The Death Knell

Chapter 3474 The edge of the cliff

Destiny, that is, card, is a circle. As long as you remember this, many things can be answered in the diversity of the Dark Tower.

Here, time is of little value. People don’t even know which year or day it is now. They only know that the sun rises and the sun sets, and they go back and forth endlessly.

Life here is not life, death is not death. People live just to write stories and watch the scenery on the road, and the end point is not important.

Of course, that is right for the original protagonist Roland. He walks on the way to the Dark Tower again and again, and starts from the beginning again and again. No one even knows whether the tower he goes to is the same one, or whether it is the same time. Different projections on the line.

Marvel's time flow is like a tree diagram, DC's time flow is a circle, and the Dark Tower's time flow is a dense fishing net that sticks everyone living in it, and the center of the net is tower.

This is a diverse world with no end, but infinitely close to it.

"Is there no way to survive?" The girl was obviously extremely frightened, shivering at the corner of the bed she was sitting on: "Why did I come here? Why did I encounter such a thing as falling into a parallel world?"

After all, she was just an ordinary person, and her spirit was already on the verge of collapse.

"Actually, calm down and think about it. You have actually made money. Not everyone can have a second life. Even if you can find the 'door', it is not impossible to return to your own world."

Su Ming sat on the edge of the bed, folding his arms and looking at the instant noodles on the bedside table.

Now that girls know the setting of parallel worlds, some things are easier to explain...

While Deathstroke was waiting for instant noodles, he briefly explained to her the function of the door and the dangers in the apocalypse.

"Can you help me find the way home?" Perhaps because he heard something, Pepe calmed down a little, but his dirty face now looked like a tabby cat.

"Theoretically, it's possible, but I don't plan to take you with me." Su Ming stood up, took out a box of bullets, and put a bag of gold on the bedside table, leaving the instant noodles and the revolver. Girl: "Our paths are parallel. You will have your own story, and I am just a temporary passer-by on your journey."

"I don't understand..." The girl looked helpless. It is human's social instinct for young humans to rely on adult individuals.

But now, the adult individual doesn't want to care about her, and she seems to have lost hope in a strange environment.

"When my things are done, maybe we will have a chance to meet, but the most important thing is that I leave you with strength. In this world, having a gun is a high starting point. Beware of monsters in the wilderness , but be more wary of humans, so goodbye, I look forward to reading your story.”

After saying that, Su Ming waved his hand towards the girl who was still in a daze, and then gradually faded away like a virtual image and disappeared into the air.

The girl stretched out her hand to retain him, but the man walked away silently. She wanted to say something but made no sound. After being stunned for a while, her little hand fell on the handle of the pistol beside the bed.


"A very strange choice, Sheriff." Deathstroke was walking in this huge slum-like city, the deputy's voice came from her ears, and the projection of the doll appeared on her retina: "I thought you would choose to take her with you. Act just like you did when you approached Miss Granger or Ms. Efilar."

She knew the police chief very well. The so-called relaxing vacations were often trips with girls.

Although he is not a perverted lunatic like Deadpool, Deathstroke obviously also likes beautiful girls and is willing to take them with him to embellish his journey.

They will even give them benefits and turn them into tools for long-term use.

Su Ming, who guessed the idea of ​​​​his puppet, almost laughed out loud. He took out a new revolver from his pocket and stuffed it into the empty holster. Although he made no sound, he communicated silently with the adjutant through strangulation:

"Hermione and Effie, including Jaina, are in a different situation. They are the protagonists of the world that I already know. I know everything about them. Taking them to act together is equivalent to intervening in the story. And if I really take a passerby girl like Pepe to act with me, , that would be tantamount to being plotted by Merlin."

The Supreme Mage's eyes were calm and firm, and he walked towards the direction where the wizard Madden might be:

"If I want to possess the Dark Tower, then I have to keep myself at a 'level' higher than this multidimensional level, otherwise I will just become another joke in Merlin's laughing mirror."

The dangers of this world are visible to the naked eye, but many people can only see the monsters in the wilderness, or the cruel society, but Deathstroke, who knows the background of the world, obviously knows who the biggest enemy is.

This multi-dimensional Merlin is the biggest fun-loving person, and he can also arrange the fate of the chess pieces in the multi-dimensional game.

That girl is so weird, showing up at the bottom of a well in a town full of super mutants at just the right time, knowing the story of The Flash but not Deathstroke? How can there be such a coincidence...

If he initially arranged for a computer to blow up the girl who traveled through time, Su Ming felt that it was quite fate. However, as more and more information about the girl became available, he quickly saw through Merlin's tricks.

It was like encountering a piece of paper that he couldn't pick up, so he first dipped his fingers in some saliva and tried to pick up the paper through the stickiness of the saliva.

The little girl's saliva, or glue, was what Merlin wanted to glue the outsider's 'story' of Deathstroke into the diverse 'storybook' of the Dark Tower, so that he would doodle at will.

Originally, Su Ming, as an outsider, might be targeted by world consciousness, but he would not be arranged by the 'card'.

But if a diverse indigenous girl is placed next to him, Deathstroke can be passively involved in various things.

As an unknowing chess piece, Pepe herself is innocent. She comes from the '1998 Earth' in the Dark Tower Universe, or 'our world', which is not where Su Ming comes from.

It was a world in darkness and diversity. Merlin could arrange various coincidences or events for her, and it was even easy to make her a protagonist.

But after all, he wants to play a domino game. This is the biggest crisis lurking in the dark, a very hidden trap.

But if you see through the whole trick, this is the extent of Merlin's ability. Although he is also the son of Shiyuan, the creator of this world, Gann, has the final say. First there is light, then there is shadow.

The Dark Tower has not yet fallen, so the God of Creation still has the highest authority. Merlin is a happy person in the shadows. It's okay to secretly reach out and do something, but really want to do it hard, against someone like Su Ming who is immune to magic? He really doesn't see enough.

When encountering different world systems, you need to adopt different tactics. Some worlds are suitable for intervening in the story, just like diving in the river to fish in troubled waters; while other worlds require you to sit firmly on the boat and wait for the big fish to surface.

After telling all these things to the adjutant silently, the doll showed a sudden look on her face, as if she was trying to find something to describe this hidden danger, and in the end she could only say:

"Darkness, this Merlin is too dark."

"It's normal. Although my strength is pretty good now, I know that I am still an ordinary person and I have to be vigilant at all times." Su Ming held a cigarette in his mouth and wandered in the alley under the envious eyes of passers-by: " But you are right about one thing. Traveling alone is a bit boring. Find someone to come and play with me and see who is free."

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . _wap.

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