The Death Knell

Chapter 3490 Doomsday Supermarket


The black guy let out a scream, turned around and ran into the darkness behind him.

After the heavy rain and tornado, the town had already lost power, and the supermarket was even darker at this time.

"Looks like he's a coward." Mysterio shook her head. She raised her hand, pinched a dark energy ball, held it, and threw it backhand at the monster that had approached behind her at some point: "Isn't there something strange behind us? As for What’s all the fuss about?”

The group of monsters secretly following the two looked like a mixture of dogs and spiders. They crawled quietly against the ground without making any sound.

But this obviously couldn't be hidden from Strangler. Since Douya kept looking behind him, Mysterio also understood that something was following him, and he threw a dark magic backhand.

The effect was very good. These monsters hid in the gaps between the vehicles in the parking lot and wanted to make a sneak attack. At this time, they didn't even have enough space to escape. They were suddenly swallowed by the shadows, as if they were pulled into the ground by countless black tentacles.

"These people are ordinary people. They have never seen aliens or know about superheroes. They usually work in orchards or work in shops. It is inevitable that they will be scared when they see these black monsters."

Su Ming was not in a hurry at all. He folded his arms and waited for the black man to call the people back. Now these people did not dare to open the door at all, for fear of being broken into the building by monsters, so everyone had to hold a meeting to discuss whether to let the two of them in.

People always want to live, and fear makes them do all kinds of crazy things.

"The Mist" is not so much a record of the awakening of the Old Ones as it is a record of the ugliness and last hope of human nature.

Mysterio drank the soda as soon as she raised her neck and destroyed the empty bottle with magic. She shook her head speechlessly, but said nothing. She just folded her arms and waited outside the window like the teacher.

Although the door of the supermarket was just a few steps away on the left, and she could tear it off with one little finger and throw it several kilometers away, the teacher had no intention of breaking in, so she would just wait.

Maybe you want to play a game with these desperate people? Or do you want to watch something interesting?

Soon, a group of people gathered behind the window, staring out through the cracks in the wooden boards one by one. It felt like a group of caged animals observing the humans outside.

Everyone's eyeballs were bloodshot, and despair and madness appeared and disappeared. Su Ming could even feel the yellow light ring charging on its own.

But he still smiled and nodded to the people in the building: "Hello everyone, it's been a crazy day. Can you open the door and let us in?"

"Strangers, haven't you encountered monsters? Why are you still alive?" An old lady wearing a pink sweater asked tremblingly with the support of her wife. She was not big, but her voice was loud.

Are you not a foreigner? This is Maine. Who in the right mind would dress up like a Texas cowboy? Still had a gun on his belt.

"We met, but we ran fast." Deathstroke gave such an answer. He leaned sideways against the glass with his shoulders in a very relaxed manner. His voice penetrated into the crowd from the gap in the glass: "Actually, as long as the monster follows If you don’t think about it, you will still be safe.”

"What he said makes sense. As long as we run fast enough, we might be able to drive out of the town." A strong man with a beard said this. He was obviously the most afraid of everyone, because Su Ming noticed that he There was a large wet mark in the center of the jeans.

Moreover, he talked about driving away, but in fact he didn't even move, as if he was planning to let others test whether this was feasible for him.

But here's the interesting thing. The fog is thick and communication is cut off. If you can really escape by car, other people staying in the mall will have no way of knowing.

"But I clearly saw a monster behind you just now! It's in the fog! It's in the fog! The town is safe!"

The black guy looked frightened and tried hard to prove to the people around him what he had seen. He was spinning in circles hysterically, looking into everyone's eyes for support:

"We can't open the door. What if they are transformed by the mist? It's the 20th century now, and there are no cowboys in Maine! No one should open the door, no one should go out! I just want to live!"

He was obviously having a mental breakdown. His mind was not spinning very slowly, but his thoughts were all going astray.

But this is also a common choice that people make when encountering the apocalypse, that is, to stay at home.

The birth of such a thing as a house may have been just a cave at first. In short, shelters provide people with a sense of security. This sense of security seems to be engraved on DNA, which always makes people more inclined to withdraw into themselves when they are helpless. comfort zone.

'The house has a door and a lock on the door, so it's safe here. ’

But is this really the case?

Su Ming was skeptical. Among other things, the supermarket had so many windows and ventilation ducts, and the impregnable shopping mall in their minds was like a colander.

If he hadn't wanted to study the thoughts in the hearts of these desperate humans and deliberately come to the main entrance to communicate with them, Su Ming would have hundreds of ways to enter this supermarket without anyone knowing about it.

Just when a group of people want to have a meeting on the spot...

"Monsters will not come near the place where we devout believers are, because this is God's will. He has sent his angels to cleanse the sins in the world. As long as you believe in him and pray with us, then the angels in the mist at this time will It won’t hurt us.”

A red-haired woman appeared, and she came to the other side of the window with a group of people who had the same strange expressions as her. The woman's eyes were not normal, and she was holding the cross pendant on her chest tightly in her hand.

This group of people was obviously different from the 'loose people' who first came to the window. They were more organized and more relaxed, and seemed to have completely believed the woman's statement.

Fanatic believers are also an American characteristic. When people face the end of the world, they will feel powerless and turn to religions that they don't usually believe in. It can also be regarded as a spiritual sustenance.

However, Su Ming, who had read the original work, knew that this woman was mentally ill and brought a group of people with her to become ill. After a while, they were all killed by the 'angels' who looked like a hybrid of spiders and bats.

But what does this have to do with him?

"Praise God, kind lady, please open the door for us. My sister and I haven't eaten for a day." So Deathstroke immediately started acting, and Liana next to him suddenly looked exhausted, so she looked very Pitiful.

Several of the people on the other side of the glass were shaken, such as the protagonist's family in the original work, and the elderly couple. After all, Mysterio's human form was very cute, and his uncomfortable look at this time was sympathetic.

The woman approached the window glass, shook her head, and told him seriously:

"God is too busy. I am his prophet, I am Noah, and this is a new flood, so you have to believe in me and praise me, and I can take you safely to the other side of happiness."

Don't tell me, she really knows how to talk.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . _wap.

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