The Death Knell

Chapter 3842 Seeking Revenge

"It doesn't look like he was killed by zombies, nor did he commit suicide."

Arthur moved the slowest among the people present, but he was always the first to express his opinion. When he saw the scars on the corpse's chest, he also followed the example of a bat and gave his own reasoning.

It's very simple. If a trident is used as the murder weapon, there will be three holes in the chest; if a pentadent is used as the murder weapon, then there should be five holes in the chest.

After ruling out the suspicions of Fenshui Emei Thorn, ninja grappling hook, and double-barreled shotgun, the famous detective Neptune confirmed that the bald boy did not die at the hands of kung fu zombies.

Ron had some ideas, but in the cylindrical hall, under the bright lights, he didn't say a word. He just looked at Batman with his red eyes, because among the people present, there was the strongest detective in the DC universe, and no one needed to say anything.

The man in the dark uniform did not refuse and floated to the body like a dark cloud. First he stretched out his hand to measure the distance between the wounds, then opened the dead man's eyelids and looked at his eyes. Finally, he noticed the death message on the armrest of the sofa.

Saru's blood-stained hand blocked the bloody words. After moving it away, he could see a familiar name——


No matter how you look at it, it will make people think that this last great caste died at the hands of the tyrant of the universe, but Batman turned around and pulled up Jason, who was kneeling on the ground, and said to everyone:

"This is framed."

After he finished speaking, everyone looked at him eagerly, but he held Jason's collar in his hand and looked at everyone expressionlessly.

Although he was wearing a bat mask and the white goggles covered his eyes, the members of Zhenglian obviously understood what he wanted to express.

‘You guys hang out with Deathstroke too much, right? Do you still expect me to explain? ’

Because he is Batman.

Under normal circumstances, he will not explain, apologize, laugh, or ask questions. He will just look into everyone's eyes and remain silent until no one questions again.

"Let me go! Batman, do you think this is the same as before? You can't hold me and talk like this!"

In the strangely quiet atmosphere, the Red Hood protested and punched the bat emblem on the man's chest with his fist.

However, in exchange for a sentence from Batman:

"You have lived here, you must have paid the price, take it back, and then take us to see the time flow."

The young man was dumbfounded. He was stunned for a moment. Because he hadn't acted with Batman for so long, he even forgot about this man's omniscience.

Yes, if you want to live in the Hall of All Things and see many times and spaces, you need to pay the price to the last guardian Saru. Jason paid for it, which is his most precious and happiest memory.

But here comes the question. Batman has never entered the Hall of All Things before, nor has he dealt with a large caste. How did he know this?

However, Jason knew very well what was wrong with his adoptive father, so he knew he would not answer without asking.

Because he is...

So he knocked off the man's stranglehold and quickly approached the body on the sofa.

To the left of the sofa is a golden multi-tiered high table, on which are placed fruits and hookahs, several game consoles, a dismantled car TV, a small pine bonsai and pruning tools, and even several copies of "Huahua X" "Zizi" magazine, it was turned over so much that the edges were a bit curled.

The grim-faced Salu wears a yellow monk's robe and has a bald head. He looks like a young monk who is only eleven or twelve years old. His real age is infinite, so he is having a good time.

On the right side of the sofa, there was something like a safe, and Jason knew that the price he paid was stored in it.

Although Saru is his friend, but...if he dies, there is no need to let his precious memories be buried with him. He must get them back.

Noticing that his eyes were on the safe, the enthusiastic Superman did not hesitate. His eyes shot out heat vision along the cracks in the cabinet door, and he unlocked Jason in seconds.

"Thank you, Superman."

Jason avoided the burning molten steel and reached out to take out a crystal ball from the safe, which was his stripped memory.

However, he only focused on being polite to Superman, but ignored that he was surrounded by superheroes, and their eyesight was even better than the last one.

Everyone saw the memory images stored in the crystal ball, like a faint wisp of smoke.

It was a rare afternoon in Gotham. The sun was so bright that there was almost only moderate haze. The location was on the East Pier. Batman and the boy Jason were fishing.

The boy caught a fish and jumped up and down with joy. Batman took out a portable bat grill from his belt, grilled the fish and ate half of it. Maybe the fish with the white smiling face tasted like It was funny, so he even smiled.

Regardless of whether the fish in Gotham that drank laughing gas can be eaten, or whether the subjective perspective memory is accurate, anyway, this is Jason's most precious and happiest memory...

Seeing this, the heroes of Zhenglian felt sad. For many people, ordinary things are what the Red Hood cares about most deep down.

He's so pathetic, Batman is so dark.

But Jason had a different understanding of everyone's silence. He just felt that if his secret was exposed, he would be completely socially dead... Sure enough, being with Batman would not do anything good!


"Let the adjutant take over all the information networks on this earth first and conduct a screening of all signal sources."

In the smelly suite, Su Ming told Bobo his plan and walked towards the door while talking.

Robot Head is the same as Iron Man. Without his high-tech suit, his combat effectiveness is probably about the same as Bobo's. He only knows a little bit of three-legged cat-style kung fu. Therefore, if he wants to fight stubbornly, he will definitely not give up his combat power. Clothes.

So as long as the suit is running, it will inevitably consume energy. In reality, there is no mechanical structure with an energy conversion rate of 100%. Therefore, as a loss, the operation process will inevitably produce waste, no matter the form of energy waste dissipation is sound waves, light energy, Heat, or whatever, there's always a signature that can be tracked.

The best form of nuclear radiation is gamma rays.

In short, now we just need to go downstairs and dig around, find the spare armor of the machine head, give it to the adjutant to analyze, study the unified characteristics of the small boat reactor operation, summarize some experiences, and quickly catch the absconding rat in fear of crime.

Now that the space of Earth 8 is completely blocked, he has no chance to escape into the Sky Blood Layer, let alone dreams and hell. Su Ming has acquaintances in those places.

"Let's do it like this." Bobo thumped his lower back. It was obvious that he had hurt his akimbo muscles a little bit by inspecting every inch of the ground with a magnifying glass: "Oh, I'm so tired. Can you give me the wine you promised first?" Want to taste it? You just say it’s good wine, so you should let me taste it, right?”

"Yes, I want to taste it too, suck it!" Alberta stretched out his tongue and slowly licked his upper lip, his hazy drunken eyes widened instantly, and even light seemed to emerge from them.

"Haha, I really can't take care of you..."

But just when Su Ming was about to be generous and give each of them a bottle of good wine, a circular white portal opened in the corridor outside the door, and a large number of people poured out of it.

These people didn't talk nonsense when they met. The strong man in the lead raised his iris shield with a red cross in his hand, shouted slogans and launched an attack:

"The counterattackers assemble!"

Facing the idiots rushing over, Su Ming was not surprised at all. He even spread his hands to Bobo and said jokingly: "Look, I knew they were going to beat me as the villain BOSS. Alas, let's wait until we drink." Bar."

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