The Death Knell

Chapter 3806 Lightning flash

If you smoke Deathstroke, you are one of your own.

The tied girl struggled a few times at first, but as the voodoo mushrooms took effect quickly, she quickly calmed down and her eyes became trance-like.

Strangler put her down, and she stood honestly in front of the death knell, just waiting to answer the question.

"Dark, too dark."

Bobo whispered and shook his head. He couldn't bear to see what happened to the girl. This was obviously a sign of being hypnotized or brainwashed. But after seeing the girl reveal her secret, would the people in the village believe that she was real? What if you can't help yourself?

Deathstroke should have thought of this, but he didn't seem to care.

But at this moment, before Su Ming could get a word out of the girl's mouth, Hangzhou saw a red light flash behind the host.

Jesse's reaction was faster, because just at that moment, she sensed the current of the Speed ​​Force and saw a speedster reaching out to the gorilla's back.

Although she didn't fully agree with Deathstroke's methods, she still acquiesced in her teammates' actions in order to save Barry.

Since we are in the same team, she has to contribute.

The speedster in the other village seemed to want to capture the orangutan in exchange for hostages, but this was a misunderstanding and there was no need to make a big fuss, so her body instantly lit up with white lightning and she tried to grab the opponent's hand on Bobo's shoulder.

The man in the red tights reacted quickly, dodged her grasp, and ran away after missing her.

In order to make things clear and clear up the misunderstanding as soon as possible, Jesse chased after him.

Both sides were wearing red tights, but one was wrapped in yellow electricity, while the other was white. In an instant, they flipped out from the inner wall of the walled city and disappeared from sight.


"Well, I know, that's not Barry."

The symbiote saw each other's face, and despite being entangled in the lightning of the Speed ​​Force, its dynamic vision was enough to see everything about the Speed ​​Force.

It seems there was a mistake. There was a Flash at the outpost, but it was not the Earth-0 Flash that everyone had lost.

On the contrary, the speedster was stronger and older. Although it was not completely confirmed, Su Ming believed that it was Jay Garrick, the original Flash, in a parallel world or at a certain point in time.

If you really count, Barry is actually the second generation. As for why the source of the Speed ​​Force is not the first generation of speedsters, this is proof that the Speed ​​Force runs through all timelines.

Even if Barry was born 10,000 years later and he took the first step to create the Speed ​​Force, the Speed ​​Force would still exist 10,000 years ago, because the Speed ​​Force is an expression of the timeline.

"Huh? Where are the people?"

Bobo was still turning his head back and forth to look for Jesse. Just now he wanted to chat with her and wait for Deathstroke to figure everything out, but now the girl has disappeared?

Who better to imitate than Batman? Are you going to leave without saying a word?

Thinking like this, Bobo also imitated Batman, turning the corners of his mouth downwards.

"Stop looking, we saw a Flash, but it was not Barry, but Jay." Su Ming asked Strangler to let go of the prisoners, and at the same time used the force of life to help the girl who had smoked a cigar regain her consciousness: "The other person just wanted to He wanted to capture you in exchange for hostages, but Jesse stopped him, and then the two raced off."

"I hate the Speed ​​Force." Bobo's mouth returned to normal, and he squeezed out this sentence: "I can't even see what the speedsters do. This feeling is really bad."

"You are in the magic world, how can you usually deal with speedsters?" Su Ming rolled his eyes at him, and then looked at the middle-aged gentleman who had regained his freedom: "Wrong person, what we are looking for is Barry. Allen, your Flash is Jay Garrick, we're fine."

After being taught a lesson by being strangled, these people also obeyed a lot. At least after picking up the weapons on the ground, they no longer aimed at the death knell, but planned to aim at the mechanical insect swarm outside the wall.

But where are the mechanical insect swarms now? All that's left is parts and molten metal everywhere.

A strong man with a rabbit head descended slowly like a god on earth. The sun was shining brightly behind him, and the red cape was raised high like a flag. This superhero's majestic and upright temperament simply hit his face. .

The main thing is the smile on Captain Carrot's face, which looks cute and warm, making people inevitably trust him and follow him.

But as soon as the rabbit spoke, the sharp and funny voice unique to the cartoon character ruined everything. He scratched his ears and asked the death knell:

"I saw Jesse and a Jay running out just now. Are we looking in the wrong place?"

"Ah, as you can see, there is a Flash here at the outpost, but it is not the Barry we are looking for." Su Ming took out a bunch of carrots and gave it to the captain as a post-war dessert: "Now just wait for Jesse to get it When the old man gets it back, we're asking him if he's an insider."

"I know many Jay Garricks. There are dozens of Jays among your Earth-0, Earth-1, Earth-2, and Earth-3 incarnations of justice. You said, the ones trapped in the wild world are Which one? Maybe I can have a say?"

The rabbit took the carrot and ate it crunchily. He especially liked to act with Deathstroke because there were unlimited carrots to eat.

If he is an acquaintance of his, then he can come forward to communicate. Why go for a run if he doesn't agree? Do all speedsters love "making friends by running" so much?

"Maybe it's none of them. You know about the several restarts of the multiverse, right? Since you are a member of the Incarnation of Justice, the black president should have told you this."

Su Ming, who lit a cigarette for himself, touched his chin, looked at the people around him who had put down their weapons, and continued to communicate with the captain as if they did not exist:

"The Jay Garrick you mentioned were all people from the N52 era, but the Speed ​​Force has existed since the Infinite Earths era. We may be encountering someone from the distant past who has escaped several multi-dimensional restarts. Jay"

"Ouch~ I don't understand." Rabbit shook his head, his ears swaying like braids: "Calvin told us all, but I didn't understand it at the time, hehe, or I feel that he actually didn't understand it very well either. , telling it as if he was describing something he didn’t understand.”

"Well, it's also possible. Superman isn't very good at intelligence work, let alone the secrets of this multiverse."

Bobo, who was holding a wine bottle, also climbed down from the flying carpet and came over with his short legs to express his opinion:

"But Tutu, we can talk about those things later. Now can you use your extraordinary charm to help us appease the residents here? They seem to be frightened by the death knell."

When faced with a friend's request, a superhero will never refuse. Rabbit patted the C letter symbol in front of his strong chest muscles, raised his thumb and flashed his front teeth:

"Leave it to me, because in fact there is no need for them to be afraid. We are all good people!"

The primate detective just gritted his teeth and nodded quickly, because he was afraid that he would laugh inappropriately after listening to the rabbit's words.

Is Deathstroke a good guy? Are you kidding me?

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