The Death Knell

Chapter 3433 A little reasoning

The flight was relatively long, but the happy time was always short-lived. When the helicopter landed on the rooftop of a high-rise building in New York City, Bobo still looked a little unfinished.

"How can a person be folded in half and stuffed into a cracker barrel? This is unreasonable."

It was a piece of surveillance that I just saw. In it, a person in a tight suit, maybe drunk too much, killed a passerby and stuffed it into a small iron bucket. The orangutan's focus fell on the physical size. Not equal.

"Is there anything impossible about this? Have you never seen an urn?" Su Ming got off the plane with a smile and waved to the Zhongsi students who greeted him on the rooftop: "We only saw the result of the victim entering the box. I didn’t see the process, so it’s not surprising that superpowers can instantly cremate people.”


Before she had even taken two steps, the sound of vomiting came from behind her. When she turned around, she saw that Annie was kneeling on the ground holding on to the landing gear of the helicopter, vomiting.

Because the information the adjutant showed her was so disgusting. She was just an ordinary small-town girl. How had she ever seen such darkness?

The vomiting was more like a psychological disgust that extended to a physical reaction.

Polaris sat speechlessly inside the helicopter. Logically speaking, she should come down and comfort the poor girl a little.

But who knows what Annie ate for breakfast, and what she vomited out was a yellow-green sticky substance. Lorna couldn't accept it, so she didn't want to eat it.

"It looks like it should be the color of some kind of green juice. It seems like this girl's mother is really training her to be a beauty champion. Does she only drink vegetable juice in the morning?"

At this time, Bobo is the most experienced. After all, he is the bar owner. No one has seen more people vomiting than him. Coupled with his keen insight as a detective, he can restore what the vomit was before.

Of course, this skill sounds useless, but detectives always have to know a little bit about everything.

The graceful orangutan behaved very well. He jumped out of the warm embrace of the death knell, came to the girl's side, and patted her back gently. He didn't say anything, but at this moment, it was worth a thousand words.

Ten seconds later, Starlight, whose eye makeup was completely gone and her lipstick was incomplete, and whose face looked like a ghost, raised her head and looked at the enthusiastic black-furred animal with tears in her eyes:

"They're a bunch of demons, aren't they?"

"In addition to the superheroes of Vought, there are also super-powered terrorists scattered around the world."

Su Ming, who interrupted, asked a few female students to take the girl to wash up and change clothes. At the same time, he reached out to rescue Polaris from the door blocked by vomit:

"Annie, go clean up first. I'll wait for you in the office on the top floor. Then we'll discuss how to stop these beasts, maintain world peace, and let people live and work in peace and contentment."

The new building purchased by the adjutant is good. It is a 45-story new building. Although it has not been transformed into a fortress and it should not be able to block nuclear bombs, it is no problem to make do with it.

Entering the spacious office on the top floor that looked like a ballroom, he placed Bobo on the boss's desk and took out some snacks and drinks for Polaris. Su Ming sat on the tall leather chair and turned it to face Outside the window, I looked at the familiar and unfamiliar city below.

In the streets and alleys, whether it is a huge billboard in a crowded place or a cheap promotional poster on the wall behind the trash can in an alley, almost all of them are promotional materials for the Seven and Watt Company.

When you turn on your computer, you will see their advertisements on the default browser homepage. When you open your refrigerator, even on the pure water, there are endorsement photos of the Seven.

The famous big screen in Times Square alternately played promotional videos of The Seven and Vought. The presidential election probably didn’t have such a large amount of publicity.

To be honest, the density of this advertising is comparable to those who opened the door and applied for licenses in the corridor of the house Su Ming rented in his previous life.

"Chief, you haven't said why you are staring at the people of the motherland."

The projection of the adjutant's bust floated to the side. She was curious about how this game was played. She was originally looking for Desaad, but why did she suddenly start playing something else.

"Because Luther said that Darkseid's cloning technology is likely to be the version he used in the past, so there will be some problems. Simply put, it is the difference in the technology tree route."

Su Ming looked at the sky outside the window and slowly closed his eyes, as if feeling the warmth of the sun shining on his body:

"Whether Darkseid or Desaad, they used to use Apokolips technology, which is an advanced system powered by burning souls in a fire pit and transmitting energy and information through the Omega effect. It plays like the New Protoss. Set. As for Luther’s technology, it’s the standard Earth technology tree, and it’s the kind that climbs very high. What do you think Uncle Da and Lao Di will do?”

