The Death Knell

Chapter 3416 Catch the big fish

Apparently, the mad doctor still hadn't recovered from his illness until the war started.

The bald man opened his mouth, as if he had heard a cruel truth that he could not accept.

It turns out that these tourists who entered the maze didn't care about the escape room itself at all. They just wanted his body, and they even prepared black diamonds to capture him alive!

It's too dark. There are no such dark people on Apokolips.

How could they dictate the maze while harboring evil intentions? Isn't one's own labyrinth the most noteworthy thing in the multiverse?

This was a scam from the beginning. It’s so despicable. Humans on earth... no, including orangutans, they are all the scum of the universe!

But it was too late to realize it at this time. As a scientist, when he saw Deathstroke walking toward him with a lightsaber in hand, his first reaction was not how to fight, but how to escape.

Yes, in terms of frontal combat effectiveness, he can't even compare to the previous Nadakseid statue. His strengths lie in poisons and technology, as well as brainwashing and mind control technology.

But mind control and poison have already been tried in the maze.

During the journey of these three humans and one orangutan, the mad doctor tried to control these people with psychic powers countless times, but never succeeded.

The invisible psychic tentacle stretched out, but it seemed to hit an invisible cold wall. Not only was it in vain, but it also made him feel unbearable pain.

As for paranoia medicine, he has also tried it. Whether it is solid or gaseous, placed in food or drinks, the death knell can recognize it and eat and drink it without leaving any trace.

The amount of medicine Deathstroke had eaten and deliberately inhaled was enough to turn people on a planet into lunatics, but he didn't show any symptoms. Damn it!

Is this really an ordinary human being?

"What are you thinking about? Are you wondering why I took so many paranoid drugs but didn't show any symptoms?" Deathstroke's one eye drifted closer like a red will-o'-the-wisp, and the hoarse and gloomy voice came from behind the mask: "Or... , are you actually thinking about your escape route? Do you want to use the sonic blast channel? Or do you plan to possess the orangutan?"

"I won't possess that orangutan even if I die!" The mad doctor flatly refused, blurting out without any thought, and even showed a look of disgust: "He has no taste at all, he is a liar, and a hairy maggot! "

"Oh, then you will starve to death. If you jump from here, you won't be possessed by Bobo, right?" Deathstroke laughed like a demon. After confirming with the mad doctor first, he turned to look at The orangutan standing sideways on the wall in the distance said: "My hairy secretary, do you know what to do?"

If it were anyone else, they might not understand what riddle Deathstroke was telling.

But the orangutan detective has a deep understanding of the Law of True Fragrance. He completely understood this, so he raised his hand proactively: "Adjutant, please teleport me out first."

The space shook and the orangutan disappeared. He was taken out to rest first.

At this time, the lightsaber in Su Ming's hand was playing tricks. He looked at the mad doctor who kept retreating and said: "Despite the interference of the X metal, there is no possibility that you can possess the orangutan from the beginning, but I still He’s hiding, is he desperate?”

"What kind of monster are you?"

The mad doctor kept pressing a remote control, but the sonic boom channel did not appear to pick him up. You could see that the sweat on his bald head had already fallen down:

"Even Superman can't ignore my potion, and he will still be controlled by me. How did you do it?"

The death knell opposite holds a sword in his right hand and a black diamond in his left hand, throwing it up and down:

"The sonic blast channel is technology, and this is the original dimension of witchcraft. It is also the source of multi-level magic. Although the sonic blast channel is good, it is almost meaningless if you use it."

"Why?!" Scientists like to ask why, and the mad doctor blurted out this line.

But why is there so much magic? This is the ability to transform thoughts into reality, so Su Ming shook his head:

"If you are so curious about my secret, why not come to this stone first, and when I get home, I will find some enthusiastic uncles and aunties to chat with you slowly? They are all powerful spellcasters, and they especially like to delve into things they don't understand. creatures, such as you."

While the two sides were talking, Lorna had already destroyed all the robots, and the strong magnetic force crushed the poor robots into a ball.

I don't know when she learned the 'Tai Chi Noodle Technique'. I can only see her flattening and rounding the mercury-like metal ball in the air, while looking at the person not far away with a yandere-type look. The mad doctor seemed to be planning to extract the metal ions from his body.

The rolling sky and ground are moving closer to each other, the sky and the earth are rotating upside down. The walls may be the ground one second and the ceiling the next, and the space for people to move is getting smaller and smaller.

I don’t know where this bald man is the host individual that the mad doctor found, but his physical fitness is really not that good. He is almost the same as an ordinary demon, and he has no wings.

Both Deathstroke and Batwoman were pressing forward step by step with black diamonds in hand, and he was escaping by rolling and crawling through various obstacles that suddenly appeared. At a glance, some people may think that the pursuer is the villain, but at a glance, some people may think that the pursuer is the villain. He is just a middle-aged office worker who meets bad guys on the road.

"Don't come over here!"

The mad doctor let out a cry from the heart. His expression was like that of a woodchuck, a bald woodchuck.

"Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. This space is under my control. Where can you run?" Deathstroke sighed, and he snapped his fingers, and the blocks on the Mad Doctor's escape path were pushed away like a tsunami. Back: "Surrender, you are not a New God, but an idea born in the universe. Why follow Darkseid's path to darkness?"

The mad doctor still wanted to get up and run away, but the surrounding environment had formed a dam and rolled around him. The space was compressed to the point where it could only accommodate a few people standing at the same time, and the weapon of the death knell was already placed on his arm. on the neck.

Although he didn't know why, he felt a kind of malice from this equally incorporeal weapon, the kind of chaotic thoughts that treat everything as a joke.

"You want me to surrender?"

"Don't ask nonsense. You still have three seconds. Please cooperate and explain where those clones and the Darkseid statue came from." Su Ming removed his mask and looked at the sweat on the middle-aged man's face. he urged again.

"Don't expect me to surrender! Although I am a scientist and not a soldier, I am still glorious! Darkseid Heng...!"


He talked too much nonsense and wanted to shout slogans. For a person who wanted to commit suicide or self-destruction, the foreplay was too long, causing Batwoman behind him to stab him directly with the black diamond in his hand. he.

Batwoman doesn't kill, so she stabs where the flesh is thickest.

When the sharp black crystal penetrated the flesh, it made a dull sound, and then everyone saw a faint purple shadow, like a rag being rolled into a drain pipe, swirling and being sucked into the black diamond.

The middle-aged bald man who lost his controller fell limply to the ground as if he had lost his bones.

"Strangler, check this spirit host."

Just in case, Su Ming asked Hangsha to examine the brain under the Mediterranean hairstyle.


Strangulation means that this person is already brain-dead and is completely in a vegetative state. He can only read darkness.

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