The Death Knell

Chapter 348 Death

Su Ming had no intention of queuing up with these living corpses. Although they were not hostile, the rotten stench from their bodies had spread, and they were obviously not living people.

As long as you are a living person, you will inevitably feel a little uncomfortable with so many dead people, especially the way they walk silently without saying a word is simply weird.

Their line spread to the sky, like long snakes gathering from all directions, as if they would never end or end.

"Cloak, take me to that passage."

The magic floating cloak flew him up obediently, but the speed was slightly slower. I don't know whether it was because of the special restrictions here, or because it was injured just now.

Flying in the air, everything below the eye is black ground, dotted with white bones and tombstones, giving people an indescribable feeling.

As he got closer and closer to the black and white tunnel, he discovered that the tunnel seemed to lead to the sky. It looked like the kind of tunnel that children drilled in an amusement park, but it could be entered from this way. The person did not come out from the other end.

He landed at the entrance of the tunnel. This place was unremarkable. Except for the fact that the ground was stepped even smoother by the walkers, it was no different from other places in this world.

Su Ming jumped in line, but the zombies would not protest. He strode into the black and white tunnel, and the scene in front of him completely changed.

Although the walls were still black and white, it was no longer a tunnel, but rather like being inside a villa.

There are black sofas, various home appliances, and some things that girls will like, such as dolls and romance novels.

Su Ming basically understood where this place was. Although he was not sure at first, it seemed that after the black light detonated the eclipse star, he was directly sent to 'death' itself.

This is the outer space of the DC worldview, somewhere in the 'Realm of God'. No one knows the specific location here, but everyone will pass through it after death. This is the cycle point of life and death, a transit station.

This area has no name. Some people call it the ‘Land of the Dying’, while others simply call it ‘Death’. It’s like Daniel’s dream country, where the only name is ‘Dream’.

The owner here is 'Death', which is different from the goddess of death next door. She is neither a human nor a god, but the incarnation of the rule of 'death and life' in the entire universe.

It's just that she has her own thoughts and emotions, and she seems to be a completely different person.

And this black and white tunnel is called the 'inevitable end', which is her home and her palace.

Time and dimensions have no meaning to her. She can even obtain various technological supplies that exist in the future. As a rule of living, every time someone dies, she learns more and becomes more and more like a human being.

Su Ming was thinking about the reason why he appeared here. He must know that whether it is the underworld, the death area, or here, they all have one thing in common - they are not places where living people should come.

He didn't see an exit from the room. He seemed to be trapped in the palace.

He took off his helmet, touched his withered face, feeling its slow healing, and then sat on the sofa to wait.

Waiting for death to come to see you.

There is no smell of corpses here. Although there are many skulls on the walls and rooms as decorations, the air here is very calming, and you can still smell the faint fragrance.

Maybe it was the withered black flowers on the coffee table.

At this time, the wall squirmed, and a small figure walked out of it. She was dressed in black, like an ordinary Goth girl.

Wearing a black camisole, black leather trousers, and dragging a small black umbrella.

All this made her skin look dazzlingly white.

Unlike ordinary Goth girls, her face is always filled with a warm smile. Her right eyelid is painted with a pattern like the Eye of Horus, and a small silver pendant, an Egyptian cross, hangs around her neck. 'Ankh'.

"Welcome, it has been thousands of years, and finally a living person has entered my domain again."

She seemed very happy, stuffing the parasol into the hand of the bones protruding from the wall beside her, and walked quickly to the sofa, but this was the country of the dead, and she obviously had nothing to entertain the living.

"Death, although coming here is an accident, but I am also very happy." Su Ming said politely. Although he has no fear of death, now is obviously not the time to die.

Death picked up his teddy bear from the sofa and kept stroking the top of its head with his white and tender hands.

"It's not an accident, it's fate that brought us together."

It sounds nice, like the meeting of a beautiful girl and a young man, but in fact death is not what it means.

There are seven personified cosmic forces in the DC world, and they are arranged according to the order of appearance, the elder and the younger. Although they are not related, they are as close as one family. They are called the Endless Family.

They are fate, death, the Sandman, destruction, desire, despair and fanaticism.

During the last major metal incident, Su Ming had already met Daniel, the current Sandman, who kept talking vaguely to Batman in his sleep and made everything messy.

But this time, it was Su Ming who faced death more directly, and according to her, it was Destiny, the eldest brother of the Endless Family, who arranged this meeting.

Since there must be something wrong with the meeting, Su Ming must listen to what she plans to say in order to return to Earth.

"You can say it, there are still people waiting for me in the main world, Earth."

"I am death. You seem to know it, so you should also know my mission, which is to bring all things out of life and return them to the world."

She smiled and stuck out her tongue at Su Ming, looking very cute. Her black hair spread over her shoulders as she moved, like black satin spread on the snow.

"Yes, I know." Su Ming nodded and confirmed. As a rule higher than that of gods, the Wuren family can easily see clearly what is happening in the entire universe.

"Death will take away life, leaving nothing but memories, and just like me, there are dreams." Death stroked the bear's fur and pressed its nose with his fingers.

Su Ming frowned. He really didn't have a good impression of Daniel. Maybe it was because he inherited the memory of the previous generation of Sandman, or maybe it was because of his own growth experience.

Daniel appears to be very autistic and mystical. He talks like he is talking in his sleep, and it is difficult to discern his true intentions.

But when Death mentioned him at this time, it was definitely not without purpose.

"What happened to him?"

Death shook his head with a smile, hugged the bear tightly in his arms again, and wrinkled the skin on his nose like a little girl.

"Like a dream that fades away, he disappeared."

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