The Death Knell

Chapter 3452 Falling into a trap

"I have always had such a premonition, but have you felt it a long time ago? It is most likely a problem with the coordinates, but it may also be a suspicion formation."

Bobo knew from the beginning that Deathstroke didn't bring the girl from Polaris with him because he thought there was something wrong with Desaad's escape. He was bringing the orangutan to the mine.

DeSaad had long known that a Father Box had fallen into the hands of Deathstroke, so he deliberately teleported to the location of a trap to attract Deathstroke to follow him.

Then use these cloned cannon fodder to lure Deathstroke deeper into the ground step by step, and finally suddenly detonate a big bomb or something like that, burying the mercenaries and orangutans alive even if they were not killed?

He reasoned and said this.

"As expected, you are knowledgeable." Su Ming smiled and tapped the ear of his helmet: "Adjutant, is there still communication now?"




There was no response after calling twice in a row. Seeing this, Bobo took a deep breath, his furry face grew long, but he didn't panic.

Instead, he took a puff of cigarette, sat cross-legged on the floating cloak, and used his furry paws to touch the locomotive blood stains on the edge of the cloak:

"Well, as expected, the communication was interrupted. It seems that Disad took action when he saw us entering the cave. What do you think?"

"My thought is that Desaad is quite good at playing. Maybe the whole universe is a trap from beginning to end. His acting is very good, tsk, really good. I kind of like him."

Su Ming, who was standing there, commented. He took off his mask, took out a cigarette and lit it, then slowly took out a book from his pocket and held it in his hand:

"But...that's it? Does he think I haven't considered this situation? I was prepared to deal with any situation when I first met the clone Deathstroke in the Hall of Justice."

"I can probably guess what Desaad's plan is. It's a dark multiple-choice question."

Bobo exhaled the smoke and tapped his pipe on his knees a few times. He felt at ease with Deathstroke by his side:

"To put it simply, if you don't chase him, he will keep producing various clones and fakes to cause trouble on Earth 0; if you come to chase him, he will use this earth to destroy you."

Su Ming, who had reached a consensus with the orangutan, nodded. Not only did he not look back, but he continued to fly deep underground with the orangutan:

"That's probably it. Now Polaris and my girls who stayed in the modern world have become hostages. Desaad should have figured it out and took advantage of a weakness in the sonic channel to ask me to do multiple-choice questions."

Su Ming guessed that the trap itself was something like a planet bomb. Although he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it must be something that could be used to destroy the earth.

So suppose a planet bomb is buried in the past of this earth, such as the current Cretaceous period, and then the bomb is activated to blow up the star.

Therefore, according to the law of cause and effect, the earth will no longer exist in the next billion years, and Polaris and the others are there at this time.

This is probably equivalent to the effect of concept erasure, right?

Should he escape by himself or be bombed together with those girls? That was the question.

The weakness of the sonic blast channel is used here. Although it can send people to the ends of the earth in the blink of an eye, it looks almost perfect except that it is noisier.

But there is another inconspicuous limitation that everyone usually doesn’t pay attention to.

That is the same mother box or parent box, or a different box. They cannot transport people in different places to the same location at the same time. There must be a first-come-first-served basis.

The sonic boom is actually the echo of the huge space-time energy hitting the sky blood. It can probably be regarded as a kind of sound wave. Different waves will only interfere with each other when they collide.

For example, if Batman is in the North Pole and Batwoman is in the South Pole, Cyborg also needs to use a sonic tunnel to teleport to the Hall of Justice.

It can only transmit one first, and then the other. The sonic blast channel is more like a water pipe than a 'three-way' interface, let alone transmitting more objects located in different places.

Although this interval is very short as long as the energy is sufficient, there is still a recharging process.

Desaad formulated the trap based on this.

He was also very cautious. Blocking Sepurk's communication was not enough. He also considered the sonic teleportation. If Deathstroke launched the sonic teleportation to evacuate now, the hostages would not be able to escape when he occupied the channel.

As for how Desaad cut off the communication and transmission functions of the spider network, most likely he studied Su Mingbo carefully. Even the life network built by the totem was detected. This time, he even used Uncle Da's anti-life equation. .

