The Death Knell

Chapter 3400 Being targeted

Su Ming landed on the rooftop of the police station and looked at the girl on the edge who was yelling and walking back and forth quickly. Her green hair was standing on her face due to the rain, and her black leather jacket shimmered dimly.

"Ah!!! Die!!! You all die!!! Hahaha!!! Machine, damn machine!!! Die! Die! Die!"

She roared and waved her hands, and dozens of scrapped robots below were lifted by her with magnetic force at the same time, and then they were pinched together by her, crushed into a cake, and then torn into pieces, and then crushed into a cake and torn into pieces.

Going back and forth like this, she was actually torturing these robots seriously, even though they were actually metal garbage whose signals were blocked by magnetic fields.

"Lorna? That's it. They're dead."

Su Ming approached her from behind, reminding her to save some energy, as she might have to find a way to change the earth's magnetic field later.

When she heard the sound of the death knell, she was stunned for a moment, and then slowly lowered her arm.

The aurora in the sky disappeared, and the green light mist on her body also retreated into darkness. The metal lump in the air not far away also fell to the ground, making a loud thunderous noise and creating a big hole in the road.

She glanced at Deathstroke and wanted to continue eating the remaining half of the chocolate, but her hands were shaking so much that she couldn't hold anything at all.

When the chocolate fell into the puddle on the rooftop, she squatted down and huddled up, hugged her knees and cried, whimpering like a wounded animal.

The sound was not real in the wind and rain, but it was obvious that she was extremely sad.

"Are you okay?" Su Ming squatted down, pulled aside half of the chocolate frog, and took out a new box: "Don't be nervous, it's just an ordinary mission, it's not as serious as you think. .”

However, she did not respond. She just lowered her head and stared blankly at the wet asphalt on the rooftop in front of her.

"Hey, Adjutant, is Harley asleep?" Su Ming walked to the edge of the rooftop and took a look below, confirming that Gordon and the others were out of the emotional influence, and began to negotiate with Batwoman. He chose to call for off-site assistance.

"No, Miss Quinn is feeding the cat. Do I need to contact her?" The projection appeared in the rain screen, and the eyes of the adjutant puppet moved obviously, scanning the North Star who was burying his head in tears.

"Help me use the totem to contact her. Lorna was very nervous when she arrived in a new world. She wanted to succeed too much, but she put too much pressure on herself. Now she has a mental breakdown." As soon as Deathstroke had an idea, Strangler took out a cigarette to help him. On top, another small tentacle is used to form a small black umbrella to protect the cigarette from the rain.

The adjutant just nodded in agreement, and the next second her avatar changed to Harley's. The little madman's mood at this time was exactly the opposite of Lorna's, she was laughing wildly.

"Hahahahaha, it's so itchy! You bad boy!" She rolled over on a lawn with several cats in her arms. This was obviously the cat paradise she opened on the top floor of her apartment building: "Okay, mom wants to Talk to Mi Tang, you all go and finish your meal, you know? Otherwise, you won’t grow up."

The cats' faces were all stained red by food, and they looked like they had smiling faces painted on them. They meowed, wagging their tails and walked away from the camera.

At this time, behind Harley, a thick vine dragged a human corpse that was in similar condition to the half chocolate frog into the mirror.

Just like breaking off crab legs, the powerful plants tore the two human legs into small pieces and fed them to the cats, leaving red wet marks on the grass.

"What's wrong? Honey, do you miss me so soon?" While talking, Harley watched the cats eating the corpses, showing a motherly smile: "Then finish work and come back early. Xiaohong and I will accompany you." you play."

This was still a candlelight breakfast. It was dark and there was no electricity in New York. Black Orchid was busy lighting candles everywhere. The tree planted in the middle of the house looked like it was decorated like a Christmas tree.

"The investigation is not over yet, so you killed someone again?"

Su Ming's expression is also very calm. Watching cats eat and hearing them purr is really healing.

"It's not murder, it's just that I was lucky enough to pick up cat food." Harley smiled and shook her eyebrows, lying on the grass like a cat: "We just got home, and we encountered someone who took advantage of the power outage and lurked into the house to kill him. Where are my people? Do you think it’s funny? Hehehe.”

"Oh? Do you know who he is?"

Poison Ivy is an absolutely powerful character now, not to mention Black Orchid. No matter what kind of ambush it is, considering the plants growing everywhere in Harley's house, it's all nothing.

Harley licked her lips. She took out some black urban night combat uniforms from outside the screen, showed the badges on the arms of the clothes to Deathstroke, and said:

"Although I'm not very familiar with them, this logo should be the emblem of the Supernatural Human Administration, right? Well, there are some helmets here. They are dressed like the Thunderbolt Team. If Mr. Beaver hadn't reported to me, Your little cutie might be killed by them today."

"Super Management Bureau? They should have been scrapped by the Leviathan organization a long time ago. The previous generation of directors died in explosions." Although Su Ming was not in the d universe during the time of Leviathan, what probably happened He still knows.

Anyway, I later heard from Green Arrow that it was probably Superman's father-in-law who was a general. Before he retired, he had a psychopathic agent who suddenly wanted to unify the global intelligence agency to control the world, and carried out assassinations and white terror incidents.

Since this matter looks like a civil war between Leviathan, the Eyes of the Sky, the Supervision Bureau, the League of Assassins, and the U.S. government, plus Luther also launched the Year of the Villain at that time, Su Ming also had to prepare to deal with Perpetua , didn’t mind that matter, and in the end Superman solved it himself.

"Hee hee, this is the weird part, look at this, hey hey!"

Like a kitten pulling a toy, the little lunatic lay on the grass and stretched out his hand to pull a human face from outside the camera. He held it with both hands and spread it out next to his face for Deathstroke to see:

"I forgot the name of this man, but he was a friend of Green Arrow. He was killed in the first round of Leviathan's attack on the Supervision Bureau. It is said that Louise even visited his funeral. So. When I saw him, I also felt that I might have identified the wrong person, so I peeled off his face and prepared to ask them to help me identify him during the day. My dear, do you think I did the right thing?"

"There's no need to go find someone to identify the body. Just like the pirated Death Knell I encountered before, it's probably an enemy from a parallel universe." Su Ming waved his hand to signal her not to play with the face of the deceased. It's unhygienic: "Feed the cat. I'll ask the adjutant to dispatch a team of battle nuns to stand guard over you. Just have a good rest and I'll take care of this matter."

"It's the nuns again. They are not funny at all. They don't even want to laugh. I don't want it. As long as Xiaohong is with me, that's enough. Tell me about your side. You're looking for me because of the girl behind you. Something?"

The psychiatrist talked to Deathstroke for a long time, but the girl was still sobbing. She had long realized that something was wrong.

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