The Death Knell

Chapter 363 Leopard wins

The deal has been reached. As a hired person, she is more trustworthy than Constantine. At least she is reliable until she faces some cosmic demon.

"Can I ask why you want to investigate this matter?" Alberta arranged her coat and put various magic props into the inner layer: "In my opinion, there is no magic fluctuation in your body at all. , he has a lot of artifacts on his body."

"Are you curious about the identity of your employer?" Su Ming walked out of the room first, the wooden floor under his feet creaking.

"Of course, if a divine messenger comes to entrust me, I can add this experience to my advertisements in the future." She answered casually, holding a cigarette in her mouth, a strand of golden hair dangled in front of her eyes.

"But this advertisement is too bizarre. Ordinary people will not believe it. Instead, they will think you are bragging." Su Ming put forward a different view.

"Ha, that's good." Alberta kicked Diana out of her office, walked out and locked the door, nodding to Su Ming with appreciation.

More self-deprecating.

She has at least done some good things with her demonic power over the years, but no one would believe these things even if she told them.

People will not believe in the existence of the devil until they see it with their own eyes, but they believe in the existence of God. Has anyone seen God?

"Actually, you want to know our identities so you can judge what level of crisis we will face in the future, right?" Su Ming whispered her thoughts: "If we are errands in the magic world, then you only need to be prepared to deal with some small The devil's preparation. If we were the envoys of God, then you would consider whether it is a world-wide crisis."

"That's pretty much it, but there have been world crises. The Justice League has to deal with more than a dozen world crises every year." Arbella seemed to have been seen through and was very calm. She admitted her thoughts openly. .

Diana's face looked better. It seemed that someone still knew about the efforts of the Justice League.

However, the mage's next words almost made Diana furious. Alberta staggered down the stairs while talking to Su Ming.

"If I were as rich as them, I could also maintain world peace, but I still have to eat, haha."

Diana seemed to be about to attack the mage, but Su Ming quickly stopped her. He still didn’t know what was going on. Could there be a civil war first?

Alberta also noticed something was wrong with the cloaked woman, but she did not repent at all. Instead, she added fuel to the fire: "Your girl is sick and shaking non-stop. I think it is epilepsy. I suggest you not to go to bed with her." .”

"Huh...huh..." Diana breathed a few times and calmed down. She took off her hood, revealing her face and the starry crown on her head.

She stared at the mage, forcing her to apologize with her eyes.

However, Albella just looked at her and nodded half-heartedly: "It turns out she is the Queen of the Amazons. Do you want to date?"


Diana looked at Deathstroke in confusion. She didn't quite understand what it meant.

Albertella took off her cigarette, flicked the ashes, and led the two of them into the basement. There was a small space she rented, and she set up a magic circle here.

"I'm asking you if you want to sleep with me and we can play with some women's toys."


Diana understood, but she had no interest in it at all. She was straight, straighter than steel.

Although this is quite popular in Amazon, and many of her sisters are lovers of each other, she herself cannot accept this.

She did get close to some girls, but she never meant it that way.

Just like Harley, although she often kisses and hugs other women and sleeps in the same bed, Harley is also straight.

"No, I'm not interested." Diana refused immediately, but she also became a little angry.

Even though the other person is a woman, at least she admits her charm, right?

With this thought in her mind, Diana stole a glance at Deathstroke, but he remained expressionless. That strange nano thing made it impossible for him to show any emotion at all.

Alberta nodded with neither joy nor sorrow, put the cigarette into her mouth, held it with her red lips, and motioned for the two of them to stand in the magic circle with her.

"Your loss, you don't know how great I am." Alberta shrugged, expressing some regret, but there was no regret in her tone: "What about you? Batman, do you want to fall in love and get married with me? "

"Oh? Isn't this a big gap?" Su Ming was a little funny. She obviously recognized the wrong person.

Alberta curled her lips and showed a smile: "We are all very tired people. It's good for two patients to be together. Besides, you are very rich."

"Did you turn out to be interested in Batman's superpowers? Haha..." Su Ming shook his head. He patted his chest, and the strangulation flowed into the gaps in his armor like the tide seeping into the beach, revealing the black and yellow uniform: "Unfortunately, you got the wrong person."

The cigarette fell out of Alberta's mouth. She first suspected that she was under an illusion, and then began to doubt life.

I thought it would be Batman who was spending money with Wonder Woman and could see through people's hearts, but how could it be Deathstroke?

A mercenary and top assassin.