To put it bluntly, the spider web is still the incarnation of the ancient spider god back then. It is a life, and now it is also a network that connects many lives. It can see the fate of spiders and the world.

The anti-life equation is the nemesis of all life.

It's amazing, Desaad is really good. Many people think that Deathstroke has no humanity at all, but this new alien god has seen through the essence, that is, Deathstroke is still a human being, and his thinking is also affected by emotions.

It was impossible for Su Ming to leave Polar Star and Mao Mei and run away on his own, but even if his communication with the adjutant was cut off, he was still one of the best human warriors. This situation was not a desperate situation.

When he told Bobo his speculation, the orangutan didn't say anything extra. He just took the time to enjoy tobacco and wine, and opened his claws left and right:

"Okay, fu, fu~~~What is your plan, tons, tons, tons...?"

Okay, is he afraid that he will never have to drink again after he ascends to heaven? Tobacco and wine are his roast chicken wings?

"Of course the plan is to defuse the bomb. As a mercenary, who doesn't know how to defuse a bomb? There's no way he can just mess around."

Deathstroke held the thick big book under his arm and dragged Bobo to speed up his flight. The surrounding darkness swallowed up everything, leaving only the sound of the howling wind echoing in his ears.

At the same time, somewhere far away, a rotten mercenary buried among many women sneezed, suddenly sat up from the big bed, and suddenly remembered the fact that he didn't seem to know how to defuse bombs, and fell asleep immediately. No more.

"So what's the retreat route?" Bobo's face was deformed by the wind, and he had to shout loudly to ensure that Deathstroke could hear the question.

"There are many retreat routes. For example, if the adjutant cannot contact me for a period of time, he will automatically trigger the backup plan of recruiting people to help. Naturally, there are different ways to invite different people, such as the little cousin's teleportation belt and plot gems; such as Lucifer The violence breaks through the blockade; for example, after we die, 'death' resurrects us in the black and white kingdom, etc."

While Su Ming was flying, he turned around and showed Bobo the big book under his arm:

"But you will owe favors to others. I have another way in my hands, a door. I don't have to pay for anything. The owners behind the door still want to give me gifts...even though the gifts are I don’t really want it.”

Bobo understood, and he swallowed: "It belongs to Merlin..."

"Shh, don't say it. My birthday wish won't work if I say it."

Deathstroke put his fingers on the orangutan's thick lips, signaling him to calm down, and pointed to the comedian's badge next to the big book under his arm:

"Just smile, and then continue to confront DeSaad with me. Luther has long suspected that this multiverse is a trap. Otherwise, do you think why he is unwilling to come down even if he knows that there is a degraded version of Superman like the Motherland on this earth? ?”

"I thought Luther changed his gender after he stopped being a human being."

Bobo grabbed Deathstroke's cloak and raised his hand to hold down his hat. He was flying too fast and was still in such a narrow tunnel.

The Supreme Mage shook his head and answered the orangutan calmly:

"It is impossible to change gender. He is Luthor, the biggest fan of Superman. He often cannot control himself when he sees creatures that look like Superman."

"That's right. His mental illness is arrogance. Superman is the object of comparison. Even if he changes his body, he can't change his mind."

The orangutan nodded. The sound of the wind ahead had changed. Maybe the end was not far away.

Su Ming saw that Xiao Fuorang understood, and continued:

"Today is just the opposite. He is unwilling to enter this earth. When we left, he also hinted that he did not like to charge into battle... His Divinity is still blocking space outside the multidimensional world. Desaad only Just flopping around in a box with limited space with me.”

"That bald head... is cunning, cunning." The orangutan frowned and spoke, and for some reason it sounded like the Japanese colonel speaking English: "So the father box anti-teleportation method and the backup plan that the adjutant put online before is To wait for now?"

Deathstroke, who was flying at top speed, laughed and pinched the cigarette butt:

"Since I have already guessed that there is a high probability that this is a trap, of course I will be prepared. As for Lex, there is nothing to say. He is a scientist and I am a warrior. As a profession, warriors often need to drag the enemy with them. Go to hell and crawl out on your own."

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