The Death Knell

Chapter 3713 A glance for ten thousand years

Sure enough, the cow that appeared on the stage was a 'clown cow' with clown makeup on her face and two machetes in her hoof sockets.

It's like it came out of Deadpool's nightmare, showing off its pure evil smile towards Sithorne.


Si Thorne was not the talkative type. When he saw this weird creature whose face was painted as white as a wall, he raised his hand and cast a Chaos Magic.

However, this clown cow does not really exist. It is a high imitation version that Su Ming transformed from the Cosmic Cube and an ordinary cow. It was also protected with the Time Stone and the Plot Continuity Stone was used to make its existence reasonable. .

It's not so easy to get rid of completely.

The first clown cow exploded to pieces in the red light of chaos magic, and there were no pieces that could be pinched with fingers. It seemed like a layer of jam was spread on the vast stage made of ice and snow.

But before Sithorne could smile, a second cow suddenly appeared on the stage. Then without further ado, she danced her swords and began to sing the famous Turandot excerpt "Nessun Dorma" .

Maybe it's because the cow is wide and fat, but its high pitch is bright, its bass is deep, and its midrange is accurate. Apart from speaking average Italian, it does have a bit of a professional feel.

But while it was singing, its dull and empty eyes kept staring at Sithorn in the audience, as if it had seen through everything about him.

"Don't look at me!"

Sithorn fired another spell, vaporizing the singing cow on the spot. The two double knives came out of his hand and flew towards the audience in a swirling manner.

But the singing didn't stop, almost seamlessly, and another clown cow appeared on the stage. She stepped on the flesh of her predecessors and sang loudly, with such a proud attitude.

But her empty eyes were like empty black holes, as if they were trying to suck Sithorne in the audience into them.

This time, the big demon's mood was a bit unstable. He didn't even speak, he just raised his hand and blew up the cow...

Then he fell into an endless loop. Although the Supreme Mage did not personally come forward to negotiate terms with him, the terrifying thing about the Time Stone is that it can trap people into an endless nightmare, and this dream is full of Clown cow.

Deadpool had stopped talking for a long time. When he saw the first clown cow appear on the stage, he was so afraid that he hid behind his cousin.

Afraid of clowns, afraid of cows, afraid of clown cows, this is his progressive fear ranking.

But Angboda was very happy. She liked to see the blood sprinkled on the ice and snow, the mist caused by the collision of hot and cold air, and the gradually cold corpse.

She was not familiar with creatures like cows, but it seemed like this creature could put on makeup. It should be a little more advanced than the frost giant she created, right?

“Wonderful show, Deathstroke.”

When the goddess saw the seventeenth cow explode but still sang the song, she seemed to be deeply moved. She took off the monocle on her face and wiped the corners of her eyes:

"Otherwise, after I kill Sithorne, I can discuss it with O Shutu. I can trade some things and ask her to transfer you to me and be my spokesperson, right?"

She has probably identified Deathstroke, the producer of the show, who says he will be her spokesperson, but is actually her playmate.

After all, Angboda's territory is Jotunheim, and his family members are only frost giants and giant maggots. How can he use a spokesperson? It’s not like she’s developing her faith on earth.

Su Ming can indeed copy some variety shows, such as throwing Frigga and Thor's family into a ravine, giving them a house that can entertain guests, and inviting a few flying guests who use voice changers to order food in each episode. Visited in the past

But who wants to be the spokesperson of the Ancient One? Can't get too crazy fast enough?

"Thank you for your kindness. I'm not familiar with Ao Shutu. I'm only good friends with Hogs, so for the sake of my friends, I can't leave Weishan Emperor." Deathstroke declined while continuing to repair the cow that died suddenly. Angboda.

The goddess was a little disappointed, but not angry. On the contrary, she nodded appreciatively towards Su Ming:

"I understand. The friendship between you and Hogs is just like the friendship between me and Yggdrasil. It really shouldn't be abandoned just because you see other benefits. I like your choice."

She was probably making up something in her head, maybe she was more focused on the stage, but she was fooled by the death knell.

"Long live understanding." Su Ming changed the subject. He continued to stare at the monitor screen and said: "Next, I will speed up the time in the theater and give it a taste of a million years. Goddess, you can Can I borrow some of your energy?”

It's okay to use X metal, but now that you have the opportunity to do it for free, why use your own energy? If you use too much, you have to go to the home of the caster in the next world to replenish it. Otherwise, you will have to destroy several universes to recycle materials.

"Okay, I'm also curious about how Sithorne will change after listening to music for a million years. Will he become more polite? Haha!"

With that said, Angboda put on his monocle, stretched out his smooth hand like sky blue satin, and pressed Death Knell's chest.

Suddenly a terrifying chaos and darkness hit, with a cold that seemed to freeze the soul. This power would also cause visual and auditory hallucinations. At this moment, Su Ming heard whispers in an unknown language in his ears.

There was something, somewhere, watching me silently.

However, these feelings were only fleeting. Su Ming's willpower did not let him get lost in the majestic power. He immediately mixed it with the connecting power of X metal and introduced it into the time gem embedded in his chest.

The green light exploded, and even the Cosmic Cube responded. The so-called sight of a thousand years was nothing more than that.

In the magnificent Ice and Snow Theater in the Blood-Seeking Ice City, time fast forwards a million years. This will certainly not make Sithorne age or become weak, but it will definitely have an impact on his spirit and psychology.

He killed the cows on the stage again and again, and was locked by the clown's empty gaze again and again. When time began to flow, he wanted to use chaos magic to change something, but after he killed the cows for the 700,000th time, he gave up. .

Sithorn did not try to kill the actor again, perhaps because the corpse powder of the demon cow had dyed the entire visible area red, or perhaps he was really tired.

In short, when the 700,001th cow came on stage, he sat on a certain seat in the audience, and began to look at the singer with the same empty eyes, and gently slapped the armrests of the ice and snow chair with his palms. beat.

When time passed to the 100,000th year, he could already sing all the passages of "Turandot". The clown cow sang on the stage, and he sang along quietly off the stage.

At the age of 100,01, he also stepped onto the stage and began to sing duet hand in hand with the clown cow.

When he was 100,02 years old, he mastered a lot of music theory knowledge without any teacher, and began to try to change the current opera into a ballet.

Time is really a wonderful thing, it always brings changes, and Deadpool saw the changes in Sithorn.

"He seems crazy."

My cousin said to the point. He felt like he could already smell the tempting smell of the Death Qiao Qiao Set Meal when he opened the lid of the lunch box.

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