The Death Knell

Chapter 3665 Game Thinking

Now New York City is shrouded in an environment of heavy rain and thick smoke. When flying invisible over the ruins of the city, you can see the presence of ancient gods in almost every corner, and people are dying miserably every moment.

These monsters who were expelled from the main dimension back then have returned with their own concepts, and these terrifying concepts are obviously full of dark attributes and are very unfriendly to ordinary humans...

In some places, teams of superheroes formed spontaneously to resist, and some ordinary citizens also participated. Of course, Su Ming also saw many zero-dollar shopping scenes, and everything seemed lively and real.

"Why don't you go to help the Avengers and go to a girl I don't know at all?" Carol still had some questions. She seemed to have started to learn to think because she became the director of the Tianjian Bureau recently.

Of course, maybe she was more concerned about Karama Khan, the girl named Marvel Girl. At this time, the girl was following Captain America and the others to charge towards Aquilon Kagua.

Su Ming, who was sitting at the front of the flying carpet, turned to look at her. Even through the mask, she could still feel the man's helplessness:

"You haven't played any of the games produced by my company, have you? Do you know "嘤X Alliance"?"

"My brother Joe often plays, but if Mary finds out, he will be 'trained'. I only watched him play a few times." Carol was a little confused what Deathstroke meant when he mentioned this, and why fighting was related to computer games. relation.

"No wonder. In fact, you need to analyze the current situation on the battlefield to understand the tactical options."

Su Ming wanted to cultivate Carol's analytical skills, so he explained a few words to her:

"The situation we are encountering now is similar to the map in the game. Spider-Man is on the road. Although they are fighting and retreating, they have successfully resisted the pressure. Leo Patton still has no big problem carrying three ancient gods with one machine. , so just let them continue to resist the pressure.”

"Well, what next?" Carol sniffed and listened patiently.

"As for the Avengers, they are completely at a disadvantage in the bottom lane. We were beaten by Guagua. We couldn't achieve much results in the past because the opponent only had that one unit on the line." Deathstroke pointed to the red-haired unit in the distance. monster, watching as he hammered away at Steve's shield.

"So we are going to help the squirrel girl in the middle." Lorna bit her nails as she spoke. She smoothed the green hair next to her cheeks: "There is a saying in the game Slade mentioned, it's called 'Help You Can't Help'" 'Help the inferior' means to help the teammate with the most advantage and expand the results as quickly as possible."

"You still know about video games?" Wanda looked at her sister, looking a little surprised.

Polaris spread her hands, and the oncoming wind made the corners of her mouth curl up. She smiled and said, "What else do you think I can do on an isolated island like Utopia? Fishing with the children? I might as well go with the Blue Devil. And Iceman and the others are playing games.”

"Lorna did nothing wrong. All knowledge in the world means knowledge. No matter what it is, if you study it to the extreme, you will gain something." Deathstroke rewarded Lorna with a chocolate frog and touched the girl's head: "With more, you can beat less. Confronting darkness with light, using one's own strengths to target the enemy's weaknesses, is always an important starting point for tactical thinking."

Polaris, who was praised, nodded happily and put the chocolate frog into her pocket. She wanted to take it back to her father to try it.

Just as the three of them were talking, the magic floating cloak that remained invisible and flew slowly sent them to the sky above Hell's Kitchen, where the battle was fierce and filled with all kinds of chaos.

The tactics used by Squirrel Girl were all funny tactics such as throwing dirt into the enemy's eyes, pulling out the enemy's nose hair, and slapping the opponent. However, the effect was outstanding. She held down more than a dozen ancient gods by herself, and she still looked relaxed. Freehand, appearing to be at ease in the battlefield.

Her army of squirrels are also arriving in the main dimension in a steady stream. These little stuffed monsters with crazy spirits are swarming towards the enemy using Zerg-like tactics.

Every animal has red eyes and foaming at the mouth, like a berserker turned zombie.

What's more unusual is that after Deathstroke returned to New York, arranged a lot of things, and watched Tony's performance, such a long period of time has passed, and Squirrel Girl's combo at that time has not been interrupted, and she is still there today It remains in the air.


While performing aerial combos, she also carried a move list in her mouth, with a smile on her chubby little face, as if she didn't realize that she was in danger at all.

"The Aerial Infinite Company is good, but the figure is far inferior to Bayonetta." Su Ming lamented in a dumbfounded voice. He glanced at Daisy and Hela and found that their fighting methods were quite normal.

This tactical arrangement was probably due to Loki's attention. Speaking of the overall strategy, it was to let Squirrel Girl cooperate with illusions as much as possible to attract the enemy, and the others would focus on the enemy alone or deliberately separate the demons.

Daisy and Hela are the main attackers, Loki provides magical assistance, Gwen and Jessica provide corresponding enemy observation data and intelligence, and Blade Warrior, who is still mixed with them for some reason, is responsible for pedicures and scrapings with samurai swords.

The Punisher is gone. As expected, the guy has a weird temper.

Ghost Rider isn't here either, probably repairing his bike. That's right. The motorcycle that Batman rode while wearing the Hell Bat Armor was considered strong enough if it wasn't pinched off on the spot.

As for Queen Frigga and the red-haired Angela, they were restricted from playing, so Su Ming decided to start helping from here.

After landing in a hidden place in the ruins, he slipped in front of the two protected women. After removing his invisibility, Su Ming first grabbed Frigga's hand and gave sincere and simple condolences:

"have you eaten?"

"Well, I've eaten. Sif and I have eaten at TVA." Of course, the Queen of Asgard couldn't understand the mysterious greetings from the East, and she didn't know that sometimes Chinese people ask others about the topic of dinner, but they are actually just being polite.

"That's fine, let me ask something, Your Majesty the Queen of Heaven, if we kill these demons and throw their bodies into the pit of the World Tree in Asgard, do you think there is a possibility that can accelerate the rebirth and growth of the big tree? ?”

Deathstroke has already taken a fancy to the meat of these demon gods. After all, he cannot let the God Eater be too full.

Because anyone who has ever raised a hunting dog knows that hunting dogs can never be overfed. Only hunger can provide them with motivation and desire.

"Maybe it works." Frigga didn't think too much, and gave the answer with bright eyes: "Yuktrasiel was once one of the ancient gods of the earth. It may also be able to devour other ancient gods to grow. .”

"That's enough. I'll ask the adjutant to take you to TVA to rest. I'm here."

Deathstroke nodded to Angela, who had abandoned the darkness and turned to the light, as if he had said hello, and then snapped his fingers to let the adjutant lead the people away. He also made a gesture to Loki, who sent his clone not far away to join the battle, and his body was invisible and hiding. , indicating that he wanted to take over the command.

Next, let’s stir-fry the New York vegetables until they become more fragrant.

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