The Death Knell

Chapter 3439 Imported Rare Beasts

The invisible death knell was standing not far behind the "deep sea" with Bobo in his arms, peeping at the exchange between the "parallel importer" and the fish.

That's right, the super power of the deep sea is to be able to talk to fish. As for who he is insinuating, everyone knows.

His characteristic is that he is an idiot. This person is very idiotic, as if he lacks knowledge of social common sense. He only lives in the world of himself and the fish.

To put it simply, this man's mental problem is a bias in self-understanding. He thinks he is a fish.

Therefore, he doesn't like humans and only likes fish. Even if he does some evil deeds, the targets are fish. For example, he once forced a dolphin to have sex with him, and occasionally used sea cucumbers to have fun.

But has he done anything bad to people? It seems that there really isn't, just like fish generally don't interact with birds.

Maybe he has had too much contact with fish, and his IQ is infinitely close to that of fish. This is the situation at this time.

Su Ming looked at the red 'peanuts' he fed the fish, and then looked at the track they extended on the floor. The mercenary floated gently to a corner.

There is a handful of the same red particles on the floor there, and behind a flower pot not far away is an overturned small iron box, as if someone accidentally kicked it here.

He reached out and turned the iron box over and took a look. There was a line of English written on it in red paint:

"Poison bait inside."

In addition, there is also a red skull painted on the box, as well as a mouse with its legs in the air, both eyes turning into 'X' symbols, and a long tongue sticking out.

Perhaps the staff was worried that some mentally retarded superhero would not be able to read English, so they also included pictures.

Don't think that the superheroes on this earth are all highly educated. After all, their parents have injected them with compound No. 5 at the Vought Company since they were children. These families are destined to want them to become superheroes.

If you want to be a superhero, what use is cultural knowledge?

It's enough to understand money. If you don't have the time to learn English, you might as well learn how to act and how to face reporters.

A girl like Xingguang is an example. Although she looked very confident when she heard the press conference, Su Ming wondered how much she understood the contract he gave her earlier, or whether she only saw the final big deal. number?

Fortunately, the word loyalty is quite simple, she should be able to understand it.

Looking at the rat poison box in his hand, Su Ming turned to look at the deep sea squatting next to the pool, and sighed softly.

After a while, the fish that took the medicine was no longer alive. It turned its belly on the water and remained motionless.

Shenhai was so anxious that he fished it out and put it on the edge of the pool for heart massage. He even wanted to give it artificial respiration. The light in the fish's eyes was probably tears, right?

"Don't die! Please! Why does this happen every time?! Can't I save anyone?! Ah!!! God, how unfair you are!!!"

The man roared at the top of his voice, pressed the heart of the fish, and cried very sadly.

But what kind of poison are they putting aside to put the fish on land to rescue them? Are they serious?

Dolphins are friends of humans. It is really heinous to force a dolphin to go to bed in the deep sea, but he is so mentally retarded that he should be considered a mentally disabled person. If you kill him, you will feel like you have lost.

A big man who is 1.9 meters tall and weighs more than 200 kilograms. He is crying with snot and tears. He is whimpering and his face is red. Why would you kill such a person? What fun.

Killing was just a means, never Su Ming's goal. As long as he could gain benefits, he could kill or not.

This mentally retarded man, no, I won't kill this 'precious beast'. Let's send it to Arkham to participate in the figure exhibition. Just treat it as a business trip and bring a souvenir to Batman. I should be able to exchange it for one.' Deathstroke'?

Su Ming has always wanted Batman to make him a hand-customized car. Now that we have known each other for so long, exchanging gifts should be feasible.

It doesn’t matter how fast the car can run, whether it has combat effectiveness, or those indicators. As long as it is made by Batman from Earth 0, the dark flavor will be authentic.


After knocking Shenhai down with a pot, Su Ming sighed and saw that he was still holding the koi carp in his hand before he passed out. He used a lamp and ring to create a crematorium.

Throw the fish in and cremate it, stuff a handful of ashes into the palm of Deep Sea, and then help him clench his fist.

Time is like quicksand in the palm of your hand. If you try to grasp it, it will be in vain.

I hope he can recall this love in Arkham Sanatorium. If necessary, the ashes can be scattered when the patients are fighting to attract the eyes of the enemy.

This is the limit of humanistic care that Deathstroke can achieve.

Watching Shen Hai being teleported away by the adjutant, Su Ming stretched and said to Bobo in his arms:

"Another one has been dealt with. Now we can tell whether the one who attacked us was a member of the motherland or a black man just by looking at who is walking with his legs crossed."

Bobo is also looking at this indoor setting. He suspects that there are Japanese people in the leadership of Walter Company, because making fish ponds in houses is their favorite:

"There is also a locomotive, is it called this? That villain is an allusion to The Flash."

"He's much slower than Barry. He's supersonic at best, otherwise he should be called Rocket Head." Deathstroke left the pool. There was no need for Strangler to continue looking for people now. The press conference was already announcing the entrance. , just catch the few remaining people there.

Moreover, he also wanted to see how Vought Company would react after discovering that several members of the Seven were missing.

What's the reaction? The answer is that they were as anxious as ants on a hot pot backstage.

All the staff in suits and ties were so anxious that they were sweating, and their ties were hanging loosely behind their shoulders like hanging ropes.

Make a phone call, send people to search on each floor, and ask other superheroes to help find people.

None of them are of any use. The Saturn Hunter, the Invisible Man, Queen Maeve, and the Deep Sea can't be contacted. What's even worse is that just now, the other protagonist of today's reception, the Lamplighter, seemed to be in the chaos. Disappeared in place.

He was originally sitting on the sofa, drinking coffee and reading tonight's script book, crossing his legs as if everyone owed him money, but as soon as the assistant turned around to help him find snacks, the person disappeared, even the person he was leaning against The torch that was used as a tickle disappeared together!

"Damn it! Go find me someone!" A blond woman shouted in the background like a madman who escaped from a mental hospital, urging the followers to find someone.

But the more she couldn't find it, the angrier she became, and at the same time she was filled with fear.

As the manager of the Magic Seven, she is responsible for the company's most successful products. In the past, many people were concerned about her seat. If such a big mistake happened today, you can imagine what the result would be.

If those on the 52nd floor think she has hurt the company's image or caused the stock to depreciate, then I'm afraid she won't see the moon tonight.

Fear drove her crazy and made her hysterical. No matter how prosperous people were in the past, their character would often show up when facing a crisis.

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