The Death Knell

Chapter 378 Setting the Mountain on Fire

This was the first time that Su Ming saw Alberta become serious and recite a spell. The long spell could almost fill a promotional leaflet.

The power in her body burned like a furnace fire. Even a layman like Su Ming could feel that the air nearby became hot. Strangler even went straight into the depths of his body, clinging to the cold metal to escape the heat. went.

"The last time I played cards and drank with Lucifer, maybe because I drank too much, he taught me an ancient magic. According to him, he took it with him when he fell from the 'City of Silver', and it was transformed by hell. In the end, this magic will be destroyed even if the god is hit head-on."

The spell is complete, power is gathering here, the fire raised from the hell plane is building up, and Albella's mission is now over.

She calls for power, and the power comes from it, and then she will follow the established track to destroy everything that blocks the fire of hell.

So apart from stretching out one hand to point to the strange tower, she was holding a cigarette in her other hand and talking to Su Ming half asleep.

"I think many sorcerers will envy you now. Not only can you still cast spells, but you are also powerful."

Alberta shook her head and spat behind her: "Actually, this is just because the time for me to repay the debt has not come yet. The difference between me and them is nothing more than repaying the debt during life or repaying the debt after death."


Su Ming just looked in front of him and waited. He didn't notice that the magic floating cloak secretly slipped a small corner into his backpack and absorbed the gems on several wands.

After these gems lost their power, they turned into fine dust. Then the cloak seemed to stretch out comfortably, and then lay softly behind Su Ming, motionless.

Su Ming's eyes were completely filled with red light at this time. This was the largest magic he had ever seen so far.

It's not that Alberta's magic is stronger than Master Gu Yi, but this destructive momentum and simple and crude primitive magic power are really captivating.

Because the distance was too close, apart from the heat waves and flames, he couldn't even see clearly what the shape of this magical torrent was and how long it lasted.

All they knew was that when the bright light faded from their eyes, the mage tower in front of them no longer existed, not even the hills.

There was only a large crater that looked like it had been struck by a meteorite, and it looked like a magma pool, with lava burning at the bottom of the crater.

Albella flicked the cigarette butt into the pit. She had just created a hellish baseball stadium.

"If you said you had a nuclear bomb in your belly, I would have believed it."

Su Ming nodded with satisfaction. Only magic could destroy a castle located in a rift in space so easily.

Of course, if he wanted to do it with his own hands, he could do it, he just needed to use the Night Sword to chip away at it.

The female mage smiled and shook her head. The release of large-scale magic made her a little depressed. However, considering that she usually looked droopy, it seemed more like she was addicted to alcohol.

"I think there are only red internal organs in my belly, and these destructive powers ultimately come from there..."

While she took out the bottle of wine from her windbreaker pocket, she pointed to the sky with her other hand.

"Ah, it's not our turn to worry about that guy's affairs. He doesn't care about us, and we don't care about him either. That's good." Su Ming grabbed Bobo, and they started to return to the original route: "Do you know that Lucifer is missing? "

Alberta was caught by Diana and flew away. She grabbed the wine bottle herself: "I'm used to it. Lucifer disappears once every three days. He probably went to pick up girls somewhere."

"Then do you know that the Sandman is also missing?" Su Ming asked again. The howling wind passed by several people's ears, but his voice still reached their ears clearly. Bobo and Diana both widened their eyes. eyes.

The Sandman is the one in the Endless family who has the most dealings with humans, and the current Lord of Dreams, Daniel, is the son of Hector, the sixth-generation Doctor of Destiny.

Alberta also sighed, and she shook her head: "The Sandman once helped Lucifer supervise Hell for a period of time... My suggestion is that it is best not to touch anything related to the Endless Family. "

"But if it is done, the benefits will be great. Although they look like humans, they are actually the embodiment of the rules of the world... Being recognized by the rules, do you know what this means, right?"

Su Ming said seductively that he still had the Sandman to find, and as a mage, Alberta was very important.

"Let me think about it. I have no interest in finding Lucifer, but Sandman..."


Several people returned to the Forgotten Bar again. Unexpectedly, the place was now crowded with people, and the noise and lively atmosphere filled every corner.

The jazz music originally played on the jukebox was replaced by DJ dance music, and the only thing missing was the lighting.

Bobo covered his eyes, he knew this would happen.

"Is this a party?"

Su Ming took a look and saw a group of magical girls in front of him. Most of them were under the age of twenty. Basically, they were all 'second generation demons', that is, the daughters of famous spell casters.

The chimpanzee climbed onto a table on one side and looked for Tracy in the crowd. This little devil, she was actually having a party in the bar again! Forgotten Bar is a bar, not a nightclub!

This orangutan is not dead yet!

"This is a small group of witches, the Sisterhood of the Hand. Damn it, many of them have parents who are super devils."

Diana stopped Bobo from trying to call someone and grabbed him off the table: "It's not necessary. They are still children. They should not be responsible for the mistakes their parents made."

"Not only children, some well-known villains will also come here to teach them magic. That is not a good thing." Bobo said to the heroine. He discovered the agent of Celestial Eclipse last time.

The Sisterhood of Skillful Hands originally did not intend to forget about bar gatherings. They had many safe places. After all, Bobo sided with the Justice League after the Metal Incident. This place was obviously not very safe for many people.

But Tracy, the rebellious girl, promised them that if Bobo was in the store before the party started, she would be responsible for getting him drunk.

The girls thought this would work, but they didn't expect to be caught red-handed again this time.

"Forget it, Bobo, we still have serious things to do." Su Ming was not interested in arresting the little girls here, and still wanted to accuse their parents.

Besides, now that everyone knows the dangers of casting spells, they just get together to drink a few glasses of wine.

This is also a good thing for the bar, after all, the turnover has increased.

Bobo inspected the scene again and found no demon, just when he was about to breathe a sigh of relief.

He saw a dangerous man in the corner of the bar, smoking a cigarette and sipping a glass of whiskey. He was one of the people he least wanted to see in the bar, even higher than Albella. .

Not only because the smell of that man was enough to drive away the people around him, but because wherever he appeared, nothing good would happen.

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