The Death Knell

Chapter 3774 Ordinary Palace

Originally, Su Ming planned to take the birdman troops with him. After all, it would be quite easy to let the younger brother do some things, wouldn't it?

But later I discovered that something was wrong with these people's eyes. They might have expanded their fanatical loyalty to Ao Shutu, and even showed extreme enthusiasm for the Supreme Mage.

It would be nice to be looked at with admiration by a large group of beautiful-looking Familia, but Birdmen and Angels are different. Most of their warriors are male. Female Birdmen often take the path of spell casters. That was the path Saraswati had taken in the past.

They have learned the magic of O Shutu since they were young, and then entered the temple to become apprentice priestesses, waiting to become regular, and then continue to improve their magic and participate in some political affairs.

Anyway, when Su Ming saw the obsessed eyes of these strong birdmen looking at him, he always thought of that guy Lucifer, and immediately felt his anus tighten.

Therefore, let's continue with the team activities of a few people, and let Saraswati continue to control the army of muscular and winged men elsewhere.

Fernandelle flew ahead to lead the way. Everything in the city below was golden. Perhaps it was this decoration style that allowed the slightest bit of light to be refracted infinitely. The light pollution here was so serious that it was almost always daytime throughout the country.

Seeing this scene, Deadpool began to think casually. He tied his shoelaces and fluttered his wings to fly, staggering close to his cousin:

"Slade, do you think there is really gold in Havenheim? Why do the buildings I see and the items I get along the way are all fakes painted with gold?"

Su Ming, who was observing Fernandel's micro-expression, didn't even look at Wade's expression. He just took out five hundred dollars and stuffed it into his arms:

"This is a feudal monarchy country, and the Queen of Angels is the supreme leader. If there is gold, where do you think it is most likely to be?"

"I understand, the Queen's personal treasure trove, right?"

The white eyepiece on Deadpool's mask narrowed. He might have a bold idea.

"Maybe in the past, but now, maybe the Queen and Spicy Chicken Shreds are ready to run away. All this gold may have been completely hidden. It's hard to say."

This is really possible. Su Ming watched many similar movies or TV series in his previous life. Before a certain country was about to end, the king buried some secret treasure or a large amount of wealth somewhere, which was regarded as the capital for his descendants to make a comeback. Or call it restoration funds?

So instead of searching the treasury, it is better to search the tombs, if there are any.

But those are things that need to be considered later, and they are definitely not something Wade needs to think about.

"Supreme Mage, the building in front is the palace." At this moment, Fernandelle, who was leading the way, hovered in the air. She pointed at an ordinary-looking skyscraper in the distance and looked at the man behind her. introduced.

"It looks...very ordinary." Su Ming also twitched the corner of her mouth, because the female angel's face still had the sequelae of a crooked smile at this time. The crooked mouth made people feel embarrassed: "Caro Hey, Xiao Dai, one of you goes down from the rooftop and the other goes up from the first floor, go in and see the situation."

The mention of "fighting in" here is of course a literal meaning. If you encounter an angel who resists, you can kill it.

Carol had already given up thinking when she and Deathstroke acted together. After listening to the instructions, her head rushed towards the direction of the building. She still chose to fight in from the rooftop.

Diana glanced at Fernandelle a little warily. She felt that the angel was not very trustworthy, but since there was Deathstroke staring at this woman, it shouldn't be a big problem.

So she also started a high-altitude dive, preparing to rush into the building to see what happened, but she preferred to stay down to earth, that is, to kill from the first floor.

"Beauty, this building looks exactly the same as the other buildings in the city. Your queen seems to be quite obsessed with her own money."

Deadpool touched his butt and counted the money. The main reason was that when he was stabbed to the ground by his cousin, an abscess burst on his butt. This time, it was very convenient to count the money without dipping it in saliva, but directly using pus. , also very smooth:

"I have a question. If she lives in the same environment as everyone else...then what are her measurements? You have been her maid before, so you should know this, right? With her A photo? I want to see it, the one without clothes is better."

While everyone was chatting, he was dominated by his lower body again. He didn't know who told him that the Queen of Angels was a slutty lady, and this bitch kept thinking about her.

Although he had just gotten married, as a person with no moral bottom line at all, marriage was naturally not a reason for him to restrain himself.

"I don't understand what you are saying, but I always feel that it is not a good thing." Fernandele frowned. She looked at the Supreme Mage and slowly landed on the ground: "Besides, what I said is what you all said. I can understand you, but I can’t understand basically anything you say, which is unfair.”

"You can study in the future." Deathstroke followed the landing, not forgetting to drag his cousin along: "No one is born knowing everything, it is the same everywhere. If you are thirsty for knowledge on the earth, then go and learn. , no one will hinder your process of acquiring knowledge, and you will have fair opportunities to learn.”

After hearing this statement, Fernandele nodded in approval. These words simply spoke to her heart, and she longed for fairness.

Deadpool, who counted the five bills three times to make sure they were correct, secretly blinked in the direction of no one.

Because he has also discovered that this beautiful angel with short hair does not seem to have a very bright mind. He is a crazy person who has a paranoid pursuit of the word "fairness".

Isn’t this the same as those superheroes on Earth? Such a person is so easy to deceive, even easier than Captain America.

At this time, Diana had already killed the guards at the entrance of the palace and rushed into the building. Seeing this, Su Ming decided to follow up and have a look, at least to see if there was anything that could be used or information.

But what was more surprising was that Fernandelle had no objection to the blood-soaked situation at the door of the building. She just sighed, and then followed Deathstroke into the building like a stranger.

Maybe she had been mentally prepared from the moment she became the leader.

Besides, the guards were all armed. They had not beaten the woman who rushed in. They could only blame themselves for their lack of martial arts skills. If they died in a fair fight, she felt that this was not a problem.


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