The Death Knell

Chapter 3819 Uncomposed Poem

In the boundless universe, there is a small planet floating.

Although it is small, it has all the internal organs and all the conditions for the birth of life.

In the planetary system it is located in, there are six other planets, four of which are still in gaseous state. Under the light of stars, they always reflect colorful light.

This terrestrial planet has two moons, one was born at the same time as it, and the other was later captured by gravity. It was also this behavior that melted the ice and snow at the poles of the planet, resulting in the emergence of liquid water, and the birth of life. .

There are three continents on the gradually turning blue planet. The middle one is inhabited by a kind of human-like ape, which naively believes that it is the only intelligent life in the universe.

Living on the northern continent is a kind of tiny insect. Whenever they are happy, they will form various shapes to show art or explore the galaxy. Then they will spread out and break into tiny single forms, busy. for laying eggs and foraging.

On the southern continent, a huge carnivorous plant lives here. They have gorgeous flowers and sharp teeth, and can hunt with their stamen-shaped tentacles.

Although their movements are limited, they have the most advanced minds on the planet.

These flowers are called quarrians, and unlike their neighbors on the same planet, they sleep when the sun is not shining, and they also dream.

At this moment, there is a small flower sleeping, the petals are closed under the starlight, and the stem and leaves are tightly rolled together.

And in the dream, it saw another strange big flower.

There is a creature with pale flowers on the top. Its leaves are dark and gorgeous. The little flower can't think of how to describe its breathtaking beauty, but it just wants to cling to its feet.

The big black flower embraces it in a dream, the roots of both sides are intertwined, and the dark leaves caress its calyx.

Obviously, this strange flower is full of love for everything in the dream.

But just when the little flower thought that this sweet dream would spread indefinitely, the big black flower suddenly stiffened, and a gap opened between the disc-like flowers:

"Some of the circumstances were extremely inappropriate."

The little flower shook its leaves: "I don't understand."

The black flower bent down and patiently explained to it:

"I have traveled through thousands of dreams of the inhabitants of thousands of worlds, and everything was allowed and nothing was inappropriate. But today, something extremely inappropriate has occurred, more than anything I have seen in the past."

However, in the dream, the dreaming little flower still couldn't understand it. It only indulged in happiness.

It felt that its petals were unfolding, as if the sun had appeared, and it unconsciously showed a happy and relaxed posture.

Until Dahua said again: "I don't allow this."

The little flower was startled. It left the embrace of the big flower, raised the flower, and made a sound between its sharp teeth:

"What are you not allowing?"

"Things that trouble my heart, things that are about to rain, things that have been destroyed, things that have not been written down."

The big black and white flower sighed, its leaves hung down feebly, and where the sharp teeth should have been between the flowers was a pale, strange face:

"It's all the same thing."

As the words fell, gray mist emitted from its body, like fine sand blown up by the wind.

But in the smoke and dust that covered the sky, Xiaohua felt something terrible, which made her tremble uncontrollably.

It had never seen fire, and had only heard about it in stories in dreams, but now it saw the bewitching red flames in its heart, felt the burning heat, and the death that followed.

So it screamed and died in the dream, and woke up in reality, trembling under the starry sky, thinking about who died.

"What does this mean? Why didn't I see the Flash show up?"

Jesse watched a long video record with no beginning or end. It was like showing a "Beekeeping Guide" to a bear. It had no effect at all, but made her even more confused.

For a moment, she wondered if the theater had made a mistake.

What he said was a complete retelling of Deathstroke's order, letting it show the latest developments in Earth 0 Barry.

But what appeared was not this riddle about two flowers, but also a strange planet.

But she is a smart girl, and she will not deny everything in front of her just because she cannot understand. Compared with such a reckless method, she has a simpler choice.

That is to ask the people who might understand, namely Deathstroke and the orangutan detective.

Deathstroke, who was smoking a cigarette, had a calm expression. That is, when the big black flowers began to leak out sand, he raised his eyebrows, and then there was no expression at all.

Bobo, who was also holding a homemade pipe in his mouth, was not so calm. He walked up and down on the flying carpet, scratching his ears and head, as if there were a lot of fleas crawling on his body.

Not to mention his expression, which changed from moment to moment as if he was suddenly unobstructed and suddenly blocked after constipation.

"Bo, there is actually no such planet in our known universe, right? If it is a planet with life, it should be registered with the Justice League, let alone a place where three intelligent races coexist. This is very strange. special."

After flicking the ashes from his cigarette, Su Ming tilted his head and looked at the little fu gorilla behind him, and asked a simple question.

"As far as I know, no, not only in the Justice League's database, but there is no record in the Monitor's Dome."

The orangutan still looked gloomy, and it was obvious that he had thought of a not-so-good possibility.

In fact, Deathstroke had already asked his lieutenant to scan all the known universes, and asking Bobo was just for double insurance.


"This black flower is the Sandman, and he has different forms in the dreams of different creatures. And the gravel flowing out of the flower is the sand of time, a concrete representation of the intertwining of time and possibility. What we see is an unwritten story. , this planet may really exist in some timeline, maybe another Earth, but it has never been described before today.”

Taking another puff of cigarette, Deathstroke explained his findings to the rabbit and the girl, but it still sounded like another riddle:

"Many stories that have never existed before are being burned, as if ideas are stillborn. Barry is faster. After passing through this planet, he ran into the super-time stream."

"Does running faster sound like a good thing?" Captain Carrot tilted his head and opened his mouth stupidly, showing off his front teeth.

But the one-eyed man sighed and shook his head:

"No, it's not a good thing for you. Barry may be trying to prevent or promote all this, but the speed force can only give this picture at best. Barry has exceeded its scope. As a speedster, he is completely out of control. , have you ever seen a shooting star? Do you know what the final result will be?"

Bobo exhaled and his eyes became firm: "We must catch Barry as soon as possible before he burns himself out."

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