The Death Knell

Chapter 3687 Adding clock

When he saw Deadpool, Su Ming couldn't be said to be overjoyed, he could only be said to have an expressionless face.

"Why are you here again?" While Strangler was busy, he kept fanning the back of his hand outwards, as if to shoo away flies: "Today is your first day after marriage, and you came here on a mission?"

"People, people are lonely." Deadpool bit his index finger through the mask, twisted his body shyly a few times, and walked towards the death knell in the darkness with cat steps: "I know you will be full of people without my company. I can't sleep all night on the street with corpses, why don't we two brothers open a car wash together? The kind that washes cars in three-point bikinis, let's make a deal first, I'll wear red."


Even though Strangler was still busy 'roping the horse', Deathstroke's hand still slipped, and the little cousin was directly stabbed and flew more than ten meters away, rolling and hitting a broken wall.

"speak English."

Su Ming, who used the Force to pull back the owl dagger, didn't even bother to look at him. He just shook his head speechlessly at the women behind him, saying that he was under a lot of pressure to have such a cousin.

Deadpool, whose intestines were ruptured, his liver was shattered, and three of his ribs were broken, stood up from the ground in a jiffy. He quickly stuffed some of the offal that had fallen out from the hole in his abdomen and wiped the blood on his hands against the wall:

"I'm here to gain popularity..."

That's it, he just wants to get some opportunities to appear. Besides, the Fengyou essence lubricant hasn't arrived yet, so he can't play at all if he stays at TVA!

"Stand still, stand at attention, take a rest, stand at attention, take a rest."

Death Knell, who suddenly turned into an army instructor, pointed to a place, and the little cousin ran there obediently. However, when he stood at attention, he stood up straight, and when he took a break, it was as if his bones had been knocked out, and his head drooped.

But this can't be blamed on him. After all, he received military training in Africa. The young soldiers there only need to be able to shoot. What warlord would demand discipline from his subordinates?

"Report to my cousin, sir, my butt is itchy, please apply for scratching!"

Within a few seconds, just when Su Ming was about to turn around and focus on looking for Seth, the bitch started winking and making dirty remarks again.

"God-killer, electric eggbeater." Deathstroke said something to the lightsaber in his hand, watching the light that made up it twist into a network structure with barbs and blood grooves, and then looked at it eerily. Xiang Cousin: "Come, come here and pout, let me scratch it for you?"

"Well, it still doesn't work. The itching suddenly stopped. Actually, it's all your fault. The chairs at TVA are too hard. I've been sitting on them too much recently. I had skin cancer, so now I'm always shedding skin on my butt. By the way. , Ladies, do you know how many ways to shed your skin? In fact, there are seven."

He became very excited as he spoke, as if he was still going to chatter, but when he saw that his cousin didn't even look for Seth, but instead pressed towards him step by step with a rotating weapon, he immediately hid. Behind Li, he closed his mouth.

"Hahahaha, why don't I have a sister?" Harley was quite happy. She didn't mind Deadpool's cheapness and filthiness at all. After all, she used to play with Killer Croc who lived in the sewers: "Oh, dear, always It made me tremble with emotion and make me want to rob a bank or something."

"Harley?" Diana looked at her best friend with warning eyes: "You are not the same person you were before. Superheroes don't rob banks."

"Huh, I'm just saying, I don't really want to go." Harry pouted and rolled his eyes, obviously feeling that Xiao Dai was disappointed: "But it turns out that when it comes to bank robbery, it is most reliable for family members to commit the crime together, otherwise It’s too easy to lose your life and spend the stolen money afterwards.”

"I think so too." Wade nodded repeatedly. He stood behind the two women and gained cover: "People always like betrayal too much. This may also be the influence of the devouring method. They like to eat their own kind alive."

"We live in a cannibalistic society, hehe, but there is no need to be so serious." Harley shook her head and played with the golden eyeball in her hand: "After all, we are not afraid of death."

"That's right. Thank you, Doctor Quinzel, for secretly telling you that among the three sisters-in-law, you are the one I support the most." Wade whispered loudly in front of everyone, and even patted his chest. He looked like he was heartbroken.

"Hehehehe" Harley laughed with satisfaction.

The speechless Diana was too lazy to pay attention to these two psychopaths. She sighed and looked at the death knell beside her again.

However, she discovered that the man had stopped paying attention to Deadpool's movements. He was currently watching the 'giant black sea anemone' transformed from the strangulation in the distance and eating the second white-haired monster.

This time the monster is a bit like a snowman zombie. The last time Deathstroke saw the snowman was when he went to Kama Taj for the first time. He didn't know that ancient gods had appeared in this kind of creature group.

But after Strangler ate Perpetua, these ordinary first-generation demons were no match for it. Anyway, flesh-and-blood creatures with brains and nerves basically couldn't get rid of the symbiont's cell-level erosion.

As long as the sneak attack is successful and the opponent is not given a chance to cast spells, it is actually very easy to eat them.


Within a few seconds, the opponent's bones were chewed into pieces by strangulation, and only some unpalatable parts were spit out, such as nails or teeth, indicating that this was wrong and that Seth was not on it.

"Wanda, how long can you hold on?" The Supreme Mage turned to the witch who was fighting against Sithorne remotely.

"Three minutes? Five minutes?" Wanda leaned against the wall nearby. She was supported by her sister and closed her eyes: "I can't say, but the big demon is too powerful. If I can use chaos magic to change the world , then he is at the level where he can use chaos magic to create the world at will."

Su Ming turned to look at Deadpool who was chatting happily with Harley, threw a strange-flavored bean and hit him in the head:

"You still don't know what you should do? Didn't you hear what Wanda said?"

Deadpool, whose skull was broken on one side, got up from the ground again, swayed in place for a few times as if he was drunk, and then raised his hand and rubbed his fingertips:

"You have to pay more."

"This mission is still worth 100,000 US dollars. First use your infinite gems to support Wanda. It will be reasonable for her to defeat Sithorne. I will give you an extra 500." Su Ming took out the banknotes on the spot and formed a group. A paper ball was thrown into Deadpool's arms.

Wade immediately started counting the money, then took out a gem from somewhere in his pants and started to drive it to help, but he said:

"One more thing, help the adjutant and tell her not to use teleportation to save people around New York. If they die, they will die. My things are more important. Send the lubricant to TVA as soon as possible. Give it to Just Xia Kaila."

So, Wanda was originally standing alone on the coast facing the tsunami in the spiritual world, but now she saw Deadpool and his 'friends'. These trend-setters were playing yachts and hang gliders this time.

Probably Sithorn also felt that Deadpool was disgusting and didn't want to touch him, so the overwhelming black tsunami quickly receded. As long as Deadpool's spirit intervened in this special battle of consciousness, he could probably compete with the Great Demon Shadow. All day long.

"Okay, we have more time now. Let's go to the next one. There is a white-haired walrus over there, I guess. Let's catch it."

Su Ming, who noticed that the golden barrier had become stable, nodded, looked at the battlefield of God Eater again, and let the strangulation continue to work. Like all hunters, he was always very patient.

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