The Death Knell

Chapter 376 Piecing together the truth

"Permission? An interesting word." The Upside Down murmured to himself. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Diana's forehead. It felt like the power was hidden there.

But before it could reach it, Su Ming's sword reached its head first and slapped it back into the door.

By the time it realized something was wrong, Su Ming had already started to use X-metal and asked Barry to use stasis force to seal the crack.

"Don't be complacent! You just delayed the destruction!"

Like a normal villain, the Upside Down uttered harsh words and then disappeared in front of everyone through the rift in space.

Su Ming stuck the big sword on the ground, took off his helmet and breathed a sigh of relief. Barry had stopped the Speed ​​Force storm, and now they could rest a little.

But as the Upside Down said, this only delays time. The Upside Down cannot be eliminated. It will not stop until it pays back its debts.

Naboo's second-in-command didn't know where he had gone. As long as he accumulated a little strength, he could very well open a rift again.

Su Ming was making calculations in his mind, preparing for the future.

But first, this mage tower that exists in ‘non-existence’ must be searched first.

Isn't it just for the sake of getting involved in this kind of thing for some benefits that cannot be exchanged for money? Naboo has a long heritage, and there must be a lot of good stuff here.

It doesn't matter if you don't know him, there is also a magic floating cloak, let it pick out all the things with powerful magic waves, just pack them all and take them away.

Doctor Fate has three famous artifacts, the Helm of Naboo, the Amulet of Anubis, and the Silver Beetle uniform.

He took these three things with him, but he couldn't move the mage tower. There must be some magic props he left behind.

Don't look down on magic props. Maybe a small flash of magic can turn the tide of the battle at a critical moment. There is only one mage who can create magic props.

At least there is no one in the Dark Alliance, not even Madam Xanadu, who has this kind of skill.

Swamp Monster can spawn a magic flower that allows people to communicate with him across the stars, but what's the use of chatting with Swamp Monster?


Diana gasped. It did take a lot of energy to block those magics, but at least she was temporarily victorious and bought some time for herself and others.

All that's left is to seize the time to investigate the root cause of everything and unite the forces that can be united to completely solve the problem.

Barry was also very tired. Not to mention the Speed ​​Force Storm, he also used the unskilled Stasis Force, which gave him a feeling of suffocation in his chest, as if he was about to vomit blood.

"What do we do next?"

Barry asked Su Ming that if nothing happened without him, he would hurry up and go back to sleep for a while.

Now the patrol duties of everyone in the Justice League are on him alone. No matter how rich his time is, his physical strength is limited.

Diana also looked at Su Ming. She didn't know whether she should tell him about her nightmare.

He had obviously insisted that he would not be afraid before, but now that he recalled his childhood nightmare, fear followed him like a shadow.

She was thinking, she didn't want to appear weak in front of Deathstroke.

Now, Su Ming's mind is filled with the search for the Archmage.

"Well, Barry can go back first and have a good rest." Su Ming patted his shoulder and looked at his tired look, a little embarrassed: "When everything is over, I'll treat you to dinner."

"Okay, but it's better not to be a buffet, the boss will cry to death." Barry nodded with a smile and left with Lightning.

Su Ming took off the magic floating cloak and directed it to collect all the magic props in this weird magic tower.

Diana only hesitated for a moment. Between losing face and the survival of the world, she still chose to put the overall situation first.

While Deathstroke was waiting for his prize, she told him about her encounter with Hecate as a child.

Su Ming held his helmet under his arm, lit a cigarette and listened to her description. He generally understood.

Hecate is the light side of magic, or in other words, she wants others to think she is the light side.

She is a tripartite goddess, that is to say, if she has a personality, at least it is a triple personality split. She is the one who really steals the fire of witchcraft from outside the origin, and the Prometheus stole it from her. Something went wrong.

Those ancient sorcerers thought that the wellhead they saw was the sky, and that what was beyond their knowledge was the origin. In fact, it was only Hecate's territory.

Hecate brought fire from outside the wall of origin, injected it into her own world, and locked the Upside Down outside the wall. Only a goddess as powerful as the goddess of magic could do this.

Then the sorcerers stole a little fire from her and used it for their own use. As a result, everything in the world was soaked in magical factors.

Now that the origin wall was broken, the Upside Down's seal was in its most fragile state, so it took the opportunity to come over to collect the debt, and Nabu, for some unknown reason, opened the door to it.

So the Upside Down found that the world was full of its lost fire, and of course it had to take it back.

This is a story about spreading fire... and things make sense.

"This fire... doesn't spread well..."


Su Ming couldn't help but let out a sigh, while Diana looked at him inexplicably. What does "Passing Fire" mean?

He continued to think and did not answer Diana's doubts.

Neb must know more information, but now he has no idea where he has gone, and this clue is broken.

The owner is a treacherous person, and his attitude is very unfriendly. There is definitely nothing to talk about.

Then the only suspect left is Hecate, the goddess of magic. As a person involved, she must know more.

The problem now is how to find her.

"Does Hecate live in Olympus?" Su Ming exhaled a stream of smoke and looked at Diana with one eye.

"Although she is an Olympus god in name, she actually does not live in Olympus like the Kitchen Goddess. I don't know where she is, but it is said that she is everywhere. This is the essence of magic."

Diana recalled it and told what she knew.

"Is that so... can Hera's sky mirror detect her?" Su Ming asked again.

The heroine shook her head, her long black hair hanging on her shoulders: "I now know that the so-called magic of Olympus is actually a kind of witchcraft, so Hecate, who is the origin of witchcraft, must It won’t be tracked by magical items.”

Su Ming frowned and changed his mind: "I heard that she used to be Hades' fiancée, but she was abandoned by Qi Luan... How about we go to the underworld, I happen to know someone, She can definitely make Hades know everything."

"I'm afraid it's impossible to get information about Hecate from a man she hates, and the Queen of Hades hates me..." Diana raised an eyebrow and expressed her objection. This possibility is too slim. .

Su Ming watched the magic floating cloak flying toward the two of them carrying a bunch of things. He touched his beard, threw the cigarette butt on the ground and put on his helmet.

"Then it looks like we have to go find the old witch again. I have to buy some flowers first."

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