The Death Knell

Chapter 3570 Methods and Weaknesses

As I said before, the Marvel Universe is actually a cycle. Starting from the death of the First Firmament as the concept of 'universe' itself when the Celestials rebelled, the material universe collapsed into a cosmic egg again and again and exploded again and again. Matter is ejected from the point to form a new universe and a new sky, because it is the universe itself.

Each generation of the firmament, or generation, further refines the concept of the universe.

For example, the Second Firmament was born from the wreckage of the First Firmament and inherited almost all matter. He established the concept of 'living things'.

The third firmament was born in a female form. She added the concept of 'diversity' to the universe, or divided the original large universe into small universes for easier management.

The fourth firmament creates ‘story’ and ‘time’; the fifth firmament creates ‘magic’ and ‘dreams’; and the sixth firmament creates ‘science’ and ‘invention’.

Countless creatures once lived in these firmaments, growing and multiplying, writing their own stories, and rising and falling as the firmaments themselves changed.

When the sky died, they disappeared with it. Not even stories and legends remained, and neither humans nor the earth existed in those generations.

Only a handful of creatures can escape the multiverse or find a way to survive.

For example, when the sixth sky collapsed, the cosmic egg it formed contained a creature called GaLan. The egg protected this creature into the next cycle.

As we all know, this creature became Galactus.

And this time the cosmic egg exploded, what appeared was not a single individual of the Seventh Firmament, but a different gameplay, divided into eternity and infinity, and then death, annihilation, and star swallowing appeared.

They did not inherit all the concepts of the Sixth Sky. Later, many other conceptual entities were born, all of which were somewhat enriched with some of the legacy of the previous generation, but that is a digression.

So strictly speaking, Su Ming now lives in the Seventh Firmament Era, but in this era, the concept of "Seventh Firmament" does not exist. Even if the five gods are pinched together, they are not considered the Seventh Firmament. Too far.

What's more, in this generation, the earth exists, and this is simply the birthplace of various concepts, such as 'devil', 'darkness', 'light' and other concepts, which are all newly born from here.

Some people regard Eternity as the Seventh Firmament because its appearance is somewhat similar to that of the Firmament of the Past. This is actually wrong. He does not represent all of Marvel's universe collections, but is only a multi-dimensional one.

After all, he does not exist in the universes that belong to Marvel, such as Men in Black, Conan the Barbarian, and The Dark Tower.

Speaking of which, in addition to the common Starlight Man appearance, Eternity also has another appearance, which looks like a small cosmic temple. The walls and pillars all look like space star patterns, which is very nice.

The concepts he represents are 'time' and 'space'. In comics, he usually does not appear easily unless there is an event that threatens the multiverse.

Of course, if we start from the consequentialist theory, his behavior is "I don't care about small things, but I can't help with big things." Being killed by Thanos who obtained the heart of the universe with a snap of his fingers is one of the eternal black histories.

But he also has an advantage, that is, he likes to communicate with humans.

Don’t superheroes like to have meetings when big events happen? Eternal would attend meetings every time. People he was slightly familiar with, such as Thor or Star-Lord, would nod at the meetings, and he would nod along with them. At least they were quite enthusiastic.

Valley/span\u003e Eternity, as the physical incarnation of a concept, has eternity in every single universe, but the eternity in the single universe is just a cell of the multi-eternity. The eternal multi-body can pass through the superphysical realm and the single universe. The clones can communicate and obtain any information in the universe, and even merge.

Although each universe has eternity, due to the fact that it is a clone, the eternity abilities in each single universe are not exactly the same. Some are weaker, some are stronger, and the appearance is somewhat different.

In the past, the multi-eternity only lived in the 616 universe, the main world of the comics, but now only Su Ming's 40K Earth and six subsidiary parallel worlds are left in the multi-eternity, so it will be much easier to negotiate terms with him.

Gu Yi didn't want to fall out with Eternity because of his own life, but Su Ming felt that there was no need to worry about this, because even if the quarrel got bigger, Diversity would be destroyed. At worst, Su Ming would take his belongings and friends to immigrate to DC. Eternity, he Where can I run?

As one of the concepts that make up the Marvel Universe, he has long been bound to this place. Not to mention going to DC to confront the Infinite Family. If the Seventh Firmament ends, he will be finished.

This is where Su Ming's confidence lies. After all, Sepulke was originally Ark.

Without the supervision of the Life Court and no one to complain to TOAA, eternity will not be able to prevent the destruction of the Seventh Sky. It is like sitting on a boat and being unable to lift the boat.

However, this time I went to find Eternal Life and it was not a fight to the death. It was just a backup plan, and I had to use some gentle methods at the beginning.

So Gu Yi was left to drink soda and rest in the office. Su Ming left alone and headed straight for the sky. He wanted to find an acquaintance and act as a middleman and lobbyist.

At the edge of the universe, in the almost unknown shadow, at the intersection of reality and underlying dimensions, there is an essentially 'infinite' garden.

The flower beds here are full of withered and decaying plants, with faint black smoke billowing everywhere, and the white translucent souls lined up in the void are spreading to the end of the line of sight like the Milky Way.

"Hey, Lao Mo, are you here to pay the bill today?" At the entrance of the garden, Su Ming did not line up with the souls of the dead. Instead, he walked through the passage belonging to the living. He happened to meet an acquaintance, the devil, who smiled and talked to him. The other party greeted: "I'm dressed very fashionably today, with a nice suit. Are you going on a blind date?"

The red-skinned Mephisto smiled. The devil always looked malicious when he smiled. Even though he was wearing a pair of reading glasses and the hair on his head was combed smoothly, when he opened his mouth, his mouth was still full of messy yellow hair. tooth.

"Hello, Master Supreme. You are still so humorous, haha." He patted his new clothes and even held his laptop in a circle to show it to Su Ming: "Isn't Deadpool getting married tomorrow? I I also want to join in the fun, although I will definitely change into a human form by then, but I still have to dress decently."

"I didn't expect that he even sent you an invitation." Su Ming tilted his mouth and showed a complicated smile: "But whatever, I just remind you that this is my territory, don't cause trouble, understand? ?”

"Oh, who dares to make trouble in front of you now, my master?"

Old Mo smiled and made a gesture of invitation, letting the death knell go into the garden. He also picked a withered rose and put it in his breast pocket, saying:

"Have you seen the people queuing up outside? They are all dead souls from the parallel universes that were annihilated during the multi-dimensional collision. Now they have flowed into our only surviving universe. You killed them in two days. There are more people than I have killed in a billion years, how could I be so bold as to offend you, quack?"

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