She rubbed her temples, feeling a little drunk. Has the world changed so much since the Origin Wall exploded last month?

The most righteous Wonder Woman and the darkest killer come together, and they seem to have a good relationship... It's crazy.

Her expression became serious and her eyes narrowed into slits.

As a sorcerer and a believer in mysterious theories, she knows that if too many incomprehensible things happen in a short period of time, it means that everyone is in big trouble...


At this time in Maryland, Zatanna arrived at the door of Winters Manor and saw from a distance that Baron Winters opened the door and welcomed the previous batch of guests.

It's Witch Boy and Morgan.

The wizard boy is a powerful sorcerer who has good times and bad times. He often does things from the perspective of the underground people. At least he is Zatanna's enemy.

Not to mention Morgan Le Fay, King Arthur's sister and queen, has never been a fuel-efficient lamp. Her golden mask and magical props all over her body make her very dangerous. She is the enemy of the Justice League.

"If I were you, I wouldn't go in." There was the crisp sound of a lighter being opened behind you, and a man slowly walked out of the darkness: "My dear, that's not the place we should go."

Zatanna turned around, and it was indeed the person she imagined.

"Constantine, you stinky piece of shit, I can't get rid of you, can I?"

"I drew your teleportation array for you. Your irony magic can no longer be used, and the teleportation array has to pass through Limbo where the House of Mystery is located. What do you think?" Constantine smiled proudly and said Sitting on the hood of someone's car on the side of the road.

Zatanna glared at him angrily: "Baron Winters promises that there will be no conflicts today. The people in the room are all of our kind."

"Huh? I don't think I'm the same kind as the blue-skinned goblin, or the snake-man warlock, or the toad mage." Constantine squeezed out a laugh from his nose, smashed his mouth, and spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm towards the roadside.

"The Baron welcomes all spellcasters." Zatanna was not going to talk nonsense. The meeting was about to begin, and she had to attend to understand the current situation.

Constantine could either go in with her or get out.

"Except for me, since I burned three people to death in his living room last time, if I want to enter his house again, I need to break through more than twenty magic traps." Constantine shook his head and said that he would not go. He also hoped that she would not go: "There is no need for you to waste your time. There are demons and angels present in the house at the same time, and they can't discuss anything."

But Zatanna didn't hear the second half of the sentence at all. She only heard the three people who were burned to death, and the flames seemed to still be in front of her eyes.

"You've always been a bitch, right?" Zatanna yelled at Constantine. If her magic hadn't failed, she would have given this scum a hard blow: "Among the three people you mentioned? One is my father!"

"So...we're done?" Constantine scratched his head, and the large amount of dandruff was very obvious under the streetlight.

"Because you deceived my father into working with you to fight against the outer space demons? And then you abandoned them and escaped on your own? Let them turn to ashes in pain and wailing?" Zatanna shook her head in disappointment. She once loved this wanderer. Han's, but now he didn't kill him because he was taking care of his old relationship: "Yes, we are finished."

After saying that, she turned and walked towards the manor. The Baron saw Zatanna at the door and came out to welcome her.

He also saw Constantine, so he sent his demon pet cheetah 'Merlin' to drive away this bitch.

Constantine didn't want to be bitten by the feline beast, so he left silently.

In fact, the three people who were burned to death last time all voluntarily sacrificed their lives. In order to seal the demon from another dimension, the three powerful mages paid the price with their lives.

The seal was successful, those who died were heroes, and those who survived were villains.

Four people held a ceremony together, and the other three mages more powerful than Constantine died. Why did Constantine survive?

The other three must have been deceived!

In fact, the reason why Constantine survived was not because he escaped, but because he needed to be alive in order to preside over the magical ceremony that only he could release with the blood of the devil in his body.

Things have happened, and he doesn't need to explain. All kinds of pain, both mental and physical, are all at his own expense. And if he does something happy, a large group of demons from hell will come and try to take away the source of happiness.

This is fine now, better than Zatanna being haunted by endless demons when she loses her power.

He took a puff of cigarette and glared at Leopard. His hell spell had not failed. Now, he was much stronger than the Baron.

The leopard looked at him without fear until it watched him walk towards the door in the distance in the darkness.

Constantine cursed and hurried away on the street, turning his head to take a look from time to time.

Just because he doesn't cast spells doesn't mean he doesn't know how or doesn't dare. He has a hundred ways to kill a familiar, even if the leopard is named 'Merlin', it won't help.

But good steel must be used on the blade, and he still has things to do that Batman told him to do.

Let’s just say this damn leopard wins this time.

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