The Death Knell

Chapter 3419 The old man’s new outlook

The orangutan went to look for the clothes of the raiding troops, while Su Ming negotiated with the cats and exchanged ham sausages and canned fish for a few dead heads they were playing with.

At this time, these heads were all chewed into pits, and their faces all looked like Wade's, with no trace of what they looked like in life.

But that's not important. It doesn't really matter who they are. The main thing is to know where they come from.

Before they died, and their brains hadn't turned into blood and flowed out from their seven orifices, they quickly let the strangulation take a few bites.


The first dead head, strangled, tasted something wrong and said it tasted wrong. These were also clones, and they didn't taste as tasty as the wild varieties.

Translated into normal human language, it means that this guy's memory only lasts a few hours, and the information is not nutritious.

The owner of this head had the memory of seeing a blue-gray-skinned weirdo with a lewd smile standing by the sink when he first opened his eyes. He released them one by one from the nutrient solution, and then used a strange device to instill loyalty into them. Darkseid's subconscious instructions then sent them out to perform the mission.

But Harley was wrong. These guys weren't here for her.

Their real target is Poison Ivy, and they're carrying some kind of super weed killer as a trump card.

Unfortunately, the person who gave them the order misjudged Harley's combat effectiveness and did not know that she had a heavy power hammer given to her by Su Ming.

Harley can easily use Mjolnir without professional training. This is the bug she found in the editor's chat card. As long as it is a hammer, she can pick it up and play no matter how heavy it is, and she can also use it to knock Batman and Superman on the head. level of combat effectiveness.

Harley with or without a hammer has two different situations. When she uses a gun, she is like a street girl, but when she has a hammer, she is like a lunatic among the mad berserkers.

Why were these cats eating carcasses so silky smooth in previous videos? Didn't Harley break all those people's bones?

That is, she still remembered to save their heads for hanging, so she did not hit their heads.

"Desad sent them here, but didn't you see the specific location of the base?" Su Ming touched the strangled black bean sprouts and gave it another head to see if there was any difference: "Speaking of which, why did it start from The skin of Lao Di seen from these dead people’s perspective is bluer, shouldn’t it be gray?”

Desaad's chin is too pointed and looks a bit vulgar when he smiles ferociously. However, the face shape seen through these dead people's memories is fine, but his skin color is wrong.

Speaking of Lao Di, his position in Apokolips is similar to that of the butler, and he is also a bit like the chief accuser of the Marvel Kree people next door.

He has the right to interfere in military, administrative, diplomatic and other directions, and he does them well.

He is also the top torture expert and sadist in the universe. He manages Darkseid's prison. He has the final say on who is thrown into the fire pit and burned and who is left to be cut into pieces for fun.

Unless something particularly important requires special handling, Uncle Da usually leaves these trivial matters to Desaad.

In addition, this sharp-tongued old man also has some talent in science and technology. He once resurrected the sacrificed Steppenwolf and strengthened the latter.


Strangler said that there may be something wrong with the eyes of these clones, just like cloning Superman and cloning Deathstroke. The mother of these people may be a person with particularly good eyesight, but the cloned person is color blind.

"For the time being, we don't care whether Disad has a new mutation, or it is another homotopic in another multiplicity. Let's first look at the memory in this second brain."

Another dead head that looked like Wade was fed to the strangulation.


It means that it is still the same, except that the angle of sight is different, what happened to the second person is exactly the same as the first person.

Strangler didn't wait for the host to feed it. From the remaining seven dead heads, it separated seven different tentacles and inserted them into the eye sockets of each head to connect to the brain.


But the result was not good. Douya shook his head repeatedly. These people were a batch of clone warriors. They didn't know any key information. Looking at their combat effectiveness, it could be said that they were all trash.

In addition to letting Su Ming know that it was Desaad who had been using clones to cause trouble, another news he also learned was that they might want to target the Green of All Things.

So blatantly, there is a high probability that their base is located in a barren place without any plants.

Another point worth noting is that it is currently known that Desaad cloned Superman because that was Darkseid's favorite, and cloned Deathstroke because he was regarded as the new biggest threat.

But the mother of this clone is just an ordinary passerby, and there is no comparison at all. Why did Desard choose him?

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster, so remember it first.

"Bobo, I haven't gained anything here, what about you?"

Su Ming stood up and walked out from behind the tree. He specifically avoided Lorna's sight. Although the mutants in Marvel had a bad life in the past, a world like DC where everything can eat people is obviously not suitable for them. It tastes a bit heavy to her.

At this time, Polaris didn't know where to put her hands. She wanted to pet the cats, but she was troubled by the fact that these cats had eaten dead people. She could only stand under the tree and watch the cats walking around gracefully.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the cats themselves. They are just hungry and want to eat. Their owner, Harley, is used to feeding them corpses. However, as the host of the symbiote, Su Ming has no position to say that she is the one.

Just remember that these cats pose no danger to living humans.

The orangutans were looking through the clothes and weapons piled in the corner. After Harley killed the people, Poison Ivy used vines to tear off their equipment and throw it here.

At this time, it was covered with blood and various unknown bodily fluids. There were also several cats surrounding it, breathing in the smell of the clothes like salted fish.

This made Bobo, who had his back to them, feel creepy: "After you finish checking those people's heads, come here quickly! A cat just blew into the collar of the back of my neck!"

"They are just domestic cats. They can only catch a mouse at most. Your size has long been out of their hunting range." Su Ming came to him with a cigarette in his mouth amusingly, squatted down and patted the orangutan on the shoulder comfortingly: "Here. Feed this to them, and you will be their good friend from now on."

As he spoke, Deathstroke took out a sealed iron can from his pocket and asked Bobo to feed it to the cat.

"Is this catnip?"

The orangutan opened the lid of the box and recognized the thing. He looked at the death knell curiously and threw the jar far away. Almost all the cats rushed to the landing point of the jar in an instant. Bobo suddenly felt relaxed:

"I always thought you were a tough guy, but I didn't expect you would like to raise cats when you are not doing tasks."

"That's because you haven't seen a creature called the Yuan Devouring Beast. This is my backup plan just in case." Su Ming shook his head, indicating that the orangutan should work after eliminating the interference: "In addition, I also want to Diana tried catnip on Leopard Girl."

"It feels like you are trying to persuade Xiao Dai to give addictive drugs to his old enemy. This is too dark. Fortunately, I am a good person, orangutan, and I don't have to suffer what these poor villains have to suffer, which is to be tortured by you."

The orangutan squatted down, holding his pipe in his mouth and sighed. There was no cat sniffing at him, and he quickly entered the state of a professional detective.

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