The Death Knell

Chapter 3608 Lost Contact

In short, this is what happened. After the observers realized that they were the culprits that caused the demise of civilization, they fell into deep self-blame.

Ikul's method of helping was completely overturned. Kind observers were unwilling to see the tragedy happen again. Not long after, he himself committed suicide due to depression.

Doom's bystander theory naturally gained the upper hand. He proposed a more Buddhist concept, that is, everyone only observes the universe, does not interfere with the development of any civilization, and then regards the 'observation process' itself as belonging to one's own clan. Pursue.

Scatter, observe, record, get together for a story meeting, then disperse, observe... and so on.

Stories are one of the fundamental elements in the formation of the universe. Everyone loves to listen to stories.

So the matter was settled like this, the observer race was disbanded on the spot, and each parallel universe went to one or several observers, who would peek around and collect information, and share it with the same race when preparing for the gathering.

That being said, of course, most observers did the same thing, except one observer.

That is Yuatu, or also known as Frog Tu or Urtu in some translations. As the son of Ikur, he was assigned to a good place like Earth 616.

Although he says, "We are observers, we only observe and do not interfere," but anyone who has read the comics knows that there is no observer who loves to get involved in big events more than him.

Thanos wants to attack Earth? Youatu immediately reported to the Avengers.

Are the Shi'ar going to war with the X-Men over the Phoenix incident? Yuatu immediately went to ventilate the mutants.

The dimension demon Dormammu is going to attack the main dimension? Yoatu immediately went to complain to the Supreme Mage.

In short, he is close to human beings, and although he will not repeat the mistakes of his father who tried to encourage others, he has been protecting the earth's civilization.

As for the observers on Earth 40K, Su Ming had met them once a long time ago, when Howard's eldest son was involved. Deathstroke also dismantled a recorder robot.

As for now, if the observers escaped the cosmic collision and all gathered together, they should all be somewhere in the 40K universe.

I can't say exactly where. It might be on an asteroid in space, it might be in an abandoned dimension with no people, or it might even be peeking outside the crystal wall of the universe.

Their gathering place is beyond the reach of humans. After all, they are considered a high-level race.

"We can't contact him, Slade. You may have to look for him."

Gu Yi, who was on the other side of the communication image, put down her hands at this moment. Her expression became much more solemn, and she looked at the death knell seriously:

"I have been to almost all parallel universes and know almost all observers, but I can't contact any of them now."

"Oh, I can't contact you. I'm probably dead. I'll go to the place of death to look for their souls?" Su Ming put down the half-cooked python in his hand and asked the adjutant to teleport 'A Family in Immortal Palace' back to TVA for refuge. He sighed to himself.

"It won't work, they don't have souls." Gu Yi stopped this plan with one sentence. There are indeed many races in the universe that have souls, but there are also many races that don't.

Observers are the latter.

"It doesn't matter, I have a backup plan. You can't find them, but I have a way." Su Ming smiled and signaled to the teacher to relax. He was now the supreme mage: "Stop communications for now. You are going to Huaxi Village. If you go shopping, ask Hamil for money.”

"Huh? Why should I go shopping? Do you think I should be leisurely at this time?" Gu Yi touched his face and asked strangely. She had never understood the brain circuit of Deathstroke. .

Su Ming, who was wiping his hands, gave an explanation. He asked his adjutant to teleport him back to TVA and explained in the Blu-ray:

"We are not the only ones who can feel the dimensional invasion. There are many Earth mages who can do this, not to mention that there may be various witnesses and survivors. The mysterious side forums on the dark web should be in trouble now. , everyone will actively express their opinions..."

"Understood." Gu Yi stood up and smiled slightly: "So I went out for a leisurely shopping, but it can show that Kama Taj is well-prepared for this crisis, which can calm people's hearts. It's the mobile app you young people play. , you can post photos and short videos on it, and if people see that I am relaxed, they will not easily fall in love with the evil gods."

"That's it, you are always the Dinghai Shenzhen. Haha, I basically don't care who the mages usually make deals with, but now, the situation has changed. Although we can't force everyone to believe in Weishan Emperor, at least we can't let the wallflowers Are they going to the other side?"

Su Ming also smiled and replied to her, walking in the splendid corridor and heading towards the door of the wedding venue:

"In addition to this, it's also because Huaxi Village is close enough to Kama Taj and is on the same ley line. If something happens, Monarch can take care of it for a few minutes, and you can react in time."

"When it comes to grasping people's hearts, I'm really not as good as you." Gu Yi nodded happily.

As if arranged by the death knell, she stretched out her palm to Hamil beside her and rubbed her fingers skillfully.

In the village at the foot of the mountain, money may not necessarily buy magic materials, but it is no problem to buy some food, drink, clothing or electronic products. Anyway, Gu Yi does not plan to drink aloe vera juice this time.

Faced with the compliment, Deathstroke just smiled and said nothing. After a slight nod, he asked the adjutant to cut off the communication.

He himself returned to Deadpool's wedding scene.

Deadpool and Xia Kaila are having lunch here with their friends. Anyway, the honeymoon banquet prepared by their cousin will be free of charge.

On the table are the driver Adu, the blind black old woman, Cable, the teenager who always talks dirty words, Warhead, and Wade's mercenary friends such as Foolish Attendant, Taskmaster, Ghostface, etc.

Captain America left in tears after eating yesterday. Deadpool no longer needed to be secretive. When he saw Deathstroke coming back, he stood up and waved happily and shouted:

"Cousin, we are here, come and have a meal with others~~~~"


The owl dagger flew hundreds of meters for some unknown reason and was inserted into Deadpool's head, knocking him down accurately.

Then the strangulation flowed along the ground, wrapped around the handle of the knife and shook it, pulled out the weapon and picked it back. At this time, the sound of the death knell came:

"My hand slipped. Now I have nothing to do with you. Sit down and eat your food and be your groom. Also, if you dare to say disgusting words again, I will give you your little heart and little egg." The eggs are scooped out and used as little bubbles to stomp on, and then fed to the calves to chew.”

Deadpool stood up from the ground, looked at where no one was, and spread his hands: "Is this a double standard? Dark, my cousin is too dark."

Su Ming didn't bother to pay attention to him, and just walked towards the corner of the hall, where there was an old man wearing a cashier's uniform, eating a bowl of beef noodles in clear soup.

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