The Death Knell

Chapter 357 Eighteen Hells

God Pan died again, but many times in the past, he accidentally died because he was having too much fun, and this was the first time he died by having his head chopped off.

Looks like I'm going to be a guest at Grandpa Hades' house again...

Thinking of the buffet prepared by Hades using the entrails and bodies of the dead, he couldn't help but retch.

That mortal was so terrible that he was killed just for taking a peek at Diana's breasts. It seems that everyone is right, that mortal and Diana have a close relationship.

It's just that he unfortunately became the pathfinder for the gods.

His soul seemed listless, walking silently on the familiar road, ready to accept Hades's 'entertainment'.

He walked into the black and white corridor. He had walked through this two-color corridor many times. All he had to do was walk straight ahead and walk towards the darkest place.

Over there is the underworld, and death will send everyone to the world of death they believe in.

But it seems that today is different. At the end of the black, there is still a flash of fire from time to time. Isn't the corpse buffet no longer able to satisfy Hades?

With all kinds of questions, Pan walked into the door, and the tunnel disappeared behind him.

What appeared in front of him was a ghostly palace with black bricks and tiles, carved beams and painted pillars. Under the eaves was a large wooden board with three complex symbols painted on it.

There are many green-faced and fanged evil spirits around, throwing some souls into the oil pan to fry, emitting a strange aroma.

At this time, there was a table in front of the palace door, and a pale-faced man in gorgeous black clothes sat behind the table, staring at him with ruthless eyes, as if he had seen through everything about him.

"Where is the soul in this hall? How can it look like this?"

Pan Shen was suddenly confused, with an incomprehensible expression on his ugly face. He couldn't understand the language at all.

what to do?

"How dare you despise me? Come here, the oil pan..."

The white-faced king showed an unhappy expression, and a god with a small notebook and pen beside him immediately whispered in his ear.

"Death sent us... Western students... special care... from one to eighteen..."

God Pan only heard these syllables intermittently, but he didn't understand what they meant at all. He saw the black-robed god stroking his beard, nodding slightly, picking up a small wooden stick from the table and throwing it to the ground.

"Bull head and horse face! Take the living soul and send it to the eighteen levels of hell. No one will be allowed to fall down."

"According to the order!"

God Pan was chained by two strong orc men and walked towards the dark door on the side.

No matter how stupid Pan is, he still understands that this is not just a wreath and welcome. Not only are these two strong men ghostly, but they also sneer at him from time to time.

"Mr. Ox, Mr. Horse, I am a goat, we can be friends..."

The black door opened, and inside was a magic elevator. A bull-headed horse-face dragged Pan in.

"Brother Niu, what is this foreigner's soul talking about?"

"I'm too lazy to learn their language, so what? Brother Ma, do you still want to find a female college student to be your translator?"

"Oh, it's just that I don't have any indicators recently. All my indicators have been used on the few 18th-tier starlets before."

"Then what else can you say? Walk on, the first level, tongue-pulling hell."


At this time, Su Ming had found his dream again in the Land of Dreams. He deliberately cheered up his spirit and soon woke up from his dream.

Diana was holding him, flying in the air, and not long had passed.

It's just that Diana's whole body is stiff, either muscles or armor, and has no benefits at all.

"Okay, Diana, God Pan won't cause trouble to us again for a while."

Su Ming signaled that she could let go and he could fly by himself.

"Did you just have an out-of-body experience?" Diana let go of her arms, they were almost there.

"Not really, just a dream."

Su Ming laughed evilly and did not talk about death. Instead, he used the excuse of finding a friend and threw God Pan into the Hall of Hell.


"An Eastern God of Death, more powerful than your uncle Hades."

Diana sighed helplessly. This kind of chaos would really cause problems. She just hoped it wouldn't cause any divine war.

Deathstroke always does all kinds of unexpected things, and the plans are so careful that no one can see through them.

While flying, she listened to Deathstroke describing the various tortures in the world of the dead, such as skinning souls and cutting off fingers, all of which were discussed thousands of times, and she suddenly felt a little pitiful for God Pan.

But in this way, even if God Pan is reborn, he probably won't dare to provoke him again.

I won't encounter that pervert in the future, so I've benefited from it.

"Here we are."

Diana pointed to the ground. It was a large theater. It was illuminated by countless searchlights and looked quite grand.

"Is today a special day? The scene is huge." Su Ming looked at the huge posters with Zatanna's artistic photos and signatures printed around him, feeling curious: "Wait a minute, these people didn't just get eclipsed during the day. Have you controlled it? You can come to the show at night?"

Diana shrugged, but she thought it was nothing: "Human beings are forgetful creatures. Besides, even if the end of the world comes, people still have to continue living and dwell on the past. It is better to live in the present."

"...Are you the fake Diana? The goddess of philosophy? Is that you?" Su Ming hid in the darkness of the street and turned the assassin into a suit and dress, looking at Wonder Woman in surprise.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Don't you know that a Greek specialty is a philosopher?" Diana patted him awkwardly. She just wanted to try the charm of thought. Maybe Deathstroke likes female warriors with deep thoughts?

But that's not the case at all. Deathstroke hates philosophy as much as she does, and he even made up some random philosophy goddess to make fun of her. Which pantheon has such a priesthood? !

But it seems that the two of them have a lot in common...

But as she slapped it with her palm just now, she discovered that the dress looked like a dress, but in fact it was hard. It was cold and dangerous at the beginning. The hairs on her arms stood up: "You... ..What’s on you?”

"Liquid Nanorobot Super Disguise Program Omega." Su Ming made it up casually, and stretched out an arm to signal Diana to take it, and the two entered the theater together.

It's just that the smile on his face is very stiff at this time, like a corpse that died of laughing gas. It is difficult for Strangler to imitate a natural smile.

"Uh... Such a long name." Diana's eyes suddenly turned bright. She understood each word in this long string of words individually, but she had no idea what they meant together.

"It doesn't matter. As long as you know it's harmless, let's go in. Madam, please go first." Su Ming opened the theater door gracefully and motioned for Diana to go first.

Diana never needed special attention from anyone. She grabbed Su Ming's arm and dragged him through the door, walking side by side into the brightly lit hall.

"I know Xiao Zha's manager. We went directly to the staff passage and went backstage to watch the show."

Diana dragged Su Ming confidently and strode towards the small door next to it that said No Entry. She also threw a few bills and bought popcorn from the counter in front of the theater.

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