The Death Knell

Chapter 3443 Giving back to society

The bodyguards maintained order and the reporters cooperated obediently, so the press conference was soon held as scheduled.

The fat man replaced the original spokesperson, the middle-aged female manager, to preside over the meeting, and the clone supermen were lined up behind him, with their arms wrapped around their chests, making it look like they had bigger biceps under their suits. It's like breaking clothes.

First, he recalled the long history of Vought Corporation, then reiterated that superheroes are an important force in maintaining social stability, and emphasized that the company is still committed to serving the people. He talked a lot. .

After that, I mentioned the retirement of the lamplighter today.

The two charred corpses were on the carpet, no one had cleaned them up yet, and a faint green smoke was rising.

But the reporters were no longer interested in them. After all, even if the photos were taken again, Watt Company would not allow them to be released, so they were just ordinary corpses, worthless, and there was no need to even take a look.

The fat man directly picked up the draft handed over by the secretary and read it out. He just went through the process and recalled the good things the lamplighter had done, such as how many fans he had on various websites, how many movies he had made, and how much money he had made for the company. How much money was spent and so on.

It’s nothing special. This is just a public relations release. What else do you want to hear?

Anyway, in the end, it was an understatement to say that he officially retired from Vought, and there was nothing more.

As for who is the charred corpse not far away? I don’t know, there is no such person in Watt Company. Our superhero lamplighter has retired and left, and he was still fine when he left. All the hundreds of people present can prove this.

As today's protagonist, the lamplighter managed to find a few words that could be used as eulogies, while the other dead man, Saturn Hunter, was not mentioned at all, as if he had never existed.

"Friends from the media and partners, the reason why we are holding a press conference today is that I have another good news to tell you."

The fat man dropped the manuscript, smiled, raised his hands and clapped his hands, and immediately a cloned superman came to him.

He stroked his strong arm and continued proudly:

"In the past, many people wanted the most powerful superhero to protect them, but there was only one strongest, and there would always be people who couldn't realize their wishes. But from today on, this kind of regret will never happen again! Anyone who succeeds Everyone can enjoy more perfect personal protection!”

As he said that, he asked the cloned superman to take off his mask, revealing his handsome face with a gentle smile. The reporters who had just seized the video evidence seemed to have lost their collective memory and moved toward them. There was a rush of new superheroes.

The fat man from the board of directors smiled and raised his hands and pressed them downward to signal everyone not to get excited. He had not yet demonstrated the performance of the new product.

Of course, Watt Company's propaganda has always been the same, saying that super humans are treasures given to mankind by God, are natural, and do not contain any ingredients from biochemical experiments.

The existence of Compound No. 5 is a secret among secrets. Except for company insiders and some senior US government officials, no one knows it, let alone these working-class reporters.

The secretary lit up the big screen behind the director, turned off the other lights in the auditorium, and started playing a PPT about cloning superman. Although the fat director looked a bit unsightly, he still had the ability to sit in a high position. He started talking.

In this new hero demonstration, the newcomer’s codename is ‘Clone Superman’. After all, cloning cannot be said to be contrary to human ethics, so just use magic clones. The story and character design are also very simple.

Watt Company picked up a friendly alien that fell from the sky. In order to repay mankind for saving his life, the alien was willing to work for the company and couldn't wait to devote his life to protecting the earth and mankind.

The most important thing about his super power is that he can use magic to create infinite clones, so that everyone who is qualified can enjoy all-round super protection that far exceeds the level of the people of the motherland. Isn’t it cool?

The qualification here is about money.

"If the people of the motherland can do it, Superman can do it. If the people of the motherland can't do it, Superman can still do it!"

While showing various test data, Fatty cheered loudly on the stage, inciting the enthusiasm of everyone present. Of course, the reporters would definitely not be able to afford to hire superhuman bodyguards. The customer base of Watt Company has always been rich and wealthy. politician.

In the front row below the stage, there are always some well-dressed people who look like they have been pampered for a long time. Even when the Lamplighter and the Saturn Hunter were burned to charcoal behind them, they did not show any signs of surprise.

Just like that, people with dignity and dignity should always maintain their grace.

But now, when they hear that everyone can have bodyguards that are stronger than the people of the motherland, these people inevitably lower their voices and communicate quietly with each other, obviously they are tempted.

But the earth is round. When some people are awake, others are sleeping. When some people are happy, others are unhappy.

For example, standing aside, the man from the motherland was still smiling.

After listening to the fat man's words, he had turned into a dead horse. He hadn't thought about anything deeper, but he could clearly feel that his income would be reduced in the future.

So, he decided to unite with the group of seven to protest to the company. Even if they wanted to recommend new people, they couldn't do it this way.

He is the face of the superhero, he represents the Vought Company, and he is not a target that can be compared to newcomers casually.

A small shareholder must be crazy if he dares to do this. Just wait until I call my good friend Xuan Se to go talk to the chairman on the 52nd floor.


The people of the motherland were thinking about something while looking for something black in the crowd, but found that they just turned their heads to glance at the PPT projection, and then turned back. Why was the friend who was holding the wall and walking slowly backstage missing?

Suddenly disappear when the lights are turned off? Is this an invisible man's joke? Or when did Black gain new abilities?

How strange.

No matter whether the people of the motherland are confused or not, the fat director is answering all kinds of questions enthusiastically. Under the spotlight at this time, he is the most handsome boy in the room.

"Yes, this guest is right. You are very well-informed. People from the motherland usually do not accept security work from other places, nor do they protect someone alone, because he loves the city of New York deeply and loves everyone. one person."

"But our company values ​​his services at three billion a year. If he becomes someone's bodyguard, he must gain respect commensurate with his strength."

"Yes, the price is a bit high, but there is only one person from the motherland, and this is something that cannot be changed."

"But after today, everyone's wishes will no longer be disappointed. Our clone Superman, whether it is protecting a town or a family, will be quoted at a unified price of 100 million a year!"

"Yes, you heard it right, not three billion! Not three hundred million! Those are the prices of the past! Times are progressing, and Watt Company is also advancing with the times. We thank you all for your love for us over the past few decades. , so this is an action to repay society!”

"A super new super hero, a superhuman clone who is more powerful than the motherland and Queen Maeve. One clone costs 100 million a year. You can't buy it and you won't be fooled. Place your order now and it will come with a box of Bordeaux red wine. Let's make it more enjoyable. You and your new partner can toast and drink together and enjoy the beauty of the world!"

Is this really a press conference with goods?

This string of small words was so good that Su Ming, who had been present all the time, was a little moved. However, since it has been confirmed that Watt Company has a relationship with Darkseid, this company is destined not to see that. A bright future ahead.

Judging from the fact that their cards were both a straight and a bomb, they looked pretty good, but who told them to encounter a death knell? Nothing is played on the same level.

"My turn, draw a card!"

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