur for help?" Bobo looked at the dock in Gotham's southern bay. It is not far from the previous tidal power station, but this is not a cargo port, and It is an area used by Gotham's wealthy to dock their private yachts.

At a glance, even at night, these beautiful white luxury yachts are densely docked next to the complex Circular Quay. The city has become a battlefield, but the sea is still calm.

"What's the use of looking for Aquaman? His position is just a human shield. It's useless. I'm here to find a well-informed detective." Su Ming looked at the side lines of each ship speechlessly, and when he saw a name Finally, he pointed to the three-story luxury yacht about 37 meters long: "The person we are looking for is there. Let's go over and knock on the door."

Bobo squinted through the cigarette smoke and looked at the words on the side of the ship shaking on the black sea. To be precise, it was a surname, and he suddenly realized:

"It turns out you were talking about her. She is indeed a good choice."

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