The Death Knell

Chapter 3711 Happy Hometown

"Hoo, ho..."

For some reason, Sithorn always felt like someone was breathing on the back of his neck. It was a slightly cool, moist and rancid breath.

But when I turned around to look, no one was there.

This feeling made his hair stand on end, because he didn't know who the pursuer was or where he was, and the weird music kept repeating in his ears, which affected his psychology again and again.

After getting rid of the things that seemed to be members of the Ancient One's family, he found nothing that was helpful to his current situation. In this maze, no matter where he went, the surrounding environment seemed to be the same, still pure white ice and snow. , and dazzling lights.

As a creature born on a chaotic and dark earth, what he hates most is white light. He becomes inexplicably anxious when he sees it...

Looking at the strange scene on the surveillance screen, Deadpool licked his nostrils and asked his cousin:

"Hey, Slade, when do you think the big demon will find himself carrying a child on his back?"

"Haha, that's not an ordinary child." Su Ming smiled and continued to play other pranks. He glanced at the boy with pale skin and dark eye circles: "I used the Cosmic Cube and the evil thoughts in the Dark Tower to create this. A spiritual manifestation, you can think of him as a ghost."

"It's really like a ghost, but if you make him look so much like Junxiong, won't there be copyright issues? In addition, I also want to work hard to get a PG-13 movie rating. If you create ghosts and monsters, children will watch them. I won’t be able to control myself from now on. By the way, I asked a question just now, saying that Sithorn is also at the multiverse level, so why is he being played like this by you.”

The mentally disturbed Deadpool was still thinking about the movie, and seemed to be having a seizure again.

Su Ming knocked him on the head, pointed at the many projection screens and then at himself:

"Look at the people here, except for you, who is not at the multiverse level? Besides, there are only 40,000 earths left in the framework of the multiverse. This is when the gap between the single universe and the multiverse is smallest."

Deadpool nodded repeatedly and began to repeat this statement in the direction where no one was watching. Angboda was very interested in the ghost. She had never seen anything like that before, so she just asked:

"Is the monster you created a physical spiritual structure? Can it switch between reality and reality at any time?"

"Thanks to the Tesseract." Deathstroke showed the cube in his hand, but concealed the role of the plot continuity gem: "Okay, now let my copycat Junxiong pick out Sithorne's nostrils..."

The Cosmic Cube modifies space, the Time Gem modifies time, and the Plot Continuity Gem modifies the story. This is the essence behind the surface.

Just like I told my cousin, now that there are only 40K left in the multiverse, modifying these three concepts of the main world is equivalent to modifying the multiverse, not to mention that this is just a newly created small dimension?

"Did you say that?! You said it was Junxiong!" Wade immediately turned his head and covered his forehead and started to complain, his small eyes under the mask also showed a look of helplessness. .

"Why do you care so much? I'll pay for it!" Su Ming ignored what his cousin said and directly asked the kid to do it.


Hogs had obviously just been shopping with Osutu and Agamotto to hunt down Sithorne, but he only passed through a thin layer of mist and found that he was lost.

The target and his companions disappeared, and he appeared in a strange white corridor. The roads before and after were exactly the same, and white lights shone above his head, which was a little warm.

He is not necessarily smarter than the Great Shadow, but he has more information. Ever since he entered the Marvel Universe and joined Emperor Weishan, they have been observing the development of mankind.

Now, at a glance, Hogs knew that this corridor and these lights were human creations.

Thinking of this, Brain Ax stretched out his claws to scratch the wall, but found that the claw marks immediately returned to an intact state in a flash of light, and he immediately understood what was going on.

He raised his big furry face, grinned and shouted at the ceiling:

"Death Knell! Come out here. We didn't give you the Time Stone to use against us. Take down this damn time loop wall!"

The tiger looked a little angry, and the hair on his tail was blown out.

"Don't be excited, Lao Huo. I just want you to see my amusement park called Blood Ice City. I don't plan to do anything to you. I just want to deal with Sithorne's cage."

The sound of the death knell appeared in his ears, with a soothing flavor:

"Besides, the Time Stone is one of the fragments of the goddess of revenge. It was later picked up by Agamotto. It has nothing to do with you."

"Bah! I knew it was you who did it." After knowing that this ice and snow maze was a trick of the death knell, Tiger was not in a hurry. He took out a hookah and a deck chair from behind like magic, and leaned against the wall to sit there. , Ba took a puff of his cigarette holder and then said: "What on earth do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, it's just that Sithorn disrespects you a little. As the Supreme Mage, of course I have to help you vent your anger, so I wanted to play a game with him." Deathstroke laughed, and he quickly continued: "By the way, Do you want me to connect the space you are in to Sithorn? You go directly to him?"

Be wary. Hogs was immediately wary. His furry paw holding the cigarette rod paused, and then his head tilted:

"Do you want to see my excitement? Who is with you? Is it a new woman? I know that you humans especially like to show off your abilities in front of the opposite sex to gain the right to mate."

Seeing Hogs on the screen being so alert, Su Ming was a little speechless. He shook his head:

"It's not a woman, it's a goddess. This blood-seeking ice city was created by the goddess Angboda for me. She wanted to watch something interesting."

"That's it, Angboda..."

His brain was pounding, and he didn't say anything more. Instead, he slowly moved his tail:

"I don't know when you had such a good relationship with her, but I don't care if you have ever thought about it. Anyway, there is no loss. It is quite cool and comfortable here. But if the demon gods from other dimensions discover what you have done, they may It won’t be very happy.”

"What does that mean? I am the spokesperson of your Emperor Weishan. Even if I am discovered, I will say that you secretly asked me to do this."

After choosing his shield, Su Ming took out a cigarette and lit it. While talking to Hogs, he watched Junxiong on the other screen pick Sithorne's nostrils:

"Except for Dormammu, who has suffered in my hands, most of the dimensional demons still despise humans. They will not believe that I can do the things in front of them, and will only think that it is your handiwork."

Tiger took a puff of cigarette and exhaled a large mouthful of mist. He nodded, but he was very happy:

"It seems that Gu Yi really did not recommend the wrong person. With your thick skin, you are the Supreme Mage. Okay, don't disturb me. I'll smoke a cigarette and take a nap. If you want to manipulate space, go to the maze." If Sithorne has an 'accidental encounter' with someone, then use God Eater."

"Okay, thank you then. Do you want to eat roast duck?" Su Ming noticed Tiger's attitude, then changed the topic, and took out the food prepared in his pocket, which was still steaming.

Not to mention that I haven’t felt it yet, but I really feel a little greedy when I mention it. Hogs’s big barbed tongue licked his lips:

"Bring more here."

So Deathstroke directly asked the adjutant to ship ten tons to him. Countless steaming roast ducks fell from the sky in the corridor, immediately submerging Tiger and his sofa chair. The scene felt a little greasy for a while.

"Hehehe..." Seeing this scene, Angboda, a fun-loving person, actually laughed happily.

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