The Death Knell

Chapter 383 Confusing the real with the fake


The red wine in Alberta's mouth spurted out.

She originally squinted her eyes, thinking that there was going to be some romantic drama going on. If Deathstroke and Heroine were going to have sex here, she wanted to join in the fun.

Isn’t that how movies all play out? When men and women are going to complete any dangerous mission, they have to have an in-depth communication before that...

But I never expected that the romantic drama would instantly turn into a thriller.

Deathstroke smiled and knocked Diana unconscious in his arms. Where was the promised relationship? Give me back my emotion!

Looking at Deathstroke now, there is no trace of a smile on his face, only the calmness of calculation.

When he competed with Diana on various events in the Hall of Justice, he had a thorough knowledge of the heroine's information.

How much force can it withstand, how fast can it react, and how long does it take to recover its strength?

All this was remembered in his mind, and now he hit her on the back of the head with just the right amount of force.

"Oh my God, are you possessed by Medusa?" Bobo drew his weapon and looked at Deathstroke warily, and then looked at the two witches warily.

It's over, this is a trap, he was tricked into the witch's den!

Alberta waved to him repeatedly: "I don't know anything about it, don't look at me like that, or I will turn you into a white-haired person."

Circe directly raised her hands in surrender. She was beside Diana just now, and she did react when the pan appeared in Deathstroke's hand.

She instantly activated a transformation magic, but the man in front of her was completely immune to it. He was already prepared.

But being approached by a powerful warrior like Deathstroke, she had no choice but to surrender.

"This has nothing to do with betraying the witch, Bobo, put away your night blade." Su Ming gently put Diana on the chair, and the God Killer transformed back into the shape of a scimitar: "It is a relic of the Dark Night Master, don't you I’ll want to fight it against the metal of God.”

Bobo put away his weapon suspiciously, but distanced himself from Su Ming, as if he was about to run away if he sensed something was wrong.

Su Ming rolled his eyes. There was the sea outside. Where do you want to run?

It is estimated that it is hundreds of nautical miles to swim from Aiyu Island to the nearest Greece. You are an orangutan and not a sea monkey.

"I opposed Diana's plan, and I didn't have time to fight with her to convince her. I just took the fastest method." Su Ming handed Diana to Alberta. The female mage was obviously struggling to hold the female warrior: " Send her to hell and hand her over to Mackenzie to protect her. Don’t let her wake up. I think the Justice League plus you will be enough."

"Then how are you going to deal with Hecate? She is obviously crazy now and is already preparing to take over all witchcraft."

Alberta understood that Deathstroke must have accepted a mission to protect Diana from somewhere, and that was the only reason why he was so concerned about it.

"I have an idea, but I still need to confirm it. If you still plan to ask for money, don't question my order." Su Ming popped out a cigarette and held it in his mouth. He tilted his head to signal Albert to carry out the order, and at the same time waved. Circe and Bobo both came back to sit.

"Okay, you are the boss, you have the final say." Alberta sighed and recited the spell directly, and a ray of hellfire engulfed her and Diana's figures.

Circe showed an unbearable look. The flames just burned one of her chairs, which was very precious wood.

Su Ming didn't even look at her, but took out his mobile phone and put it to his ear without dialing.

"Did you hear everything?"

There was only silence in the receiver, as if Su Ming was talking to himself, but he had no intention of explaining. He just held the phone and smoked quietly.

Ten seconds later, a deep voice came from the other side.

"Yes, I heard it all. Your tactics are correct, but Diana will hate you to death."

"Oh, that will happen in the future. If Hecate's matter cannot be resolved, everyone is waiting to be slaughtered by Luther." Su Ming tapped the table with his fingers and made a rhythmic sound: "His fish And the cat, but stole something from the bottom of the sea, it looks like a demon super magic potion."

Batman was silent for a while: "I will cooperate with you and follow your plan."

Albertella, who had just returned, and Circe, who was eating melon on the side, were all confused. Only the orangutan detective looked at the finger of the death knell tapping the table, thoughtfully.

