The Death Knell

Chapter 3776 Floating Island

The so-called mausoleum is located high in the sky. If there is no special person to lead the way, you may not be able to notice it.

Havenheim looks like two large triangular sandwiches, floating in the universe, and above the sandwiches, there are some floating islands of fragments like 'breadcrumbs', hidden in the sky reflected by the ground. In the golden clouds.

Wonder Woman didn't respond to what Fernandelle said. She didn't know the situation at Marvel or Su Ming's overall plan, so naturally she still regarded the angels as her enemies.

What if Deathstroke was lying to this angel before? I will kill the surrendered prisoner if I don't think so. If I talk too much now, I will be embarrassed to do it later.

She also understands this truth. It's like picking up a wild cat on the road. Once you give the wild cat a name, it's hard to give it away.

The Angel General was unhappy with the Goddess of War, so he could only shrug his shoulders, find a step for himself, and while speeding up his flight slightly, he also explained the famous scenic spots in Havenheim to Deathstroke.

For example, where is the golden waterfall, where is the golden tree, where is the golden giant lighthouse, etc.

Anyway, they are all golden, because in the cognitive scope of most angels, gold is the most beautiful color.

"The Sovereigns sent a congratulatory message. They probably think so too. Your glittering country is really something extraordinary in some respects."

Deadpool was snapping his teeth while flying. The gaps between the teeth that had grown back after self-healing were a bit big, and the 'beef cubes' made of dried tofu in the chili sauce were all stuck in the teeth.

"Soverin, I don't know. At least before Havenheim was exiled by the World Tree, there was no such country in the universe." Deadpool ignored her, but the female general didn't want to talk to him at all because she heard the sound When I was pregnant, my stomach started to feel acidic.

Seeing the amused looks of his teammates, Su Ming also smiled slightly. He put his fingers into his mouth and whistled, and the cloak instantly appeared next to him with Harley.

The Birdman High Priest didn't come over. Anyway, she had wings herself, so she didn't need to worry about it.

In this case, you should ask Harley to come over and take a look. After all, she can be considered a cheater.

The little jelly beans lived up to expectations. As soon as they arrived, they hugged the angel general into his arms, dragged him onto the flying carpet, and pushed him to sit down.

"Don't be afraid, I don't eat people, hee hee." Little Tangdou put his arms around the angel's waist and rubbed his face against his wings: "You are really beautiful, your skin is very white and tender, but you have a little... The smell of bacon.”

Fernandelle smelled a little like bacon because she had put out the fire before, but she still blushed when she was held in the arms of a stranger:

"Ma'am, please let me go, I...I'm not as good as you say."

"Oh, are you shy?" Harley smiled all over her face. She liked this kind of silly and soft girl, so instead of letting go, she hugged her tighter: "My name is Harley Quinn, and I am also you. The female companion of the Supreme Mage, we have met now, tell me, what do you usually like to eat? Do you have a boyfriend? "

Even though the little lunatic was talking nonsense, just because she was messing around like this, the atmosphere in the team instantly changed.

Fernandelle seemed unable to resist the girl who was always smiling, and she immediately found someone she was willing to communicate with.

This is also a method used by psychiatrists to first make patients willing to talk through daily life topics, thus gaining control of the conversation invisibly.

Harley is indeed one of the best psychiatrists in Gotham, and the simple angel is no match for her.

The flight distance was not very far. Not long after entering the clouds, I saw the floating island in the golden glow. This island should be suspended in the sky by external forces, because there are many strange mechanical structures at the bottom of it. , still emitting golden light.

"It's an anti-gravity device, Slade." Carol knew the goods well. She immediately introduced: "Although it is different from the models I have seen in the past, I can feel the way the energy flows."

"Oh, that's right, I think so too, and I also know whose technology this is."

Deathstroke smiled, and did not look at the anti-gravity structures, but let everyone quietly land on the edge of the floating island:

"This is the anti-gravity technology used by the Eternals. To be more precise, it is the technology used on Titan by the Eternals who left the earth. Although there is a slight difference, it is nothing more than the effect of golden light."

There are only hundreds of anti-gravity technologies in the Marvel universe, and the most notable feature of Titan technology is that it can be used to levitate very large land masses.

Because the floating island is not a homogeneous solid, other technologies that want to achieve this effect are more likely to cause the island to break due to uneven stress before it takes off.

Deadpool suddenly showed a look of understanding and hit his palm with his fist:

"I understand, the angels' skills were all given to them by Thanos' purple sweet potato monster. That bad guy, I already knew that he couldn't farm the land obediently, but was hiding something. No, wait until the matter here is resolved. , I will go to his field, wait for the full moon night, steal all the melons he planted and eat them, suck them!"

"Are you a bastard? Are you still stealing other people's melons?" Death Knell knocked on his cousin's head and said speechlessly: "When the angels stole the Eternals' technology, Thanos wasn't even born yet. When he was born, By that time, Havenheim had been banished to the void."

"That's right, but I still want to eat what Thanos sows. It seems I have to find another excuse..." Deadpool lowered his head, but there was a bit of grievance in his tone. His wish was actually very simple.

Carol doesn't even know what's going on with Deadpool's brain circuitry. Would a normal person provoke Thanos just to get some food?

Yes, Thanos and the Dark Order have changed now, but the Mad Titan is never easy to deal with.

"Forget it, I'll give you some pineapples grown by Dr. Erskine in Hawaii. Recently, he developed a new variety that can be used for salad dressing." Su Ming looked up at the starry sky in the distance. He took a deep breath and started looking for the entrance to the mausoleum: "Stop joking now, Wade, you will be the first one in a while."

"Of course, leave the exploration to me, but how should you mix pineapple with salad?" Deadpool's attention was not on the task at all. Instead, he wanted to chat more.

At this time, everyone was suddenly attacked and ambushed by the dark elves sneaking around. Various weapons fired at the same time, and various energies fell on Deadpool's head like rain.


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