The Death Knell

Chapter 3404 Discovery after a difficult battle




Unexpectedly, these dozens of fake Deathstrokes dared not surrender when facing Superboy Supreme. They even shouted chess terms and further launched violent resistance.

Throwing away the empty rocket launchers, these people drew out their long knives and short swords and jumped down from the roof of the building opposite, as if they were planning to fight Superboy to decide the outcome.

Superboy suddenly became happy. He quickly cleared his throat and floated into the air:

"Ahem, I admire your courage, so let's fight openly and openly! Don't be impatient, you form the formation first and then go up together, be careful not to step on your own people."

Green Arrow's sneaky ways are clearly frustrating Superboy.

What he longs for is a bloody battlefield, a big scene with big openings and closings. Hiding behind a trash can is really a bit embarrassing.

So when he saw that these fakes were going to be tough, he couldn't wait to do it, so he enthusiastically told them to pay attention to their steps when jumping off the building and not to step on others.

Although they all looked like death knells, their brains seemed to be underdeveloped. They really did not rush to attack after landing, but quietly discussed with each other:

"Superman said let us form an array first. What is an array?" A death knell poked the death knell next to him with his elbow.

"No, I don't know. Which of you knows?" The death knell who was asked scratched the top of his head with the handle of the knife, looked at the others and shook his head repeatedly.

"We are all the same. You don't know, and I certainly don't know either." The other Deathstroke was seen shrugging and spreading his hands.

"Yes, this is troublesome. What should I do if I don't understand what the enemy is saying?" One of the death knells was still anxious and kept stamping his feet.

"Never mind, General." Finally, a responsible Deathstroke appeared, and he was determined.

"Yes, general, general, hahaha..." Then everyone responded and laughed.

Their whispers are no different than shouting to Superboy. Super Hearing means he can do whatever he wants.

But at this time, he was also shocked by the degree of mental retardation of the other party. After realizing that these people had the tendency to go crazy and lose their minds, he quickly waved his hand to interrupt their chanting slogans and explained:

"Array means queuing. Do you know how to line up? If you ask me to explain what queuing is, I don't know how to describe it."

We are filming a documentary here. If the enemy is too mentally retarded, the effect of the show will be just the opposite. People will think that Superboy Prime is bullying people with intellectual disabilities.

"Stop looking down on people, we will line up and wait for the general!" a thin death knell said, then stood at attention, then took a rest, and then stood at attention again, probably because he wanted to be the vanguard.

Superboy's mouth was open, and he stared blankly at the Deathstrokes, who lined up in small steps, looked to the right and then forward, and then played counting.

He rubbed his eyes, thinking that he was hallucinating, but no matter how much he denied the reality, the group of death knells were indeed practicing on the battlefield...

Embarrassed, super embarrassed, Superboy had an urge to complain, but thinking that the camera of Channel 52 might be taking a close-up of himself, he could only keep a sunny smile.

The morning light on Earth 0 today is a bit dazzling!

In short, after more than ten seconds of tossing, the death knells finally lined up in a row and surrounded each other with swords, and continued to perform various moves, just like street performers.

But Superboy has been amnesty, is it finally going to start?


The voices of the many death knells were very neat. They shouted slogans and then swarmed forward.

The eyes of Superboy, who was floating near the ground, shone brightly. As his head turned, two heat visions swept from the left front of Deathstroke to the right rear.

The work was over, the melted asphalt on the ground was still emitting light green smoke, and these death knells were all dead in an instant, and they could no longer die.

Because the high temperature burned the wound section, the skin, flesh and trachea were carbonized, and no blood flowed out, so the scene was not very bloody.

But it doesn't matter, the battle process is a bit sloppy, but Superboy knows that there is always editing to make up for it. He has recently taken some directing courses by himself, and knows that what he has to do now is to shoot the ending scene of the battle.

So he turned around and floated higher, making his side face appear more light and shadow in the morning sunshine. With a faint smile, he said firmly in a hearty and heroic tone:

"What a tenacious opponent. Our battle has always been so difficult, but! As one of the strongest superheroes on earth, it is my duty to face danger! I must protect everyone, even if it means risking my life!" "

Quiet, it is always particularly quiet in the morning when there is no electricity and no one goes out. A crow flies in the sky. The moment it sees Superboy, it tucks its tail between its legs and runs for its life.

It didn't even dare to call out, because the atmosphere on the ground was too awkward, and if it made a sound it would probably be silenced.

"...Oh, am I not keeping up with the times? Now all superheroes must have psychotic attributes?" Green Arrow poked his head out from behind the trash can with a numb face. He only saw the little boy. Superman slaughtered those people without mercy.

A flash of red light was all over, where was the fight?

There was only one massacre. After killing so many people, Superboy started performing in a deserted place as if he was still ill. What kind of medicine did Deathstroke from another world give him?

But Superboy didn't care when he heard Green Arrow's complaints. He put the rockets he was holding on the side of the road and stacked them neatly, and waved to Oliver:

"Come on, my friends, I just killed all the robots on this street. You can come over and check these fake Deathstrokes."

"Whenever...that's right, I can't see the speed of light." Green Arrow climbed up from his ex-wife speechlessly and reached out to help the woman he was protecting: "Come here, don't worry yet... .hiss!"

However, after helping his ex-wife up, Oliver took a breath of cold air, because at this time Dinah's face was covered with all kinds of rotten or half-digested things, looking like the 'Clayface' from Gotham. It felt like shit on the face, and it was a bird no smaller than an ostrich.

Canary raised her hand to push away the mud between her eyes, then sprayed out two small mud balls from her nostrils, staring at him angrily.


Before he could say anything, his ex-wife slapped him in the face. Then she cried and went to another corner to wipe her face.

She didn't want to talk because she was afraid that if she opened her mouth, she would eat something she didn't want to eat.

Oliver swallowed and couldn't find how to defend himself. He could only walk out of the alley with a palm mark on his face and came to Superboy's side with a sigh.

He smiled bitterly at the latter's sympathetic pat on the shoulder, but immediately squatted next to the corpse to inspect it and entered a professional state.

"These death knells are all fakes, and they may be clones from another world." He took off each other's masks one by one to ensure that they all looked the same: "Their brains are not fully developed, and they don't even recognize you. Very It may be cannon fodder that was thrown out of some equipment in advance. It seems that our enemy is a little anxious."

Superboy nodded silently, showed a thoughtful expression, and added:

"They keep calling General, General. Is there any parallel world where chess is used to represent combat effectiveness?"

Green Arrow was almost stunned by such an unexpected thought. He opened his mouth and sighed:

"No, that's just a catchphrase. It's the most cliche joke. Except for the Deathstroke we know, all the other Deathstrokes like this word."

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