Su Ming would not be polite to Batman. Words like thank you and goodbye were not in Batman's dictionary. He would not say this to others, nor would he expect others to say this to him.

He put away his mobile phone and looked at the location of the cave entrance: "Everyone, please continue to eat. Wait a moment, new reinforcements will arrive soon."

"The Justice League's teleportation device? But isn't the watchtower damaged?" Bobo felt a little more relieved. After all, Batman also agreed with Deathstroke's handling methods.

He wants to believe Batman.

Su Ming used the public tongs to put a piece of honey-glazed barbecue on his plate, cut it into small pieces and put it in his mouth: "The moon exploded, but the watchtower did not. As long as Superman lifts it up for a while, it will be enough to complete the teleportation." ”

"Who did you call? Swamp Thing?"

Alberta also started eating. She was in a good mood and she was still very popular in hell. Maizi accepted Diana directly and arranged her in his bedroom without even asking any questions.

"Swamp Monster doesn't need teleportation technology. As long as there is a blade of grass on this island, he can use the power of the green of all things to move here instantly." Su Ming glanced at her with disgust, as if she thought her IQ was off the line. : "Since Hecate originally fell in love with the Amazon princess, as the holder of the seal, then naturally I will give her an Amazon princess today..."

Before a piece of barbecue was finished, a white beam of light shone directly from the sky to the entrance of the cave. The light gradually dissipated, and a heroic woman strode into the cave.

She has long black wavy hair, a red strapless battle armor, a blue battle skirt, and carries the Amazon Aegis and the Vulcan Sword behind her back.

"Diana?" Bobo narrowed his eyes, but isn't Diana sleeping in hell?

Did Batman send Clayface? It's a little gross to have a puddle of mud imitate Diana, man.


Although the person who came looked very similar to Diana, her behavior seemed more modern. When she heard the orangutan's words, she immediately smiled and made an "X" with her arms in front of her, indicating that Bobo had guessed wrong, and imitated the prompts. sound.

"It's Donna." Circe recognized the new woman and smiled bitterly.

Donna Troy, Diana's sister, is a humanoid weapon made by the Titans. She is a human made of clay and is very similar to Diana. It was originally a weapon used against Diana.

They deliberately left her near Paradise Island when she was a child and let the Amazon Queen pick her up, so that one day when she grew up, she would be jealous of Diana and take away her throne.

The ideas are rich, but the reality is rather dry.

Instead of being jealous of Diana, Donna yearned for her sister.

She saw Diana leaving the paradise island every three days to maintain world peace and freedom. How could she value the royal power of a small island?

There are delicious food, fun, and the opposite sex outside. What is there on Paradise Island?

So when she grew up, she also left the island and wanted to be a superhero. Diana was called Wonder Woman. In order to show that she was younger, she was called Wonder Girl.

She completely broke away from the control of the Titans, ran away with the artifacts and power given to her by the Titans, and fell directly into the arms of Olympus. She even had the same priesthood as Diana. She was the goddess of fate.

Her leadership is on par with Diana's, and she is the organizer and initiator of the Teen Titans. In addition, she went to a serious university and participated in a photography club, so she has a more cheerful personality.

"Ahem, what Donna?" She shook her head and straightened her face, imitating Diana's serious look: "I am Wonder Woman, the Vice Chairman of the Justice League. Where is our opponent? I want to fight her. !”

Well, now they are 99% similar. Su Ming is sure that he can deceive Hecate.

The real Diana was hidden by him in hell, living in Lucifer's palace and could not be sensed. There is no mark on Donna's head at all, so there is no risk of being controlled, but her fighting ability is not bad at all, making her a perfect bait.

If Hecate comes to Wonder Woman to check the situation and find out where her mark has gone, she will fall directly into Su Ming's trap. When the time comes to gather the power of Su Ming and Alberta, there will definitely be a chance of victory. .

No matter how crazy people are, they all have their own purposes, and purpose is the weakness of the madman. Deathstroke will seize the opportunity.

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