The Death Knell

Chapter 3467 Point Theory

"What do you mean? Who found this place beyond all things?"

Shocked and confused, he raised his head and spoke to an unknown voice.

"Do you really think you are outside of everything? Do you think nothing can surpass your 'lofty' insight?"

The voice in the sky even brought some smiles, while the psychic pirate stood there blankly.

At this moment, it was as if a non-existent lens zoomed out, and the white world where the mind pirates existed shrank instantly. Outside the white circular space was thick black, which surrounded the white area like an ouroboros.

This is a full stop.

I thought I was in the real world background, but the mind pirate was actually only standing in the small blank space in the full stop circle.

There is naturally a sentence before the period, and this sentence is——

Darkseid is here to stay.

The world was spinning, and the mind pirate holding the mask was just in a trance, hearing a thunderous roar in his ears.

Then, he found himself standing on a barren black land with rugged rocks and ravines. The sky was covered with dark clouds, and red lightning shot out of the gaps in the clouds from time to time.

A tall giant sat on the throne. His face was familiar, but his body was as gray as a rock, and his eyes had changed from red in the past to pale white now.

The world is neither black nor white, it is grey.

"Welcome to the Omega Universe, Psychic Pirates."

The giant's eyes fell on the mind pirate, and he said words of welcome, but Roger only felt like a big mountain was hitting his head, making him dizzy.

His steps swayed and he stepped back again and again. He shook his head and said:

"How could it be possible? It turns out that there is you outside all things. It's you. How is this possible?!"

"There is despair in all things, despair has the anti-life equation, anti-life has the end, the end has Omega, and where there are these, there is Darkseid. Do you understand now? Do you want me to reinvent you? Let me Are you no longer alone, allowing others to keep you company in future despair?”

The gray giant's answer was a very simple causal relationship.

After hearing this and finally getting the third answer, the Mind Pirate smiled with satisfaction, but he was no longer himself.

Just like not everyone can wear the Medusa mask, not everyone can hear Darkseid explain anti-life and Omega with his own ears, which instantly changes his thinking.

He put on a golden mask, hid all his joy behind it, and shared it with her.

"Yes, this is my wish, Darkseid will always be there."

A smile appeared on the corner of the dark tyrant's mouth that looked like a rock sculpture. He didn't even raise his hand or use his eyes, he just said:

"make a deal."

At the same time, countless black and gray energies suddenly appeared in the world. They roared from all directions, swept into the mind pirate's body, and completely changed his life form.


In some places, time is out of sync with Earth 0, let alone the Speed ​​Force plane. After the previous story, Deathstroke was returning to his home in Midtown with Barry in his arms.

"Do you understand what I said?" Su Ming gestured with a square box-like object with his hand: "Get that ready, and then we can do that."

"Understood, but I need time, only that can do that." The Flash also began to speak in encrypted language, because Deathstroke said not to mention any keywords in the main dimension, and secretly makes men more men.

It sounds like nonsense, but Barry will not doubt Deathstroke, he just gives up thinking and just does it.

"Very good, come on, I will leave DC Diversity for a while to prepare some back-ups just in case."

Su Ming smiled and patted Xiao Shan's shoulder, hooked his arm around the latter's neck, but glanced at the woman sitting on the sofa not far away, wrapped in a bath towel, with an unhappy look on her face:

"Nice to see you too, Ms. Patty. After I leave, you can continue what you didn't do before. Don't let me affect your interest."

"Haha..." The woman laughed a little sinisterly in response and immediately turned her head away.

But Su Ming didn't mind. After all, when he was teleported here by the adjutant, the woman was trying to get on the horse.

Everyone would be unhappy if something that was originally happy was interrupted.

"This is my compensation. I will leave now. I wish you all have a good time."

Su Ming took out several large boxes of chocolates, and then took out red wine and roses and placed them on the coffee table. He seemed to have everything in his pocket.

Then the person disappeared in a burst of blue light.

Xiao Shen's house is not very good, and the living room is too small. Otherwise, we could give him an extra large water bed or something...

After the death knell left, Barry gritted his teeth and took a breath of air. He carefully bent over to look at his girlfriend, then returned to the sofa and sat down next to her:

"It was just an accident. I already told you that it might not be appropriate during the day."

"Cut the nonsense, Barry Allen. Because of the robot incident last night, it's rare for us to have a day off at the same time today, so I won't waste time and go to the bedroom!" Patty turned around and shook her head. She was not angry, just It just feels like being seen by outsiders makes me embarrassed to see others.

But it's different now, everyone is gone, and there are gifts of wine and roses. Deathstroke is really a good person.

"As you command, ma'am."

The Flash is always ready, and for him, time is always abundant.


"Phew!" Deathstroke returned to Sepurk and sat on the chair in the control room. He usually didn't sit in the throne room because it was too grand: "It turns out that the two of them were watching that kind of pay TV program, tsk, Barry Is that guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes really a slut?"

"Chief, things seem to be going well?" The deputy floated over. She was always levitating in Sepulk.

"Everyone can be a point. If you look at each story from a far enough distance, it is also a point. The timeline is nothing more than this." Su Ming nodded and took out a bottle of wine to moisten his throat: "If If you still see lines or nets or trees, it means the distance is not far enough or high enough.”

"Still a riddle? Sheriff."

The adjutant obviously didn't want to play the decryption game. She tilted her head and tried to act cute in exchange for some truth.

"I can't say, at least not until I see Darkseid." Deathstroke refused her request for information and lit another cigarette for himself: "Get ready. I still have some time to find something useful. After much thought, I decided to insure Sepulke."

"As a key hub for everyone to travel between different universes, this place was originally created by Darkseid, so it is indeed worthy of caution."

The adjutant did not continue to dwell on the previous riddle, but stood behind Deathstroke and said while squeezing his shoulders:

"Even if you didn't bring this up, Sheriff, I originally planned to say that even if the Omega Energy is replaced by the Upside Down Ball, I don't know if there will be any backhand from the enemy here, and I don't think it's completely safe."

"Each space hub is the key. Although there are Hero Cafe and Divinity Ship as backup plans, after all, they are other people's things and are not as convenient as my own. This time I plan to build one that can be used as a super universe hub. The multiverse comes back and uses it to change the properties of the ghost universe, but also these realities.”

Deathstroke has a cigarette in one hand and a drink in the other, enjoying it with his eyes closed like a corrupt capitalist. Simply speaking, it is like bringing back a multiverse, which is similar to picking up shells on the beach.

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