The Death Knell

Chapter 3423 A gift from heaven?

"Come and see what gifts I have brought you, gentlemen."

Luthor, who was wearing a gray suit, tilted his chin and swaggered into the house carrying the body of a Superman. He first nodded to Deathstroke and Bobo, then looked at Harley and the others with a smile, and said in a reserved but arrogant tone. :

"And ladies, good morning, how was everyone's rest after returning from another multiverse last night? Nights without electricity are always particularly quiet."

Bobo, who was huddled in a pile of dirty clothes on the sofa, twisted his mouth and replied in a sinister manner:

"It's so funny. We haven't slept at all. If you have any good news, just tell me. Otherwise, give me some time to listen to Shengzhihong's story."

The bald Luther turned sideways and avoided Harley's little hand that wanted to grab the cat food. He smiled and told her to be calm and give it to her when Superman's body was used up.

Then, this indifferent scientist continued to explain to Bobo and Deathstroke:

"The Red of All Living Beings is not omnipotent, but human beings have infinite possibilities. For example, I saw you bring Black Orchid to Soy Earth before. Is that how the death knell named it? I guessed that you are using the Red of All Living Beings. Red’s authority tracked down Dr. Santo.”

Bobo, who believed more in the mysterious power, rolled his eyes, held a cigarette in his mouth and raised his legs:

"So? Tell me something I don't know."

"So, I didn't rest after being separated from everyone. Instead, I returned to my territory and made a device that can replace the red of all living things to track living creatures." Luther took out a box of high-end cigars from his suit and threw it to Bobo told him to shut up, and then grabbed the hair of the carrying body and asked him to raise his face for everyone to see.

The deceased was bleeding from all his orifices and could not close his eyes. It was probably the fake that Superboy-Prime had hit on the moon before, but he had missed the wound.

"Can you do this kind of thing?" Harley opened her eyes wide and looked Luther up and down: "You seem to have become stronger, little Lailai. You were always stupid before."

Being called stupid by a spirited girl, several black lines seemed to slide down Luther's head. He took a deep breath:

"You may have some misunderstanding about mankind's strongest scientist, Harley, and we haven't known each other well before. Don't scream so disgustingly."

"Haha! You lied again! Liar little Lailai, you are so hypocritical."

Harley patted Luther on the back and showed no intention of changing his words:

"In the past, the annual 'Super Villain' convention was held in Gotham. You attended every year and always sat in the front row of VIP seats, while I was always the host and presenter. Remember? We We are old acquaintances, there is no need to deny it, my honey will not be jealous."

After saying this, she looked at Deathstroke asking for advice, wanting to confirm his thoughts.

"Super Villain Annual Meeting?" Su Ming repeated this sentence on the side, his expression became a little strange: "I always thought that only Arkham patients have gatherings every year, but it turns out that this annual meeting invites people from all over the world. Of?"

"Times have changed, dear. The madmen in Gotham have fallen into a bottleneck period in recent years. They can hardly think of new games to play with Batman! Therefore, we should conduct more extensive external cooperation and exchanges and look for opportunities in business direction. A new blue ocean is very necessary.”

Little Jelly Bean, who suddenly transformed into a businessman, raised his finger and spoke seriously about the conference, but the topic completely went astray:

"For example, Lailai once sold the technology of cloning Superman to Black Mask. If Jason Todd, that bad boy, hadn't destroyed the cloning base worth billions, brutally killed him with kryptonite and cultured him in green water. Superman clone sleeping in the tank, otherwise we could see another round of Bat-Battles in Gotham."

The corners of Luther's mouth turned up slightly. He did not deny it, but raised his chin higher, looking very proud.

He has always been bold and bold, and that happened last year, long gone.

"It's a tribute to a classic, it's a yes." The orangutan who was listening said it backwards, but squinted his eyes in the smoke: "But did we mention cloning Superman just now? So now you are here Darkseid Is the technology being used passed down by you, Lex?”

After receiving the high-end cigars, Bobo's name for Baldhead changed from Luther to Lex, which sounded a lot more friendly.

The smile on the bald face grew wider. He looked at the orangutan detective with admiration. He held the body on his shoulders and spread his hands to show that he was showing off:

"Good reasoning. I have always known that you are very smart, Bobo. You are right. In all the worlds we know so far, no one knows how to clone Superman better than me."

I don't know why, but there was a sense of rhythm in his words. Although his tone was still calm, after he said it like this, he seemed to have an irresistible persuasiveness.

"Okay, Lex, don't show off here. The Red of All Beings has also given the answer. They can also find a world where clones can be made."

Su Ming hung up the call from Green Arrow and signaled Luther not to carry the corpse around. Everyone saw that he brought a Superman corpse, so there was no need to show off like this:

"What help can you provide us that the Red of All Beings cannot provide?"

"I just came here, and I don't know where I told you about the Red of All Beings?" After making sure that everyone saw that the dead Superman was in his hands, Luthor threw the body aside like garbage and got rid of it. Li’s nonsense harassment, let’s get straight to the point.

The orangutan on the sofa nearby listened to Alba's story, his eyes turned into the shape of dead fish, and said to the bald man:

"We just talked about the Cretaceous period here."

Lex Luthor twisted his mouth. After turning into a new hybrid human from Mars and Earth, his limbs and facial features could all change like plasticine, so the arc of his smile was particularly wide, like a √ symbol:

"Are you telling me a joke? Thank you, it's very funny. But happy times always pass very quickly, let's talk about something serious now. Not only did I help everyone lock down another earth where the enemy makes clones, but I You can also send everyone there and provide a full set of tactical assistance. How does it compare to the Red of All Beings?"

Su Ming was noncommittal. He let Zhuo Zhu taste the Superman brain on the ground. After finding that it was also almost blank, he looked at the bald man again:

"What do you want from being so eager to help?"

"Some samples of the New Gods of Apokolips that changed after traveling outside the multiverse are alive. In addition, I also need dozens of tons of liquid metal robots for research. You know, my current body can transform, but my old armor cannot With the changes, we need some new materials to make new clothes. Since X metal is owned by you, I can only settle for the next best thing."

Luther openly stated his needs. Of course he would not oblige to help, but what he asked for was just a little bit of scraps that leaked out of Deathstroke's fingers.

Su Ming glanced at Black Orchid, who was still recounting the story of Red of All Beings with her eyes closed, and raised her hand to high-five Luther:

"make a deal."

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