The Death Knell

Chapter 3600: Strike first to gain the upper hand

"How's it going? Let's get something to eat."

On the morning of the second day of Earth time, Deathstroke took fried dough sticks and soy milk to visit the Antarctic Sanctuary. He was in a good mood today, and his voice even rose a little at the end of his speech.

After passing through security doors and entering hundreds of layers of magic barriers with the help of his cloak, he looked at the two mages sitting cross-legged on the floor.

In front of them was a ghost thing suspended in the air. It was approximately a circle, but it had numerous irregular edges and depressions. It was emitting light but absorbing light at the same time. It was like an energy aggregate and a substance. , it looks like an object that should not exist in reality at first glance.

The mage in a green cloak sat upright, with his legs crossed and his hands on his knees. His gaze behind the iron mask was always on the sphere, even if a plastic cup filled with hot soy milk was stuffed into his arms, his gaze Not a single sway:

"As you can see, we are waiting. The crystallization process is much slower than Doom expected. All we can do now is wait and watch it without leaving."

"Because it is uncertain, Master, thank you for bringing breakfast." Casillas gave a specific explanation. He also sat cross-legged next to Doom, with some cigarette butts piled on the ground beside him: " Just like Schrödinger's cat, if there is no 'observation', then it may produce other results, and we have countless cats here."

"Countless possibilities?"

Su Ming crossed his arms and circled around the luminous object. He tapped his eye mask lightly with his fingers, making a weak thumping sound, as if he was thinking about something.

But then, he shook his head and no longer dwelled on it, and just said:

"Then just keep watching. If you have any other methods you want to try, just let me know. I'm going to deal with the affairs of the ancient evil gods now."

"Dimensions are endless, like matryoshka dolls shrouded outside matter and reality. Doom suggests that you don't go out to search, but wait for the other party to attack first, and then adapt accordingly."

Doctor Doom's suggestion is this. The current Earth 40K is a solid magical fortress. If you want to deal with evil gods of Sithorn's level, it is the safest to hold on to it.

In addition, even if you want to take the initiative, you have to know where those guys are hiding, right?

The God Eater has been chasing Sithorne for trillions of years without catching him. No matter how powerful Deathstroke is, he can't possibly lock down Sithorne's location in a few days, right?

"Well, Master Gu Yi said the same." Deathstroke shrugged, and he handed a large bag of fried dough sticks to Xiaoka: "Haha, you were busy at the time, and maybe you didn't know that Teacher Yao was back. If she was stationed on the earth, Of course I can go out and try to look for it, but I can’t find Sithorn, so why can’t I still find Seth?”

The snake god Seth should be relatively easy to find. After all, that guy likes to use snake crowns to 'fish' and trick mortals into doing tasks for him.

And the snake crown has a physical existence. If you find a hat, maybe you can follow the clues?

In addition, maybe you can ask Cytorak for help. Although the Crimson Universe is another multidimensional world of Marvel, otakus are also easy to talk to.

"Ancient One" Dr. Destruction repeated Deathstroke's words in a low voice, as if he was savoring something and muttered: "In that case, that's fine, but you have to remember one thing, don't enter the 'Sea of ​​Snakes' easily."

The Sea of ​​Snakes dimension is the territory of the snake god Seth. It is located somewhere in the inner dimension. It is said that it is full of all kinds of strange snakes.

There is no ground, no sky, just snakes.

Deathstroke didn't answer, just turned around and left, casually waving goodbye, indicating that he already knew and had no plans to visit the Sea of ​​Serpents.

Sithorn and Set were allies during the first generation of God War, and if they plan to work together now, they will inevitably realize that Emperor Weishan will find ways to find them, so who will hide at home?

In this dimension, the sky and the earth are shrouded in a strange purple color, and the bright stars in the sky seem to be blinking, always quietly peeping at the creatures on the prairie.

There is a small pond, a bush, and a huge bread tree standing alone in the middle of the dry grassland, looking a little fat.

"Aren't you at home? Did you go take a shower?"

Su Ming circled around the big tree, looked up at the branches, and pulled at the waist-high dead grass a few times to find his target.

Yes, he came to find the Leopard God. If he wanted to find out some inside information, of course he had to ask an experienced god. Although Su Ming knew many ancient gods of the earth, there were not many who could speak in a way that others could understand. .

In fact, if we want to say that the person who knows Sithorn and Seth the best, it is of course Ao Shutu. After all, the person who knows someone best is often his enemy.

It's a pity that Ao Shutu is too aloof. She hides many things and doesn't know how to tell them, just like birds that like to put shiny things into their nests.

Agamotto was the child she created later, and Brain Ax was a foreign god. Neither of them had that 'first-hand information'.

The Spider God is also one of the ancient gods, but it later turned itself into the web of life. Now it has no way to communicate with people. The weaver master who is its spokesperson can only spin threads every day, tell riddles, and have also asked questions. Passed, no use.

Next up are the Leopard God and the Tiger God. Although they were not included in the ranking of the four ancient gods, at least tigers and leopards were much stronger than wild dogs like the Beast. They should know some information.

In view of the good relationship in the past, Su Ming ate the heart-shaped grass and entered the leopard's dream.

They originally came to find the Panther God, but the big cat did not sleep on the tree branch today. Some small black panthers transformed from the former King of Wakanda lay on the tree and looked at Su Ming with their purple eyes, saying: A purring sound.

However, Su Ming also had a backup plan for the situation where the Leopard God could not be found. Since the man could not find the cat, he would let the cat find him.

He stopped circling the tree, took out a small bench and a barbecue grill from his pocket, took out a large piece of roasted camel hump that was still dripping with oil, and lit a fire to start grilling and heating it.

Humans really shouldn't eat this kind of food. Whether it's nutritious or not is another matter. The taste alone is not up to standard, and they won't even eat strangled food.


Hangsha said that he is not picky about food, mainly because living conditions are better now than in the past, and no one likes to eat fat anymore.

It doesn't matter, as long as the seasonings are complete, the barbecue will at least smell delicious, especially the smell of slightly roasted fat meat. Sprinkled with chili powder and cumin powder, it is a smell that can fully awaken the appetite.

Not least of all, Deathstroke sprinkled a little catnip on top.

Regardless of whether it’s a big cat or a kitten, this kind of thing is one of the sure-kill tricks. No feline can resist their temptation. As someone who often interacts with Hogs, prepare some catnip on you just in case. The countermeasures are also reasonable, right?

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