The Death Knell

Chapter 3815 Secret Corner

Seeing that he was about to reach the target position, Su Ming suddenly felt a chill on his back, as if someone was speaking ill of him behind his back.

I turned around and looked behind me, but I didn't see Black Lightning catching up? On the contrary, the plan went quite smoothly.

"I saw the theater." Jesse's body was covered with white electric current, and his two short legs were upside down, leaving only an afterimage: "There is that colorful floating island in the sky in the distance, right?"

It's really far away, and the location looks like a small dot of pixels.

"Well, it's that rainbow-colored floating island. Speed ​​up. Your gliding also needs enough speed." Deathstroke retracted his thoughts and patted the cloak behind him to let it give the girl a little boost.

The cloak doesn't have the Speed ​​Force, but it does have speed in its purest form, the speed brought by magical power.

Magic has always been the power to change the world with will, and it is no exception in the speed force plane. Otherwise, how could it be called a holy weapon?

It automatically flew off the shoulders of the Supreme Mage, turned into a pair of palms in the air, and then caught up with Jesse Quick's back.

Just like a plasma jet engine was installed on a car, the already fast speedster was now even faster than words could describe. She could only subconsciously listen to the death knell's command to take off, and then glide with her eyes closed.

It's not a big problem. At the same speed, flying in the air is actually easier than running on the ground, because there are no obstacles and it moves in a straight line.

A few people were enveloped in white lightning, and they successfully landed on the island in an instant, arriving at this special place that looked very interesting.

Bobo, who was holding a pipe in his mouth, jumped off the girl's back and walked a few steps. The thick grass covered the soles of his feet, like the most luxurious carpet.

"This place is like paradise compared to the wild world. I don't notice any danger. Slade, what do you think?"

"There's nothing to say. I don't know how long there have been visitors here." Su Ming put on his cloak and walked towards the theater building: "It's very peaceful here. Just keep the most basic precautions. Let's go in. "

Su Ming called this building a theater, and Jay called it a lighthouse. There are many other names here, which is normal.

Too few people know that it exists. If they don't know that it is here, then when running from below, they will only see a patch of light that blends in with the surrounding environment.

Everyone who arrives here will think that they are the first to discover its existence, and thus give it a name. This is why almost no stories about it are spread to the outside world, because in different people's mouths, its description will be different. no the same.

But if Su Ming were to say it, he would say that this place doesn't look like a theater at all, but more like an observatory or a super huge concrete mixer.

It actually looks like nothing, it is what it is.

A large number of building blocks emitting twisting light and shadow built a hemispherical building on the floating island. This is where all the speed force connection points can be viewed.

Of course, nothing is perfect, and although theater is great, it has its limitations.

First of all, it can only see places where the Speed ​​Force exists, and obviously cannot see things in Marvel and other worlds.

Secondly, it can see the past and future, as well as the present in various parallel worlds, but it cannot see those 'unwritten stories', because that is the scope of the concept of super-time flow, which is a bit too advanced. .

Despite these restrictions, Su Ming felt that Barry probably didn't go to too outrageous places, so he would probably be able to see him here.

During the last separation, Su Ming did give Xiao Shan some tasks, but those tasks were not enough to help him know too much.

Forget it, it's useless to think so much, let's take a look inside the building.

Captain Rabbit takes the lead. He is rough-skinned and thick-skinned. Even when the Zoo Team operates together, he is positioned as a human shield. When he comes to an unfamiliar area, he naturally takes the lead.

Deathstroke carried Bobo on his shoulders, and the two of them protected Jesse, who was in the middle of the team, and moved forward slowly together.

The gate of this colorful building seems to be thousands of meters high. The thick feeling will make people suspect that they are hallucinating, because light should have no weight.

But when Rabbit put his hands on the gate, it opened quietly, without any effort or sound.

"Wow, it's so smooth. I want to change my door to this one." Captain Carrot turned to look at Deathstroke, telling a joke while waiting for the next instruction.

Rabbit knows that his brain is not very good, and the best choice is to listen to the instructions of smart people.

"Go ahead. Besides, I don't think you need to change the door of your home, because the carrot orange door suits you very well." Su Ming looked at the furnishings and arrangements in the building, and saw that there was nothing in the hall that should be there. Finally, the order was given to continue moving forward.

Roger scratched his ears and asked as he walked: "You have never been to my house, how do you know that my door is the same color as a carrot?"

"Because he's Batman!"

The orangutan squatting on Deathstroke's shoulder finally waited for the opportunity to answer this time. He played this old joke first to save Deathstroke from telling it as a cold joke:

"Just kidding, Rabbit. In fact, not only him, but also me know that your window frames and blinds must also be orange, right? Let me guess, maybe the toilet lid is also orange? This is logical reasoning, not magic. , it’s not something profound.”

Roger likes carrots, so he will definitely like the color of carrots. If he has a house, the decoration style will definitely be "carrot style".

Well, there are decoration styles such as Mediterranean style, Nordic minimalist style, Japanese style, etc., but I have never heard of carrot style, so maybe it is farmers market style?

Bobo thought so and couldn't help but smile, secretly scratching his ears and cheeks to endure.

But the innocent Captain Carrot completely believed it. He even showed an expression of admiration and his three-petal mouth squirmed a few times:

"You guys are so awesome. Can you figure out my preferences just by reasoning? That's amazing. If I had known earlier, I should have studied detective science. I wonder which university teaches it?"

"Social university, probably." One person and one orangutan, who had no academic qualifications at all, looked at each other, and Su Ming answered the question: "Some things don't need to be forced. Even if you are a super bunny, there is no need to ask yourself to be an all-rounder."

"I know, but it's definitely right to have hope for the future." Captain Rabbit nodded, his furry face seemed to be shining: "By the way, what are we looking for?"

"Something like a light ball in a disco, find it."

Deathstroke wasn't serious when it came to business. On the contrary, he was walking and drinking with the orangutan during the mission.

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