The Death Knell

Chapter 3449 Tracking the big fish

"She was laughing wildly."

The little gorilla hid behind Deathstroke, swallowed, and his Adam's apple visibly rolled.

"I saw it, so what?" Su Ming spread his hands and asked his orangutan secretary in confusion: "Can't Lorna be happy for a while? Are you discriminating against patients with bipolar disorder? This is not okay."

"Stop joking, you know what I mean."

Bobo apparently has an 'allergy to oversized smiles' after what he experienced in the past, especially to people with green hair.

At this time, the nostrils were enlarged and looked very nervous:

"She was still depressed when we separated. She only smiled a little when she looked at you. But now less than an hour after we were separated, her personality has mutated? You must check her immediately to see if she is infected with the laughing virus. Maybe it is Dak Another one of Seid’s plots.”

Because Bei Xing had to act, Su Ming arranged for someone to put on "war-scarred" makeup. At this time, the blood on the corners of her mouth looked like big flaming red lips. Her green half-long hair was messy on her head. Plus, she That smile that even exposes the molar teeth

The poor orangutan only thought he saw another female version of the Joker, or maybe the Laughing Star?

"I heard you, little orangutan." Polaris was not angry. She walked over the corpses and came to the death knell, trying her best to suppress her smile: "I can guarantee that I am not crazy, just very happy."

Su Ming touched the gorilla's head, smiled and asked Strangler to hand over the cloned superman's head to Lorna. Of course the Supreme Mage understood the reason why the girl was happy:

"Do you like this Earth?"

"I like it. Thank you, Mr. Wilson. This is the happiest day in my life." Lorna took the pile of heads lightly and glanced at Starlight who was beside her and vomited in a deserted place: "The people here are really They especially like mutants, and they even asked me for an autograph, saying I could be a big star."

Okay, her reason for being happy is actually as simple as Bobo's, but where does that go?

People with super powers are super idols here. An autograph given by Polaris today may be sold for tens of thousands of dollars another day. How can those people not like her?

Moreover, her current fans, at most, are just fans because they see her as pretty enough. It will take more time and opportunities to turn them into loyal fans.

Giving her so many cloned Superman corpses today is to allow her to change her direction and prove her strength, thereby gaining a new fan base.

Some fans like to compare different superheroes, who can fight better, who has stronger abilities, and who performs better in the story.

After all, the bodies of the Motherland and several other members of the Seven are also here. They were beaten to death by the 'Clone Superman', and then Polaris and Starlight 'beat' the clone Superman to death. Doesn't this mean that they are better than the Seven? Is the group strong?

There is a story of strength comparison.

Generally speaking, those who like to compare combat effectiveness are test fans, and these fans are the most fanatical. If it is run well, Polaris will have no problem becoming the president of the United States, let alone a big star.

"Annie seems a bit unable to accept the murder. Help me persuade her and tell her the truth about getting rid of evil." Su Ming slowly floated up and looked up at the blue sky and sunshine outside the ruins: "If you like it here, you can bring friends Come and play, but not until I kill Desaad."

"Can I help?" Lorna nodded, her smile seemed to be fixed on her face, and her eyes were full of excitement. She levitated her new water-drop suit in her hand: "Although I am not as powerful as my father. , but if the enemy’s weapon is metal, I can also make them unforgettable for life.”

"No need, Desaad escaped back to this earth in the upper reaches of the time stream. You know the Cretaceous period. I am planning to go over and play games with him now. I just need Bobo to accompany me."

Deathstroke rejected her kindness, patted her on the head and asked her to stay here and enjoy herself:

"And the city is not safe now. There is a group of lunatics dressed in black who are operating secretly. They like to kill people with super powers and also discriminate against all people with abilities. If you and Starlight meet, do you know what to do?"

"Then I'll kill them first! It's rare to find a world that's so friendly to mutants, and I won't let a madman destroy it!"

Polaris clenched his fist, raised his chin, and answered proudly!

He has a domineering aura carved from the same mold as Magneto. Whether he is strong or not is another matter, but he is grand enough and impressive enough. At first glance, he looks like a veteran.

"So you stay and protect Xingguang. Although she is a small town girl and has never seen any storms, she is still a native of this earth. She still understands the social environment and other conditions. She will be your tour guide and friend in the future. If you encounter If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, shout Luther's name to the sky, and he will definitely help you for my sake. I just need to take Bobo with me."

The orangutan held his pipe in his mouth and looked at Annie, who was kneeling on the ground not far away and vomiting violently. There seemed to be some sympathy in his eyes.

The little girl may have seen a dead person for the first time today, but the earth has almost fallen into the hands of the death knell, and she will just have to get used to it in the future.

Just like myself, slowly walking into the darkness without knowing it

Oh, I have been in the magic world since the beginning. Magic is originally a dark art, and the cruel and inhuman scenes are even beyond the imagination of ordinary people. That's okay, hehe.

"The Cretaceous, I don't really want to go."

The orangutan crouched tiredly on Deathstroke's shoulder and took off his clothes, no, took off his spider uniform. After all, there was no need to continue disguising now. Deathstroke had obviously locked on Desaad's time and space coordinates, and the next actions were similar to catching fish from a fish basket:

"I heard that the environment of the earth at that time was different from now. All the dinosaurs lived in the stench?"

"I don't know, the situation on every earth is different, but Bobo, you should be more optimistic about the problem."

Su Ming smiled and threw a few boxes of chocolate frogs to Polaris and asked her to comfort Xingguang in preparation for the interview. Then he lifted up his cloak and disappeared, and he could only be heard talking to the orangutan:

"Looking at the hyper-time stream or the omnipotent universe, is there a second orangutan who has traveled across multiple dimensions of time? No, there is only one of you. Think about it, if you go on a blind date in the future, you can show off this to the female orangutan. Do you feel better?"

Bobo was not good at all. He looked at the man with cold eyes:

"I don't want the female orangutan, don't come again."

"You are really a difficult animal to please. Do you like other male orangutans? Haha, you are so naughty."

When Su Ming saw his little appearance, he wanted to tease him. It was so interesting that a furry creature like an orangutan could talk, but he still took the time to add:

"Adjutant, teleport us, make a note of your schedule, and remind me that when we finish here, we need to investigate the world coordinates where "Teddy Bear" and "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" are located. This time I want to help Bobo find some boyfriends. .”

"The devil wants a male orangutan! Ugh!" Bobo actually vomited. He didn't know whether it was because he was nervous or because he thought of something.

"The space is stable, the time point is locked, the spider network is connected, and the transmission countdown begins."

The adjutant who remotely controlled the Time Administration's technological equipment smiled and nodded, saying that he had written it down. Then he started the time and space teleportation, and Su Ming saw a blue light in front of his eyes.

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