The Death Knell

Chapter 3429 Peer Involution

As soon as these words came out, the Watt Company personnel present were not very happy, and it was clear that they were going to choke.

Someone actually wants to have a hand in the superhero industry, and this person needs to be killed.

However, looking at the reporters outside the window with their faces pressed against the glass, the manager in a suit still maintained his demeanor. He looked at Su Ming, turned his face sideways and gritted his teeth and said:

"Sir, please leave. Starlight has a training agreement with us. She participated in our Vought company's youth superhero training camp, completed several tasks, and was finally selected to join the Fantastic Seven to replace the retired 'Jupiter' Hunter', this is a great opportunity, don't hinder her future."

But the one-eyed man seemed not to hear the threat in his words. He just calmly took his female companion to the sofa, found a place to sit down, and looked at the young girl named Anne Zhanuri.

She is very beautiful, and she belongs to the petite and cute girl-next-door type. However, with her blond hair and the blank expression on her face, she looks like a standard American sweetheart, silly and sweet.

Isn't it true that in this kind of world she actually wants to be a chivalrous superhero, protecting the people and fighting evil?

There is no one more stupid than her.

"Annie, I can call you this. What those of us who run companies say is only secondary. The key is to see what you think. If you want to be a superhero who helps people in distress and protects the earth, then my Sky Group is you. the best choice."

The girl was still in a daze. She had never heard of Tianqiong Group, and it was too tempting for her to join the seven-person group. Those people had been her idols since she was a child.

Although Su Ming knows that none of those people are actually good birds, in terms of publicity and packaging, the Seven's reputation on this earth is higher than Zhenglian's reputation on Earth 0.

People live in an information cocoon. The media channels controlled by Walter Corporation have been instilling the impression that their superheroes are all good people for many years. How has a small-town silly girl like Annie ever seen such a routine?

"She's still young and doesn't have any ideas, just tell me." Anne's mother blocked her daughter and opened her arms like a hen guarding her children, as if she was afraid that the new man would do something to her baby.

But Su Ming, who has read the comics, knows that Anne, the mother, is just a greedy housewife, and is not as great as she appears at all. She is just putting on a show for the reporters who are filming secretly outside the window.

When Annie was young, this woman took the money from Walter Company and sent her daughter to do experiments on Compound No. 5, and also had her body modified.

Next, like any mother who plans to train her daughter to be a beauty queen, she trained Annie in the direction she planned.

The girl grew up in this environment, with her mother telling her the same thing all the time: 'You want to be a superhero, you have to be a superhero. ’

The translation is, ‘You want to be a beauty champion and make a lot of money in the future.’ It’s so simple.

There is nothing wrong with people loving money, but this mother wants to destroy her daughter. Annie's life goal is to become a so-called superhero, and she has no other life skills.

As for why she wanted to be a superhero, she had never thought about it herself. She only knew the formulaic answer - superheroes are good people and people who protect the people.

She believed this to be true, so when she first joined the Fantastic Seven in the comics, she encountered a very tragic fate and was forced to 'service' those mentally ill people with her mouth.

Although Su Ming felt that it should be an opportunity for her to awaken her personal consciousness and independent thinking, that was only a high-dimensional perspective.

There are many ways for a person to understand the world. Since he has caught up with this time, there is no need for the girl to go through that again.

"That's fine, Mrs. Zhanuri, I know you once signed a 'vehicle' agreement with Walter Company, but that's not a problem. Legal matters will naturally be resolved by lawyers. I'm here to provide you mother and daughter with a more Good contract."

"Wait, madam, I have to remind you, Walter Company will not allow..." The ignored company dog ​​on the side wanted to say something more, but the strangulation had already slipped along the carpet and into his trousers.

Without anyone seeing it, the symbiote penetrated into the skin of his ankle and immediately took complete control of his nervous system, turning him into a mute who couldn't move. He could only watch the one-eyed man smile with half a smile. looked at him with an expression.

"Ah, it seems that this friend from Walter Company has nothing to say, shall I continue?"

"Say it, I'm listening."

The middle-aged woman rubbed her hands quickly. After all, the price of the daughter she has raised for so long depends on today's sale.

"I have also said before that I will pay double whatever price Walt Company offers. If your previous contract has liquidated damages, I will help you pay it. It is not easy for you to raise a superhero, and Annie After working, I may have very little time to go home and spend time with you, so I will give you a large settlement allowance..."

"How much?"

The woman's nose was flaring, her breathing was rapid, and the skin on her throat was surging up and down. She was wearing a red flower low-necked dress today. Although her figure had long been out of shape and put on weight, she was so excited that her chest below her neck was filled with blood, as if Some kind of climax was reached.

The wealthy Su Ming did not show off. He held a cigar in his mouth and leaned back strategically on the back of the sofa. He crossed his legs and blew out a puff of smoke:

"Five million dollars, plus a 3,000-square-meter house and the car outside the door. If Annie does a good job, our company will also give you a 'Hero Mother' subsidy every month. This But it’s a long-term and good treatment.”

Annie's mother is a bit annoying, and it's actually easy to trick her to death. However, the little girl's father has run away from home long ago and is missing. She has only her mother as her only relative...

So whether it's better to keep this greedy fat woman and use it as a handle to control Annie, Su Ming's methods can certainly be more 'humane' than those of Walter Company.

"Deal! Where is the contract?"

If the money hadn't been here, I'm afraid her eyes would have burst out from her sockets due to intracranial high pressure. She was so excited that she couldn't control herself, so she took Deathstroke's hand and sold her daughter.


The girl was shocked. She didn't expect her mother to agree so impulsively after hearing the stranger's offer. Although the money was a lot and the car outside the door was also very luxurious, she... My dream is to join the Fantastic Seven!

But she was wrong. Children's dreams are often something that can be ignored by parents.

Deathstroke pretended to take out the prepared contract from his clothes. In fact, the adjutant had just sent it through the spider network. The ink was not dry yet. He handed it to Mrs. Zhanuri to sign, and then looked at Anne:

"Don't worry, girl. In fact, it is the best choice for you to join Tianqiong Group. At least we provide dental and medical insurance. Can you read the contract first and then shout "Long Live Hydra?"

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