The Death Knell

Chapter 3675 Luther’s wish

Apart from anything else, Seth is very good at dealing with his own people. The other demons are surrounding the God Eater and fighting him. He is lying on the roof of the building at the back, taking the opportunity to steal his own people's chickens.

There was a demon walking menacingly through the street in front of the Empire State Building. The shadow of the God Eater was reflected in his angry eyes, and he looked like he was going to fight for it.

But luckily for him, when someone was passing by, his neck suddenly stretched out like a rubber band, falling vertically from the top of the building, and wrapped around his teammate's neck like a drop of blood.

Before the poor demon could react, the deadly venom instantly dyed the demon with black fur and an upright wild ass-like color into dark green.

The demon who had just been resurrected by Sithorn kicked his legs and died like this. Facing an ancient god like Seth, ordinary demons are not even qualified to resist, let alone that snake does not have martial ethics. , come to cheat, come to sneak attack.

It really turns green. Su Ming used to think that toxins that turn people's skin green are some kind of artistic processing, just like cuckolds can turn people green.

It's not that he has never seen strong poisons. Poison Ivy's venom is notoriously poisonous, and the poison of 'wolf spider' or 'copperhead snake' is not bad either. Even Batman can bring down...

But there is no such discoloration effect. Those poisons will only make people's blood vessels explode and their eyes bulge.

Obviously, Seth's poison effect is stronger, both in terms of actual power and visual effects, and even the color is a bit environmentally friendly.

It was just a poison that could kill the first-generation demon instantly, let alone what would happen to ordinary people if they were bitten by it.

Although the main concept of the snake god Seth is "snake", followed by "swallowing", the ancient gods of the earth at that time did not play with toxins too much. Seth was originally poisonous as a snake, and then swallowed others. Poison makes him more and more poisonous.

If poison is used properly, it is not difficult at all to defeat the weak with the strong. Even today, poison murder cases in human society are much more difficult to solve than ordinary murder cases.

Su Ming did not rush to take action, but watched as the snake god Seth devoured the prey. A huge bulge followed Seth's long neck, which was about the same thickness as an ordinary person's arm, and went into its belly.

“Question, when are snakes most vulnerable?”

Deathstroke watched Set eat demons from a distance, and he silently played a question and answer game on the communication channel through his lieutenant.

"All animals are at their weakest after a full meal." Although Luther is not an animal expert, as a qualified scientist, he knows a billion points about everything, which is a billion points more than ordinary people know: "When the blood gathers in When the stomach is digesting, even humans’ mobility will be significantly reduced, let alone lower creatures such as snakes.”

Although Luthor was not at the scene, but on Earth next to the New York sinkhole, fighting monsters with Superman, he answered smoothly.

"By the way, Lex, the opportunity is rare anyway, how about I ask Wanda to turn you back into a pure-blood human?" Su Ming heard Luther's voice in the communication, and heard the term "lower creatures", and suddenly remembered Given the current situation, we can make a deal.

Luther was transformed into a non-human being by Peppertua a few months ago in pursuit of power. Whether it was strengthened or not is hard to say, but this conflicts with Baldhead's long-held concept of human supremacy.

In the past, Luthor wanted to prove that humans are better than Kryptonians. He and Superman developed a relationship that seemed like friends and enemies just for the sake of competition.

But now? He can't even shout the slogans he used to say, otherwise what should he say? Is the hybrid between Earth and Martians the strongest?

Then no people can resonate with him, because Perpetua died early, and Luther is the only hybrid left.

"If I can keep my current strength, I'm willing to give it a try." Luther smiled. He can now smile like a Martian. Simply put, because of his deformable body, he can grin from the corners of his mouth to his ears.

While communicating with Deathstroke, the bald man beat a lone troll with his fists, splattering black stinking blood all over his face.

"It should be no problem. You may not know much about magic, but things like chaos magic are often 'how bold a person is, how productive the land is'. As long as she dares to think about it, I will find another reality gem to see if I can fine-tune it for you." After a while, you will most likely be able to transform back into a pure human while retaining your current strength."

Deathstroke did not explain the principles of chaos magic, only the effects, just like a doctor would not introduce the mechanism of action of each medicine when treating a patient.

"What do I have to give?"

Luther knew that there was no such thing as a free lunch, let alone a meal delivered to him by mercenaries?

He asked the price directly, because turning back into a pure-blood human was his most important wish now, and it also meant that he could once again raise his head in front of Superman and be a human being.

I did become stronger after I stopped being human, but my life became boring and tasteless. I turned into an alien hybrid. It was like slapping my former self in the face. It was also like admitting defeat to Superman and admitting that people on earth are not as good as aliens. Same as people.

This made Luther deeply regret it, but Perpetua didn't give him a chance to choose at that time.

The Mother of Diversity said: ‘You can fake your own death and escape, I will resurrect you and put you in the jar first’.

Luther went in and was transformed. The goddess didn't ask for his opinion at all. Moreover, under Perpetua's eyes, he even acted very happy, saying that he was very happy to become a hybrid. His mother's transformation was really awesome.

As for whether he cried secretly in a deserted place afterwards, missing his lost human identity? Then no one will know.

"The conditions are very simple. Let's make a deal. Tell me, what do you and Batman want to find on my earth?" Deathstroke asked the question he was most concerned about, and he would never get an answer from the bat. question.

Luther smiled and shook his head. He dropped the headless corpse of the troll in his hand and wiped a handful of blood from the armor:

"Remember the time we went to the cancerous universe? I took something from the enemy's leader's house. After research, I discovered one thing, that is, the universe we live in can actually divide like cancer cells. and replicate itself and grow stronger."

"Go on, what does this have to do with what you are doing now?"

Deathstroke looked at the roof of the Empire State Building, assessing the degree to which the unlucky devil had been digested by Seth.

Don't rush to take action first. First, see how long it takes for Seth to digest a demon of that size. With a second reference, it will be easier to determine the exact time to take action. It is best to keep the headless body and sell it later. price.

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