The Death Knell

Chapter 3769 The Lost Team

"Weird, so strange, Ah Sneeze!"

While picking his nostrils, he sneezed at Deadpool who was chattering away in a deserted place, then shivered a few times comfortably, and then continued:

"Obviously we didn't kill many dark elves, but why do all the targets in the city seem to have disappeared as if they smelled something? Are they that smart?"

Carroll, who was flying next to Wade but keeping a distance of two meters, covered his nose and answered this question:

"You are indeed interesting... but the disappearance of the dark elves has nothing to do with you. They are particularly good at sneaking and have very good invisibility equipment. You may not have had much dealings with them before, but I am in the Kree Empire. During my days as a soldier, I often encountered them plundering certain planets and then escaping."

The dark elves who boarded the spaceship with their whole family were not engaged in production, and they robbed whatever they needed, just like space pirates.

Regardless of whether it is the Kree, Shi'ar or Skrull empire, the dark elves are not afraid at all. Anyway, they rob the border colonial stars and run away. The fleets of the three empires are decisive battle fleets and cannot catch up with them at all. Boat.

The ships of great powers are often very thickly armored and have fierce firepower, and are designed for direct confrontation with the enemy.

As for the ships of the dark elves, the design ideas are different. In order to take more people away from their homeland, these ships have almost no armor and no firepower. All the energy is used on propellers and stealth systems.

During the robbery, the fleet stopped in low-Earth orbit and sent countless small spaceships to land. After the robbery was completed as quickly as possible, everyone returned to the mothership and ran away directly invisible. No victim could catch up with them.

Maybe Gao Tianzun's spaceship can do it, but as far as Carol knows, Thanos's spaceship, the Dark Temple II, is not as fast as the dark elves.

When it comes to frontal combat, the Dark Elves are simply not good enough, but when it comes to running and hiding, they are the best in the universe.

"Sister-in-law, stop for a moment. There's no way we can fly around like this." After hearing what Captain Marvel said, Wade immediately took notice. He stopped Diana, who was flying at the front with an expressionless face, and He raised his chin proudly: "I have a plan. I can find where the dark elves are hiding. Why don't we go down and try?"

Diana originally wanted to attack the airport, but when she got there, she looked over there and saw that there was no dark elf at all. There were only angels busy doing who knows what, like changing shifts in the army?

Because Deathstroke said not to kill the angel, she gave up this attack and decided to find a better target.

But after flying for a long time, they couldn't find a suitable place. The last time Deadpool suggested it, they even checked the public toilets on the street, but still found no trace of the dark elf.

Now that Deadpool said he had a solution, why did she feel like she didn't believe it so much?

But the situation was like this, and she could only treat a dead horse as a living horse. After sighing, she landed first.

The three of them landed in a large park. Seeing a large number of weird angels not wearing gold clothes gathering hundreds of meters away, Diana scratched her hair:

"Tell me, what are your plans?"

A mysterious smile appeared under Deadpool's mask. He cleared his throat, lifted up the mask and spit out sticky phlegm to one side. He finally bit it with his newly grown teeth and replied:

"My cousin taught me a magical skill a long time ago. You can use it when you don't know where your destination is. And today, at this moment, it's time to use this skill!"

"Oh? Such a powerful move?"

Carol was immediately interested and wanted to learn something. After all, Deathstroke had taught her a lot back then.

For example, most aliens are not considered human beings, some humans can be expelled from the planet, women have square faces and are not good-looking, etc...

"Haha, it seems like he hasn't taught you anything, so I knew it." Wade shook his head coolly, as if he had long flowing hair, and murmured: "I knew my cousin's favorite was still Me, even though he has never touched my butt, I can feel this heavy and dark love."

"Stop talking nonsense, try it if you have a way." Diana's eyes had turned into dead fish eyes, because she found that on the other side of the wide park lake, there were probably tens of thousands of angels wearing white robes, and they were leaving. Holding a halberd and a crossbow, he looked here curiously.

Although something feels wrong, I can't say what's wrong.

"This move is a bit powerful. Are you mentally prepared? If not, you have to tell me first. If you don't tell me, how will I know you are ready?"

Deadpool was still wearing a white dress and a golden wig. He saw the looks from all directions and waved enthusiastically in response.

It seemed to be really effective, and soon those strange soldiers stopped looking this way.

"Use it quickly, or I will stab you with my sword."

Diana knocked on her shield. She was about to be driven crazy by Deadpool's nonsense. Along the way, her cousin's mouth never stopped, either spitting blood or taking things out of his underwear. Come and eat, or just keep talking.

She really didn't know how Slade tolerated Wade. It was torture to act with such a talkative relative.

"Hey, my sister-in-law has actually learned to threaten me? This... is really exciting!" Wade was not surprised but overjoyed. He looked a little yearning, but in the end he shook his head regretfully: "But we are not playing stage plays now. At that time, if I delayed my cousin’s affairs, he would deduct money from me, but the mission still comes first.”

As he spoke, he took off one of his shoes, and stepped firmly on the green grass with his rotten and pus-filled feet. Suddenly, a piece of green grass quickly withered in a burst of faint yellow smoke.

The method he mentioned was actually to throw away the shoe.

When he was lost and confused, and didn't know where to go, Deathstroke once used the trick of throwing his shoe, because destiny will always guide a person in the direction he should go.

To put it bluntly, it is to ask the consciousness of the universe to guide you. It may not be accurate, but it is better than wandering around, right?

Taking a deep breath, Wade first turned the boot over, poured out the peeled foot skin and pus and blood a few times, then kissed the toe of the shoe and muttered to ask any god for help.

Then he closed his eyes and threw his shoes into the sky!

A piece of bloody nail flew out of the boot tube, and then flew out during the rotation of a cucumber slice that had fallen in for unknown reasons. During the fall, a carton of expired milk fell out for unknown reasons.

But after all, there is still gravity here, and the boots finally fall on the grass, and the toes of the shoes are inserted straight into the soil.

"Huh? The shoes are pointing to the same place. What does this mean? Ladies, please help me analyze it. Do you want us to stay where we are and wait for the dark elves to come to our door?"


However, Diana and Carol were already vomiting in the yellow mist, unable to speak at all. The smell of Wade's feet was simply the ultimate weapon to distinguish between friend and foe.

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