The Death Knell

Chapter 3476 Happy Journey

Su Ming has very rich experience in dealing with all kinds of people.

But he had no intention of entering the building at all. He just raised his head to look at the height of the window, took out a bag of gold, dangled it, and said to the woman soliciting customers:

"You find an excuse to bring his sisters out of the house, I'll give you three minutes."

"This strange gentleman, you are so generous, but can I ask why?" The woman was obviously a little scared. Giving directions was one thing, but getting involved in something she didn't understand was another. One more thing.

Madden is the deputy of Stephen, the leader of the gunslingers in the city. His status in the city can be said to be lower than that of one person and higher than ten thousand people. If that man's plan to establish the kingdom succeeds, then Madden will inevitably become the prime minister and also serve as the palace chief. The character of the mage.

Anyway, it is definitely not someone a woman like her can provoke.

"Don't be afraid. I just wanted to play a joke with our Mr. Madden. He must also be curious about what joke I will make. I promise you, madam, he will not take it out on you."

Deathstroke patted the woman's arm and gave a gentle and polite smile.

He is inherently tough-looking and very charming, and his polite attitude from a civilized society is naturally more convincing than the dirty men in this dark age.

The woman hesitated for a moment and lowered her voice:

"Give me the money first."

No matter how handsome a person is, he still needs to be paid, according to industry rules.

Su Ming gave her the money without hesitation. After all, there was plenty of gold.

The woman who took the money bag looked down at the number of golden beans inside, took a few sharp breaths, and then swallowed:

"It'll be ready soon."

As she said that, she disappeared into the dark corridor, which was as dark as an abyss. All she could hear was the sound of running quickly through the lobby and up the stairs.

"What a pathetic woman." Mysterio sighed. Her thoughts were almost the same as Su Ming's: "Teacher, you didn't lie to her, did you?"

"Of course not. I guarantee that Madden won't have a chance to trouble her." The Supreme Mage gently touched the student's head, then walked to the opposite side of the alley, looked at the window, and took out a clown from his belt. Avatar badge: "I will tell Merlin a joke first, and he will jump out of the room excitedly to thank me, and understand the value of a smile."

"Oh? Do you want to bring a smile to the enemy?" Liana showed a cruel smile first. She licked her lips with her little tongue, and the blood-red flames flashed in her eyes: "Then I have to learn from it. Learn, teacher, the enemies I killed in the past often had painful expressions on their expressions, and I don’t know what went wrong.”

"It's still a matter of weapon selection. Maybe you didn't start fast enough, but it doesn't matter. I'll teach you this time. Watch it carefully and learn it hard, and that's it."

Seeing such a studious girl, Su Ming also smiled happily.


When the time was up, the woman who collected the money dragged a disheveled sister back to the gate and looked at the one-eyed gunslinger in confusion.

Su Ming had no intention of explaining. He just pressed the badge clown's face. Then when the badge spurted out a faint green gas, he raised his hand and threw it into the window.

It sounds slow, but it moves quickly. Almost the moment the small badge fell into the window, a large amount of green smoke rushed out of the window like a dragon.

Then, Su Ming tilted his head, put his hands on his ears, and listened.


There was a burst of laughter from the room on the fourth floor, as if I felt the happiest voice, and I couldn't stop laughing at all.

He put his arm around Mysterio's shoulders, and the two looked up at the window together: "I just like to bring smiles to others. Listen, Liana, how happy this gentleman is smiling."

It doesn't matter whether he is a clone or not. The fact that Madden can come here to play with women means that he has a body and normal sensory organs.

As long as it is a living creature, it is difficult to resist the clown's laughing gas. No matter how serious or unhappy the person is, as long as they smell this, the corners of their mouths will unconsciously rise crazily.

Technological creations and biological and chemical weapons can of course be used in the Dark Tower world.

"Yes, teacher, when I close my eyes, I can imagine a wretched man with a smile on his face." The mysterious guest felt the emotion. As a hell lord, she likes such dark streets, and she can Feel that madness.


The laughter was louder and full of energy. This was the enhanced version of super-concentrated laughing gas that Su Ming got from Earth 17. Ordinary people would kick up their legs and raise their braids after laughing. It seems that Merlin's vest is quite durable. .

But it doesn't matter, this is just to say hello. Su Ming never thought about killing Merlin here. If he really wanted to kill him, he would still have to rely on this multi-faceted creator.

"Classic, really classic."

Su Ming applauded gently, and even paid several prostitutes standing at the door to applaud together:

"Everyone listen to Mr. Madden's laughter. It is full of freedom and boldness. He is really an amazing man. Just listening to this laughter makes me feel like I am galloping on a horse in the wilderness. I want to go out and find hundreds of people right away. A battle between spiked monsters is so exciting."

"Yes." Someone among the prostitutes nodded, agreeing with the money owner's statement: "Aside from his gloomy expression, his gadget being a little too short, and his gameplay being a little too dirty, Mr. Madden is indeed a good gunslinger."

"He is still a wizard, but it's hard for me to understand. He is usually so stingy, why is he smiling so boldly today?"

Some prostitutes also expressed doubts. Madden was probably her regular customer.

"Perhaps it was a gift that this gentleman threw in through the window. Mr. Madden liked it very much, right?"

If a woman guesses like this, she obviously grasps the key points.

The group of people was at the door of the dilapidated building, listening to the crazy laughter coming from upstairs while chatting about various things.

But the happy time is always very short.

"Hahahahaha...bang, bang!"

The laughter was interrupted by the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground. The naked Mr. Madden fell down the building with a series of laughter, and fell on the dry and dirty gravel road of the alley. Black and red blood flowed out instantly. A big beach.

But even though the back of his head landed on the ground, half of his head turned into a rotten watermelon. He was still looking up at the sky with a huge smile on his face, a smile that could really reach to his ears.

This expression was fixed on his face and could not be wiped off even by others. His thin mustache, which was like a curled spring, added some comic effects besides blood to this pale face.

"Well, he seems very satisfied and is smiling all over his face." Liana is indeed Su Ming's disciple, and she has even perfected the ability to tell cold jokes to corpses.

He took a deep look at the corpse on the ground and asked Hangzhou to try to read the memory. He looked up at the sky, took out a cigarette and lit it, as if speaking to the bright sun in the sky:

"Is it really a separate entity? It doesn't matter. This is just the beginning of a happy journey. I want to play a game with you..."

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . _wap.

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