The Death Knell

Chapter 3402 The enemy is in Antarctica

I chatted with Director Gordon for a while, and before he took a few puffs of cigarette, a police officer came over and said a few words in his ear. Gordon must have felt a little bit in his heart, his expression changed, and he hurriedly apologized. Gone away.

Perhaps the officers discovered Dr. Santo's identity. Perhaps the doctor had a driver's license in his wallet? Maybe someone recognized his shoes?

It doesn't matter, Su Ming's goal of returning the body has been achieved, and everything that follows has nothing to do with him.

"What did you find?" He walked around in the night rain with a cigarette in his mouth, came to Lorna's side, and leaned against the car wreckage nearby: "It would be better if you follow the magnetic field to find someone, it doesn't matter if you can't find them, I still have backup Plan and don’t put too much pressure on yourself.”

"We found it, right in Antarctica, the person we were looking for." Lorna pulled out her hand soaked in liquid metal and shook it. She straightened up and answered.

The girl seems to be in good condition, and she even talks about reverse sentences.

She is too thin, with a pointed chin, and looks like a little fox, but she has a special "style" about her, which is exactly the same as Magneto.

"As expected, it still used the earth's magnetic field? The opponent's magnetic field is not strong enough, so it was suppressed by you."

Kate's face was paler than Lorna's, perhaps because of her red hair. She looked like a vampire-like dark beauty. At this time, she touched her chin and made tentative guesses, waiting for the ability user to give her answer. A definite answer.

The earth's magnetic field, in short, is a dipole type, which is similar to placing a magnet rod in the center of the earth and passing out from near the north and south poles.

The magnetic poles do not completely coincide with the geographical poles, and there is a magnetic declination. Of course, the center of the earth is in a high temperature state, and there is no magnet bar. Instead, the magnetic field is generated by the current effect of the electrons in the outer core as the earth rotates.

Another point is that the intensity of the geomagnetic field is very weak. This is another characteristic of the geomagnetic field. At the strongest poles, the intensity is less than 10-4 (T), and the average intensity is about 0.6x10-4 (T). The change in location or time is even smaller, so (γ), that is, 10 -9 (T) is commonly used as the unit of magnetic field strength.

Batwoman also understood at this time why the girl Deathstroke found was called Polaris.

Because in ancient times, when people did not realize that the earth was a sphere, they began to use magnetic fields to guide directions, but they did not understand the specific principles.

Maybe some students asked the teacher: ‘Why does the compass always point to north? ’

Teachers in ancient times couldn't explain why and were so anxious that they scratched their heads and heads. But if they can't explain the reason, how will students teach their own students in the future? Wouldn’t this knowledge be passed on?

Sometimes application is more important than understanding. It is a human tradition to use skills that you do not understand the principles of. Don't expect primitive people to understand the principles of drilling wood to make fire.

Skills are useful, props are useful, use them first, and study the principles is a matter for later.

Maybe the teacher who was asked the question was so worried that he couldn't sleep all night, but when he looked up, he saw the stars and inspired him.

Polaris is very close to the northern extension of the Earth's axis, so people can always see it when looking at the sky at night. So the teacher had the answer and called the students to point to the sky.

"Magnetism is all brought by Polaris."

Whether there really was such a pair of masters and disciples is unknown, but the theory that Polaris is the source of magnetism is widely spread.

Even today, with the development of science and technology, the North Star is still regarded as one of the sources of magnetic fields in mysticism, and is often used by counterfeit dealers as an excuse to promote their crystals that can "regulate the human body's magnetic field."

"I don't care if he is strong or weak, as long as he is an enemy, just kill him." Polaris showed a cute smile, her style was very pragmatic.

"Slade, what do you say?" Facing the heavy rain, the orangutan raised his head and looked at the man who was deep in thought.

Su Ming picked him up, pinched the cigarette butt from his mouth and put it away: "Adjutant, teleport us to the Antarctic."


"Are you sure it was right for us to leave the Hall of Justice and come out to investigate?"

On a street somewhere in Washington, D.C., Green Arrow and Black Canary were hiding in the pre-dawn darkness. She clung to her ex-husband's arm as if she was afraid of the dark.

Women only affect the speed of archery. It is definitely a mistake to hug an archer's arm. But not only is Oliver not worried at this time, but he has a secretly happy expression on his face, enjoying the warm friction of his ex-wife.

"The enemy's attack on the Justice League means that they are coming for some of us. Remember that time when someone pretended to be Deathstroke. The second round was about those liquid metal robots."

He wiped his mustache with his free hand and squinted his eyes to look at the chaotic streets. At this time, the two of them were hiding behind a trash can, watching a lone silver machine patrolling the streets in the distance.

"So we are bait?" Black Canary tilted her mouth. She obviously didn't like being bait.

"Be happy, honey, at least we have Superman backing us up."

Oliver retracted his head from the top of the trash can, leaned against the smelly wall, smiled at his ex-wife, and told his dark plan:

"We need to liberate Washington, DC, so that politicians can mobilize the military and share the pressure for everyone in the Justice League. This is not a matter of a certain superhero, but a difficulty for all mankind. After experiencing the Barbatos incident, I realize more and more that there is power in numbers.”

To put it bluntly, they want the government to send troops to serve as cannon fodder. To put it nicely, it is to ‘share the pressure’.

Canary looked at him with blank eyes and pursed her red lips: "Is this the reason why you took the Teen Titans team and hid in the Gotham sewers for a month? Even though there are no enemies on the ground, you are still fighting against the air. Fighting bravely?"

"That's not me being cautious. I really thought that those children and I were the last hope of mankind. If something went wrong, how should I explain to everyone who died?" Oliver shook his arm and shook off the woman's hand. He took off the bow and arrow from his back and took out a special arrow.

It was a boxing glove fixed on the tip of an arrow. The glove was still green and looked like some kind of funny prop.

"Then you must have been happy then, right? You thought that if I died, you could find a younger girl, right?" Dinah's eyes suddenly became sharp, and she seemed to have completely seen through Oliver: "You really Do you regard Emiko as your sister? But why do I feel that she doesn’t regard you as my brother? Speaking of which, she has always wanted to kill me in the past..."

"That happened many years ago, and it was her mother's instruction. There is no need to dig out the past things." Oliver raised his bow and took a deep breath: "Are you ready? I'll tell you what happened in the past." They lure them here, and then it’s up to you to sing your soprano.”

"Hmph, we both almost died together in the command room. I don't want to die in a daze, why not ask? Forget it, let's start taking action, you scumbag." Black Canary was ready to fight, but she didn't say anything. Without sparing her ex-husband, she just hinted that she wanted to hear some sweet comfort.

After Deathstroke rescued them both, they left and Superboy stayed, and things changed.

Oliver started various busy tasks. One moment, he assigned tasks to some of the superheroes who arrived, another moment, he arranged for the survivors to eat and rest, another moment, he found a place to store the dead, and now he started studying the corpses of the liquid robots.

Until he left the Hall of Justice, he didn't talk to her much. She felt like she was redundant, or a follower who couldn't get a word in.

"Why have I become a scumbag?" Oliver shook his head in confusion and rolled his eyes: "Don't make trouble unreasonably. If you don't pay attention during the battle, it will only kill both of us. I haven't lived enough yet."

"You..." Dinah's face was so angry that she was speechless!

Every once in a while, the two of them would quarrel for various reasons, and the relationship that had some signs of reconciliation would be suddenly killed. This is probably a sadomasochism with deep hatred and bitterness.

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