It is unlikely that they will learn human technology from scratch. After all, except for human cloning technology, Luthor's old technologies in the past are lackluster, and Darkseid does not like them at all.

In order to eat a bite of garlic, do you need to make dumplings? And I don’t even have a rolling pin at home.

If you have to play Cloning Superman and eat this garlic, then compare the input and output, and just order someone else's dumplings for takeout.

"Do you mean to suspect that Vought is using human technology to help Darkseid achieve cloning technology?"

The adjutant finally figured it out, and she hit her palm with her small fist.

Not to mention anything else, she has been following the Sheriff for decades, and the Cybertron technology she carries has not been fully integrated with the human technology of 40K Earth. Even though she has been researching it, without the fire source and leader module , a self-aware deformed battleship still cannot be built.

The Sheriff wanted to play with a Macross that could transform itself. He called it a screwdriver, but the Deputy couldn't create another Cybertronian herself, and she always felt ashamed.

This is caused by the differences in the technology tree, as well as Vanaheim's flying boat technology.

It was an aircraft based on the energy of the World Tree, and if a sailing boat made by human technology was not equipped with a set of technological equipment derived from runes, it would never be able to fly in this life.

Not to mention Sepurk, which is still running independently to this day. It contains artificial celestial bodies, galaxy control, material deformation and other technologies that the adjutant cannot realize again on the earth.

There are many more besides. In the past few days, the Sheriff got back the memory of Peppertua, which is the technological system of the Hand of Creation; the library of Transcendence Protoss captured by Doom contains the technological inheritance of Transcendence Protoss. ; The wreckage of the Celestials captured a long time ago, which also contains a large amount of technology; the magic energy engineering of the Burning Legion brought back from Azeroth.

It is not that there is no progress in the reverse engineering of these technologies, but for a vast and complete technological system, the technology she cracked is just scraps, and she is more specialized in the field of warfare.

But correspondingly, the adjutant can immediately use the human technology obtained from the Warhammer universe and the Star Wars universe.

Except that she still couldn't figure out what kind of existence the machine soul was, she had no problem making any technological items in those two worlds.

Seeing that she understood, Su Ming turned around, smiled and touched the head of the orangutan who had been listening quietly, and spoke faster:

"Between different worlds, only the technology between humans is basically the same, and high-level technology on different technology trees can be backward compatible with low-level technology in other systems, and can achieve certain results, such as using alien technology. Make fire to generate electricity, or refine steel in several other ways."

"But Luthor's technology for cloning Superman is definitely one of the top human technological achievements in the multiverse. Alien technology of the same level cannot be compatible or realize this level of technology in disguise. In this way, Darkseid They may need help from another human force that has mastered superpower cloning technology."

"Vought Company itself has human cloning technology. For example, Black is the clone of the motherland. If they get Luthor's technology and some materials, it will not be a problem for them to create a copycat Superman."

"As for cooperation? I guess not. It's easy for Darkseid to control people's hearts. Even if he doesn't use the Anti-Life Equation, he is very good at writing bad checks or making threats of force. The Vought Company is probably taken as his subordinate."

After saying this, Su Ming looked at the adjutant's little face and motioned her to do the work seriously.

"I'm going to continue to keep an eye on the person you injured." The adjutant nodded to confirm his train of thought, and 'Brin' shrank into a light spot.

The orangutan sat cross-legged on the table, took out a cigar that was broken into nunchakus, and licked the leaky thing a few times:

"That's why you wounded the man instead of killing him. It turns out this was also a trap. I knew you didn't mean to be a joke."

"Actually, it's also a joke, but it's more out of the overall plan. If the car breaks down, you will go to the car mechanic, and if you are sick, you will go to the doctor. But if you have a burnt penis, you will go to the doctor." In this case, it might be more convenient to replace it with a new one.”

Deathstroke, who also lit up a cigarette, crossed his legs and waited for Annie, who was cleaning herself, to report:

"All this is just speculation. I'm not sure whether the cloned Superman has any connection with the Vought Company. I'm not sure whether the people of the motherland know about the cloning technology. I'm not even sure whether it's a person from the motherland or a black man."

"Well, that's true." Bobo puffed out smoke rings.

"But as long as it doesn't endanger your own life, you can make bold assumptions first and then patiently verify it. Anyway, it won't waste much time just burning it. Besides, even if the test plan here fails, the stars on the road have already been seen. What I wanted her to see is now, and the game I prepared for Lorna has not been destroyed and can still be played."

Lorna, who had been listening, smiled. She felt very dark, but also very warm.

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