The Death Knell

Chapter 3825 Destined Death

Start by imagining a book in your mind.

This book covers everything that is happening, everything that has happened, and everything that will happen.

It seems to be everything in the world, all-encompassing.

The book has a thick, smooth cover, but the leather comes from some beast that has never existed, just as the paper on which the words are written comes from some plant that has never existed.

The only pair of eyes that have read this book actually come from a blind man, and there is only endless darkness in those eyes.

He is 'fate', and fate is always blind.

It is connected to him by an invisible chain, perhaps to protect it from being lost, or to prevent him from escaping from the book, or to show that fate and the story are one.

But he couldn't explain it clearly, and at the same time, he couldn't speak to others.

However, the "Book of Destiny" also has limitations. It only contains stories that "already exist", but it cannot record poems that never existed. So now that Sandman has disappeared, it is difficult to find him.

But today, when Destiny turned the next page of the story, I inexplicably saw myself appearing in the book.

It's not like this kind of thing has never happened before, but he also knows that as long as he appears in the story, things will often become complicated.

He was doing what he was doing now, holding a thick book of destiny, standing in his home called the "Maze of Destiny", calling another family member to the oil painting on the wall.

"I am the destiny of the Endless Family. Here, I call you, my sister, although I don't know why I do this."

The oil painting on the wall came to life, and the beautiful woman in it was originally smiling. Now her eyes turned to her brother, making the smile look even more vivid.

The next second, ‘Death’, wearing a long black dress and holding a small black parasol, stepped out of the oil painting. The Ankh cross around her neck swayed slightly with her steps, and she smiled and said:

"You can turn a few more pages and see what will happen in the future. Don't you know the reason?"

Destiny's face was as pale as a death. His brown hooded cloak covered the upper half of his face, and only his blind eyes shining like stars were exposed in the shadow. Regarding his sister's speech, he solemnly refused:

"You know, I can't do that."

"Ah, no need to explain, I know, I'm just joking." Death put away his little umbrella and patted the lady's top hat on his head. The brim of the hat was dotted with dry white flowers, just like when they were alive. Just as beautiful.


What is fate asking? Is it why her sister is joking, or why she is calling her.

But Death answered something else. She showed a somewhat sad expression, and her thin eyebrows looked weak:

"Not long ago, God's body fell a hundred stars away from my home. His reincarnated flesh ball was almost burned and completely wiped out. I could only take away his ashes. You Did you really not see this in the book?”

"No, this matter didn't appear in the book until you said it." Destiny has seen too many joys and sorrows and miracles. Anyone who appears in the story or leaves the story will not make him have any emotional fluctuations. : "However, didn't the body of God die long ago? At about the same time as Dr. Manhattan's death?"

Death suddenly spun in a circle, and the hem of her skirt seemed to turn into a black flower blooming, but when she stopped spinning, the flower also withered.

She answered her brother with a smile and put her hand on his shoulder: "So, I guess that's why you called me, because fate has its way."

At this time, fate had already understood, and he slowly closed the book in his hand: "My sister, so you contacted humans and wanted to use them to fight against fate, and then use Lucifer to fight against me?"

"Yes, that's what I think about, because I always think about when people die, the memories of their past and their visions of the future."

Gentle Death is still smiling, her snow-white face is extremely beautiful, she holds the parasol in her arms:

"Perhaps in their afterlife they will be remembered and thus potentially transformed into reality and stories. This is what the cycle of life is about, and yours too, my brother."

After hearing this, Destiny was relieved. He nodded slightly in agreement. As a family member, he supported the decision to die, but as Destiny, he could only remain silent.

"We will meet again soon, brother, don't be sad, because at the end of time, even death will die." She said that she would die, but death still smiled. She lifted her skirt slightly and saluted, Then he walked back to the oil paintings on the wall and returned to his own kingdom of the dead.

Destiny himself was the only one left in the empty maze. He was holding a heavy book and stood there blankly, as if he was thinking about something, but also seemed to be distracted.

But at this moment, two rays that could turn right angles in mid-air hit him. The energy emitting black light pierced through his chest and knocked him to the ground instantly.

A tall gray figure walked out of the darkness at the end of the corridor, walking towards the fallen fate with his hands behind his back. This strong creature was like a black hole absorbing nearby light. The only thing that could be seen clearly was the black 'Ω' on his chest. 'sign.

This symbol is purer than the darkness in the maze of destiny. Against the backdrop of the environment, it appears to be glowing.

The visitor came to stand next to Destiny, lowered his head and seemed to be looking at the members of the endless family who were aloof in the past, and announced calmly:

"Some people say that destiny cannot be killed, but I don't believe it, because I am Alpha and I am Omega."

Then, he raised his foot and stepped down hard.

Even a second before his head exploded, Destiny was still expressionless and calm, because through communication with death, he had already accepted his fate.

When death wants to reverse the situation, he must stick to his position, which is to comply with fate, but this is not his own arrangement.

The big foot with black energy fell, and fate drifted away like smoke. As the embodiment of the concept, he was not a life in the conventional sense, but the uninvited guest obviously had the ability to kill him.

Seeing his destiny drifting away like clouds of smoke, the visitor sighed lightly, and after being in a daze for a while, he bent down and picked up the "Book of Destiny" that fell from the ground.

Grasping the invisible chain between the book's origin and its fate, it was like strangling its throat. The book shook and struggled for a few times, and then became motionless.

Not everyone can resist peeking into the future when they are in control of their destiny, and not everyone can resist tampering with everything. For ambitious people, since they have the ability, they must change.

If you want to change, you need to understand it first, then you have to read what is written in the book.

The tall, strong man picked up the book, reached out to touch the very smooth cover, and then opened it with his fingers like small pillars.

The contents soon made him laugh out loud, because he also saw his own fate in the book.

Different from the complicated and mottled content in the previous book, which was like stars twinkling in the endless universe, this book now only has the same sentence written from beginning to end, densely written on every piece of paper.

That is Darkseid's constant presence!

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