The Death Knell

Chapter 3619 Top Players

Not to mention the process of moving boxes in the giant storage room at Deathstroke, not to mention that Ganata had the illusion that humans can give her a lot of food today, not to mention the Phoenix and Kelva at a certain coordinate in the depths of the universe. Gram's war.

Let’s pay attention to the status of the main battlefield.

As we all know, whenever there is a battle involving aliens invading the earth, the main battlefield is New York.

This city seems to be cursed, having suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck.

There are many landmarks in New York, such as the Statue of Liberty, the United Nations Headquarters, Broadway and Wall Street, as well as the Stark Industries Building with the Avengers logo, etc.

But the place tourists prefer to visit is Times Square. Stand under that large display screen for a while, take a photo, and go to a nearby specialty store to buy something. This is what tourists like to do most.

At this time, when facing sudden attacks from dark elves and trolls, the situation in densely populated areas is often not good.

The portal suddenly appeared in Times Square not long ago, and some monsters that no one had ever seen walked out of it. Then they started killing people, and people fell into a vortex of panic and death.

Knocked to death by trolls' clubs, hacked to death by dark elves' scimitars, pushed and trampled to death by their own kind, hit by fleeing vehicles and crashed planes.

What was originally a joyful shopping trip turned into a display of hundreds of ways to die almost instantly.

Although some people wanted to escape with their bodies that became obese due to junk food, the fear in their hearts made them unable to control their mouths. It is definitely not a good idea to scream while running.

Dark elves and trolls are races that live in darkness. Their hearing is their first sense. Like bats, their heads will unconsciously turn in the direction of hearing sounds.

Now that Times Square has been basically occupied by the raid, the monsters are cleaning the battlefield, establishing frontline positions, waiting for the follow-up troops to pass through the portal, and at the same time capturing nearby survivors.

Yes, Deathstroke had sent his troops to every corresponding teleportation point around the world to stop the invaders, but he had not sent anyone to New York.

The answer is very simple. First of all, there are many superheroes and villains in this city, and they can practice their skills with aliens. Secondly, New York is definitely the most fiercely contested place between the two sides. It is too early to put the troops into the meat grinder. , strategically unwise.

Even if there are as many cannon fodder androids as there are troops, in the face of the possible emergence of cosmic powerhouses, the number is often meaningless.

So Deathstroke and the adjutant plan to observe before making a decision, at least to see the opponent's leader or something, right? It is also convenient to prescribe the right medicine. In addition, at least leave a landing point for the enemy so that they can all gather here.

As for the people who died in this city during the planning process? Just think of it as their sacrifice for the future of the earth.

At this time, the two trolls were walking around the streets with big sticks in their hands. They kept flaring the sunken nostrils on their faces to capture the smell in the air, looking for living humans in the smoke and fire.

Suddenly, one of the trolls suddenly stopped when passing by a dilapidated shop. His head slowly turned to the dark corner of the shop like a puppet, and a cruel evil light suddenly burst out from his small eyes. .


There was a strange sound made by someone in the darkness. It was very short, and then it seemed like a hand was put back in the mouth, but it was already too late.

The giant wooden stick swept away the debris blocking the road, and the troll strode towards the store. After knocking over several collapsed shelves, it found two humans hugging each other and shivering in the corner. .

After thinking about it with his mind that was approaching nothingness, he recognized the list that the chief had shown them before setting off. It was all human beings who were called super humans. They could be distinguished by the different colors of their tights.

The chief said that if you encounter these guys, kill them immediately and trade their heads for gold.

"Wolverine! Deadpool!" The troll was overjoyed. It shouted out the code names of the two people in standard London English, and then raised the big stick, preparing to smash the two people to death.

Seeing this scene, 'Wolverine' let out a piercing scream. He hugged 'Deadpool' and squatted on guard together, closing his eyes tightly, and said quickly:

"No! I'm not Wolverine! You got the wrong person!"

Yes, his claws did not protrude from under the skin. Although his height, weight, dress, and even beard and hairstyle were exactly the same as Logan, he still raised his orchid fingers when he spoke, with tears and snot flowing everywhere, crying. His voice is still whining, and if people on earth take a look at it, they will know that he is definitely a gay sissy.

You can say that Wolverine is short, you can say that he is brainless, but you cannot say that he is a sissy.

So this is a fake, just a simple tourist who came to Times Square to play osplay and take pictures.

But the troll didn't know. When it heard what the dwarf human said, it was stunned for a moment, and then called its companions to come over and observe together, because in its view, all humans looked the same, but the method of killing them needed to be different.

If it were an ordinary person, if he could hit his head with a stick and smash it to pieces, then of course there would be no problem.

But if the head of someone on the bounty list is smashed, it won't be exchanged for gold. This is not good, and the killing method must be changed.

To knock, or not to knock, is a difficult question.

"Hey, look, are these Wolverine and Deadpool?"

The troll with a keen sense of smell asked his companion who came over with a big stick. The ceiling of the store was too low, so the troll broke the ceiling and walked in.

"Yellow clothes, red clothes, that's right!"

The new troll is obviously smarter. He can also name nouns representing colors and has eyes full of wisdom.

So the first troll raised the big stick, but this time it was not to knock, but to stab the two humans to death with the wooden stick that looked like a telegraph pole, keeping their heads intact as much as possible.

But at this moment, magic weapons suddenly descended from the ceiling that was smashed by the troll!

A figure wearing a red and blue uniform holding a spider silk in his hand swayed in, and with a gesture similar to doing a split, he kicked off two trolls at the same time, and then he did a backflip and landed firmly on the two survivors. In front of me, I used my not-so-tall back to support the sky of two gay men.

"Look what I found? As a good neighbor to the people of New York, I always tell tourists from outside, don't come to Times Square, don't come to Times Square, don't come to Times Square. I have said important things more than three times. Holidays When you come here, you can only see other people’s hair, and you are deceived into buying expensive but worthless tourist souvenirs. Then the tour guide will take you to start shopping. Anyone who does not spend money in the store is not allowed to leave. This is what you want Is that right? Independence Day is cheating day, guys, and you’re just going to get an empty wallet.”

Spider-Man was handsome for only three seconds, and he immediately began to mutter. Although it was true that he wanted to save people, it seemed equally important to warn the two of them not to come to Times Square again to join in the fun.

Because as a passionate New York neighborhood hero, the greater your ability, the greater your responsibility! Americans don’t lie to Americans!

The trolls have thick skin and strong self-healing ability. After being kicked away, they quickly got up in the street and returned to the ruins of the store carrying a stick.

The two trolls looked at each other, laughed at the same time, and said the same thing:

"Two deadpools! Two pieces of gold!"

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