The Death Knell

Chapter 3701 Carrying the Boiler

The road is not easy to walk. After losing the protection of the stationed archmage and apprentices, the Holy of Holies can definitely be said to be a dangerous place.

Various magic traps, some little monsters taking advantage of the chaos to invade the main dimension, unstable time and space environment, and other situations occurred one after another.

In short, this is definitely not a popular tourist place.

After Diana, who was walking at the front, encountered an attack by slugs from the fourth dimension, Deathstroke refused to let her clear the way, because no one wanted their woman to be bombed with a black face, at least for Su Ming, who had fair skin and yellow heart. Basically, he can't appreciate black girls.

"You go to the front."

Pulling Diana back and lovingly wiping her face that was blackened by the fireballs sprayed by the invisible slug, Su Ming kicked her little cousin to the front to clear the way.

"I don't know anything about magic. Let's agree first. It's not impossible to let me open the way, but it will cost more..." Wade's face showed a smile under his mask, and he began to rub his fingers again.

"Add five hundred."

Diana was different from ordinary women. She did not need protection or special care from others, and even felt that being protected was dishonorable.

But Su Ming's power was no longer something she could resist a long time ago, so she could only stare at the man with big eyes in protest, but she only saw him handing out money to Deadpool on the spot.

As long as the money is in place, God will do nothing. Wade took his cousin's money and really showed a good professionalism. He began to imitate Michael Jackson's moonwalk and began to slide backwards in the dark corridor to explore the path. .

Harley, who was hanging out with Squirrel Girl and Gwen, was a little curious. She ate ice cream, tilted her head and asked her cousin:

"Why are you walking backwards?"

Wade smiled smartly, raised the corners of his mouth to one side, and answered naturally:

"As long as I walk backwards, even if I step on a landmine, the explosion effect will not affect my handsome face. At most, it will blow up my butt. This is called abandoning the car to protect the handsome man. I learned it from the great Eastern wisdom. , I’m a badass, right? By the way, I suggest that all countries with historical problems of landmines learn from my method of retroactive demining using human flesh.”

"This is the Sanctuary of New York, how come there are landmines in the corridor?! Do you think this is the battlefield in Kosovo?! Here" Gwen couldn't help complaining, and she rolled her eyes in a girlish way.


But before Gwen finished speaking, Deadpool, who had been sliding, stepped on a 'Bounce Betty' buried under the wooden floor, which was a jumping steel ball mine during World War II, and they were separated like a storm. The contents of the formula swept across the corridor, immediately blowing him up like a hornet's nest in front of everyone, leaving only his head under the mask intact.

But his 'handsome' face was really preserved!

Wade, who was covered in blood holes, still stood tall. He just spread his hands towards Gwen with a look of embarrassment, meaning 'What did I say?'

At this time, all the women looked at the death knell, hoping for an explanation.

Laying mines in the Holy of Holies, is this something a normal person would think of? What kind of mercenary custom is this?

Deathstroke was also very calm. He threw a bottle of sewer adhesive to Deadpool and asked him to patch up the bleeding holes in his body to speed up healing. He continued to move forward while explaining:

"The era of Master Ancient One has its own characteristics. I need to add my characteristics to an already relatively complete framework. This is called a new official who has been popular since he took office. For example, I told the students of Kama Taj that after they were forced to evacuate When entering a safe house, contact documents must be destroyed and booby traps placed at key locations.”

"Hehehe, they learned quite well. By the way, Honey, have you ever considered opening a Sanctuary branch in Gotham?" Harley hugged Diana, who was still digesting the information, and asked the man Raise your eyebrows.

Su Ming just shook his head and held her and Xiao Dai's hands: "There is Arkham Asylum in Gotham, which blind invader would go there? That's the tough-headed Darkseid."

It’s true. Under normal circumstances, if alien invaders invade the earth in DC, they usually choose either Washington or Metropolis. New York and Gotham are not popular places.

"I think my cousin did the right thing. Although Master Gu Yi taught his students martial arts, he didn't teach them how to actually kill people, let alone survival skills in the wild."

While pouring glue into the hole on his back, Deadpool continued to walk backwards. Suddenly, he changed his subject and began to explain in an eloquent voice in the direction of no one:

"Hello everyone, I'm Wade Wilson, and next, I'll show you how to get good reviews and likes on the most extreme and dangerous team on the planet. I will face a 'show' like my cousin. As well as the challenges of psychology expert Harley, you even have to face the ferocious Amazon female warriors and brutal humans disguised as squirrels. Here, if you don’t have super language skills, you won’t even be able to survive for a day.”

"Wait a minute, a cruel human being disguised as a squirrel?" Squirrel Girl interrupted the mercenary's chatter. She pointed to her nose: "Where did you see me being cruel? I'm still a kid who just went to college!"

"Yes, and when you introduced us, you forgot about the three of us."

Waiter Gwen sighed and pointed at the two sisters Polaris and Scarlet Witch who had been looking around curiously and said little on the way.

So Deadpool followed suit and talked about the revised opening again. Just like that, the group walked happily towards the boiler room.

Happy time always passes quickly, and the destination is quickly reached. The enchanted iron chains as thick as thighs are untied. The slightly heavy black door makes a rumbling sound when pushed, and the pavement comes from behind the door. It's just a heat wave.

At this time, the boiler used as a seal is still intact, but a red fire shines through the furnace. Obviously, the ancient one who has been sleeping has woken up today, and it is not known whether he moved the Holy of Holies from the main dimension to the Broken Realm. What sensitive point was stimulated?

"God Eater, please excuse me." Deathstroke pointed to the boiler, made a gesture of invitation to the little fat black man at the end of the team, and asked the women to move out of the way: "Just pick up this huge fire jar, We can then move on to the next steps.”

The God Eater, who transformed into a fat black dwarf, nodded. Although there was a very powerful life in the seal in front of him, it didn't seem to have any malicious intent, and the fire even seemed a bit friendly.

He walked through the crowd and came to the many magic circles that fixed the boilers. After observing the direction of the energy flow, he used his umbilical cord-like curved tongue to flick it towards the magic circle.

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