The Death Knell

Chapter 3758 Oil Stealing Rat

The communication skills of the angels were very good, and the Queen received this information within a few seconds.

At this time, she was wearing a golden battle armor and holding a golden double-edged giant ax in her hand. She was sitting under the not-so-bright light. Her specific location was still a mystery.

She first listened to the words of the pet maids, then gritted her teeth and looked at the figure across the table:

"Malekis! Did you hear that? Your people set fire to my kingdom! Many people were burned to death!"

At this time, Spicy Chicken Shreds just waved away the deputy who was whispering in his ear, and a sinister smile appeared on his pointed face:

"Is that so? But why did I receive information that your people robbed my people, and if they couldn't succeed, they attacked them in groups, and then set fire to cover up the fact?"

The Queen of Angels narrowed her eyes. Her beautiful face looked very ferocious under her helmet. She grabbed the wine glass in front of her with a sharp golden gauntlet and threw it to the ground:

"Are you suspecting that I lied to you? Little man, you were obviously the one who lied to me first! It's said that Midgard has countless wealth and a mysterious future. We can get so many benefits there! But what about now? Pooh!"

The wine glass shattered on the golden carpet, and the golden wine flowed all over the floor. Spicy Chicken Silk looked at the disappearance of the wine with a look of regret.

He wears a black cloak, and under the cloak is the same black metal plate armor. For the dark elves who basically do not wear protective gear to ensure agility, his armor, which is not much thicker than paper, does not have matching accessories. The helmet is considered heavy armor.

Because back then, King Crowe was stabbed to death by spicy chicken wire in the back because he didn't wear armor.

"Don't be angry, Her Majesty, this may be a misunderstanding. Think about it, since I arrived here, I have ordered my people not to do anything to offend the angels, and it is impossible to set fire or kill people."

"Really?" The Queen of Angels obviously didn't believe it, but she still put the big ax on the table: "Then you will say that what just happened didn't happen?"

"I hope it never happened. Maybe it was an accident, maybe they were controlled by magic." The dark elf arranged his white hair, and a hint of haze flashed on his wrinkled gray face: "There are even It may be that the Supreme Mage wants to alienate us. Midgard's contemporary Supreme Mage, Deathstroke, I met him once decades ago. He was a particularly insidious and scheming guy."

"Is that the mysterious man in black and yellow armor? The snake god said he is not a mage at all!"

The Queen of Angels recalled that Set once showed everyone the image of the so-called enemy before launching the action. At that time, the snake god said proudly that this person would suffer eternal torture.

The dark elf with a calm expression nodded: "Who can guarantee it? He may have never used magic, but as the Supreme Mage, does he really not know magic? If he has sneaked into your dimension, then you have only one choice now. , just take all your treasures and get on the boat with me immediately, that will be safe."

"Joke! The whole of Havenheim is my treasure! I will never give it up!" The Queen slapped the table, and the golden dinner plates on the tablecloth jumped up again and again: "You are a coward, Malekith, what do you think? Wouldn't someone who could be regarded as an enemy by the snake god think of preventing you from escaping in advance? Haha, I see that your motherships have become scrap metal at this time!"

"What?" Malekith immediately asked his men to come over and contact the mothership urgently, but just like the queen said, no one responded to the communication at all.

Spicy Chicken Silk is very keen. He was able to find the Angel Queen immediately after the Troll King Yurik lost contact, but it was difficult to accept this situation. The fleet is the lifeblood of the Dark Elf clan!

"Can't we contact you?" The Queen of Angels calmed down quickly. She tilted her head and looked at the dark elves: "Maybe some dark elves found out about this earlier than you, and they want to steal the small spacecraft used by our angels. ?So you have to give me an explanation for things in the city."

"Oh, the communication signal was detected? Did you find the coordinates?" Su Ming sat on the cloak flying carpet and flew slowly with Diana's team while chatting with the adjutant. She had just given a new notification.

It was said that someone sent information about the market arson tragedy not long ago to the Queen and Malekith through the wireless network.

"The communication time is too short, and I can't lock the opponent's position for the time being. The Dark Elf's virtual signal source technology is very superb, but if we communicate once or twice at different locations, we can use triangulation positioning, and we can immediately lock the target."

"This depends on the performance of Diana and the others." Su Ming wiped the cement on his hands and yawned: "But the spicy chicken shreds are as good as oil-stealing rats. Maybe he will smell the dangerous smell and say Maybe, is the space around the country of Vanaheim locked?"

The adjutant's projection put his hands on his lower abdomen and explained:

"It was blocked from the beginning. No matter whether it is a jump or traveling through a wormhole, I cannot leave this space. All communications between here and the outside world have been cut off by me, whether it is technology or magic. It's just that I don't know where the Black Rainbow Bridge is yet. Will something like that help the enemies evacuate?”

Su Ming looked at the street below, watching Deadpool fall down and jump to kill others again. He shook his head speechlessly and said:

"Most likely not. To use the Rainbow Bridge, you need the energy of the World Tree. Without the World Tree, there would be no Rainbow Bridge. The same goes for the Black Rainbow Bridge. No one provides it with energy. How can it be activated? I guess After Sithorne died, that set of things became just a decoration."

Energy, these things in the universe, to put it bluntly, are still inseparable from energy.

Whether it is technology or magic, as long as it can mobilize different forms of energy, it will naturally be very convenient and enjoyable to use.

But once they lose their energy, all 'electrical appliances' become useless. They may not be as useful as stones. At least stones can be used to kill people.

"So, the plan continues?"

The deputy didn't think the Sheriff was worried that Spicy Chicken Shreds might have discovered the plan. He was still watching Deadpool's excitement.

"There's no need to change anything. We still have the advantage. Just stay the same to cope with the changes. After all, 'time' is on my side. Okay, let's continue trying to lock the enemy leader's position and send two glasses of pineapple juice. Come here and ask for pineapples grown in Hawaii, plus ice cubes from Mount Everest.”

The loyal adjutant went to prepare. After all, making juice requires someone to cooperate. Harley lay on the flying carpet and watched Diana killing people below with Deathstroke.

This should be a large hospital. The angels and dark elves who were withdrawn from the earth are also treated here. Almost all of them have failed, and the neighborhood is quite lively.

I don’t know who picked this place as a target and did a great job of massacring the wounded invaders.

"It started. Diana went from the front entrance to kill upstairs, Carol went down from the rooftop to kill, and Wade was responsible for those who jumped out of the window to escape. The division of labor between the three was clear."

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