The Death Knell

Chapter 3496 The Era of the Fog Thieves

"It seems that everyone is ready to leave here, what about you and Barbara?"

Seeing that people were already walking towards the supermarket door in twos and threes, preparing to move their heavy objects and leaving without even intending to discuss it with other people, David still cared about the death knell.

"We have been running away before, and now we are very tired, plus we are still outsiders, so we will rest in the supermarket for a while."

Telling such lies, Su Ming said goodbye to his family with a smile, stood at the checkout counter, and shouted to the people leaving:

"Want more deep-sea fish oil? If you want, I can give it all to you, go find it! All the treasures are stored in the Wilson Group's pharmaceutical warehouse, that's OnePiee."

The middle-aged man with his neck raised on the side showed a black question mark expression, hugged his wife and children, rubbed the goose bumps on their arms, and smiled awkwardly:

"Indeed, you should take a good rest for a while. Originally, I wanted to ask you brothers and sisters to go with our family and find an RV together to hit the road, but it seems that you really need to rest."

After hearing his answer, Deathstroke asked pretending to be puzzled: "Aren't you going to find more fish oil? Just like everyone else, why are you looking for an RV?"

"I want to take them out of this town and go to a place not shrouded in gray fog."

David smiled awkwardly and looked at his wife. She hesitated for a moment, then touched the child's head and nodded to her husband. After receiving support, the man continued:

"I don't know what the situation is like outside, whether the entire United States is shrouded in fog, but I know that my son cannot grow up in this environment. Even if there is only a little hope, I will send him to a place with sunshine. go."

"That's it." Su Ming nodded and rubbed the boy's head: "You are a good father, so let's say goodbye. I hope you can really find that ideal new world."

So the David family left like this, and then the elderly couple also said goodbye before leaving. The old lady hugged the mysterious guest before leaving, but their plan was to go home.

As for the others, they were far less enthusiastic than when they distributed the potions, and they no longer even looked at Su Ming.

The door of the supermarket opened, and people swarmed out like a pack of wolves waiting to hunt, holding improvised weapons such as baseball bats in their hands. Then they started their vehicles and quickly disappeared.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or other reasons, but the mist did not enter the supermarket through the gate, and the departure of these people was not blocked by monsters. Everything seemed to go smoothly.

Well, it’s not actually that. It’s that someone spread out his limbs in the dark, and the black mud covered a few kilometers in the surrounding area in the thick fog, eating all the monsters that came close, so it created such a A good start.

"I think this family is pretty good." Liana grabbed a strand of hair hanging down and wrapped her fingers around the long platinum hair: "Although David seemed to be a little dizzy from the sudden force, but His goals are completely different from everyone else’s.”

"Yes, although my purpose was to find the flash of humanity in the darkness, I didn't expect that it was a bit dazzling when I saw it." Deathstroke answered the student with a smile, turned around and walked towards the depths of the supermarket: "Sure enough, the child is The embodiment of human hope, even those of us with long lives cannot deny this.”

"So, don't let them die so quickly, okay? At least give them a chance." Mysterio is probably the softest among all the hell lords. She actually wants to know the story of David's family after they left here.

"Is this easy to handle, adjutant?" The sound of footsteps echoed in the darkness. When passing by a shelf, Su Ming picked up a few pieces of chocolate to taste it.

Those people left in such a hurry that they didn't even take this high-calorie good stuff.

"I'm here, Sheriff." The image of the girl doll floated in front of the two of them. At a glance, it looked like a translucent ghost. "Do you need to change the plan?"

"Yes, since I told them to look for the treasure I left behind, let's change the original show into a drama series." Deathstroke tore open the wrapping paper of the chocolate, fed the bean sprouts on his shoulders and said, "Xiang Bei Put more 'deep-sea fish oil' all over the Americas to form isolated islands. After all, these people also need some adventure rewards on the way to the great voyage."

"But Sheriff, judging from the current situation, this world is blending with an unknown space. The next development is unpredictable, and the number of powerful Ancient One Familia will increase."

Although the adjutant complied with the order, she still wanted to give some advice. She held a projection of the earth in her hands, and then wrapped it with a marshmallow-like special effect, which represented the fog:

"If we conduct an improved experiment on Compound No. 5 here, our data recovery efficiency will not be guaranteed."

"I know, but just do it. Although the mice in the laboratory cages are good, their vitality is far less than that of wild mice. Maybe these people taking the compound for a long time will bring us some surprises."

Having said this, he raised his hand to touch the round head of the little bean sprout, and looked at a little emergency light in the distance in the darkness:

"Just think that I am helping other people's dreams. Even if the situation on earth will never get better, at least the David family left with hope. They did nothing wrong. They have to be given a chance to choose. As for Just take your time when it comes to collecting experimental data. When I take over this multiverse, I may be able to adjust the flow of time."

Mysterio nodded repeatedly on the side, she also had the same view.

Although the story was forcibly changed from "The Fog" to "The Fog Thief" by the teacher, the family in a car went to search for the real onepie? It's also a good story.

She seemed to see countless people driving into the thick fog in the future, with their own dreams and wishes, facing various monsters on the road. Some people survived and some died, but the stories would be recorded by the adjutant as experimental data.

Just thinking about it makes me feel very passionate.

In fact, this story is a dark horror film, but she is a girl. She will feel passionate about any monster story she watches, even if it is something as scary as "Sharknado".

"Follow your orders, Sheriff. The medicine has been copied. A total of five billion doses have been launched. The airborne pod has been launched. The drone swarm has been launched. All the 'fish oil' we produce is hidden in various pharmacies, right?"

The adjutant parted her hands, and the phantom of the earth she was holding disappeared. A waterfall of digital flow flashed in her eyes, and she began to plan the action.

"Don't put them all in the drug store, otherwise there will be no surprises. Hide some in unexpected places, such as the water tank of the toilet in the subway station, the back of the monster, etc."

Su Ming also stuffed a piece of chocolate into his mouth and chewed it with bulging cheeks. The sugar made him feel happy:

"Just think of yourself as DM or KP. Since you want to take the position of Dark God Merlin, let's start from here and implement my gameplay."

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