The Death Knell

Chapter 3844: Eternal 50/50

If you insist on speaking, Silver Sorceress can be regarded as the supreme mage on this earth, that is, the strongest among spell casters.

Although she does not have chaos magic that can change the world and the world in an instant, the silver magic is very powerful, and it is the only one in the DC universe.

Most of the spell casters in other parallel worlds use witchcraft, and the source of their power is actually the Upside Down. Now they are like being strangled by the death knell; but her silver magic is a power with a very mysterious origin, which is okay. When used in conjunction with nuclear weapons, it can be regarded as a kind of magical technology.

Her magic power is strong, but there is a problem.

Because she is a 'tribute' to the character next door, just like the wizards in Marvel, the more powerful the magic, the longer the spell is required.

The reason why Weishan Emperor's magic is easy to use is that, first of all, the cost of casting the spell is relatively low, the debt can be repaid in installments, and the power is not bad.

On the other hand, the mudra representing Emperor Weishan is easy to knot and the incantation is relatively short. The ten fingers of both hands form a triangle like a small tent. It can be said that it only needs hands.

However, humans only have ten fingers, and the shapes of the holy seals that can be formed are limited. The simple hand seals are taken up by the strong ones among the demon gods, and the weak demon gods often have nothing to remember.

For example, Faltin's Fire of Faltin is extremely powerful, which is just enough to burn a stove for cooking. But if you want to borrow this fire from her, you need to change the handprints more than ten times in quick succession to be able to compete with her. Secret code', it's more difficult than playing tricks with yourself.

If you have the time, you might as well borrow fire from Surtur or Zom, as the meat is probably half cooked.

The thing is like this, if the spell is 'calling to apply for a loan', then the fingerprint is the 'dial process', both of which are indispensable. Sometimes you also need some casting materials. This is probably the 'coin process' of using a public phone.

The Silver Witch wants to use powerful magic and needs to cast spells, but her opponent is a sorceress who uses the power of hell.

The cost of Alberta's spellcasting was deducted from Lucifer. How much was used during her lifetime would have to be settled after her death. Maybe the former Satan was in a good mood and wiped the account directly.

Besides, with her temperament of being drunk one day and drunk the next, the money for the next day's meal could be used to buy wine today, so how could she think about what happened after her death? That's too far...

Deathstroke assigned her a task, so she naturally stared at the mage opposite. When she saw the mage casting a spell, she threw a big fireball at him. The scientific name should be Hell Flame or something.

With a wine bottle in her hand, a cigarette in her mouth, and a crooked smile on her face, she didn't look like a serious sorcerer.

But she just has fighting power, and she feels so good without the cost of casting spells. Magic attacks are thrown around as if they are free, and most sorcerers cannot withstand her indiscriminate bombardment.

The silver witch's skills are not bad. She can use silver light to resolve fireball attacks. When Alberta throws a fireball, she raises her hand to offset one with a silver light ball. But before, she wanted to cast that 'ultimate move'. There was no chance to release it.

The evil witch is not in a hurry to hit the opponent. After all, it is all a misunderstanding. Just delay. Both parties are spell casters. It is impossible to teleport and knock people out with their fists, right?

The person with the greatest pressure on the battlefield is Bobo. He was driven to the shelf by Deathstroke and couldn't fight even if he didn't want to.

Because the movements around other people were so shocking that he didn't even want to get close, and the top of the tall building without walls and ceilings was crumbling, and he had no way to escape.

He had no choice but to take out the night blade that Jim left for him from his pocket, swallow a gulp of saliva, and face the American soldier that everyone had left for him.

"If I say this is all a misunderstanding and we didn't kill the machine head, would you believe it?"

He first tried to see if there was a possibility of a peaceful solution. As a bar owner, he was very confident in his eloquence.

"Do you think I believe it or not?" Jack, who had a big beard and wore a golden half-face helmet, looked at him coldly, the shield in his hand reflecting the sunlight: "It was you who came to ask us to lend a helping hand to Earth 0. I helped you fight against Barbatos and provided you with food, but now what have you given in return? A murder!"

Like a modern crusader, this warrior has a bad temper. His eyes are red. Maybe he was crying for his teammates not long ago. Now he sees the orangutan blocking his way, and he is even more angry. Come.

"Ah, I remember those too, so if you think about it, we are even less likely to retaliate. Do you think I, the orangutan, am that kind of person? By the way, we also have Rabbit Superman, and you can also get his character level 3. Come and guarantee.”

Bobo held his night blade with both hands, preventing the other party from slapping him to death with a shield. That would be an injustice.

But even if he said this, the American soldier remained unwavering. The strong wind at high altitude blew up his white robe, and the cross on his chest was as red and bright as blood. He foamed at the mouth and shouted:

"The counterattackers will peel off the skins of your orangutans and rabbits and make a pair of leather shoes for each of you as souvenirs. Of course, there will also be a share for the machine head!"

Don't forget, he is a shield-wielding warrior, so his taunt skill is fully charged.

"Oh, although I want to be a pacifist, the last time I was scolded like this was at the circus, bah bah!" Compared with Superman, Bobo himself is not a particularly good-tempered person. He vomited into his palm. He spat twice: "Since Deathstroke thinks I can beat you, then I'll give it a try. I still need to keep this skin to keep warm!"

After that, the orangutan, who had no martial arts skills at all, became angry. He mastered the skill of jumping chop like a master without any teacher, and raised his sword to greet the opponent.


The American warrior raised his shield, squatted down in a defensive posture, and shouted out the name of his move.

However, although Bobo is a little weaker, the sword in his hand is the magic holy weapon Night Blade. This is the key to unlocking the Maia dimension, and it is also an artifact that can release fire and dark energy.

Although the warrior's shield is very high-tech and made of good materials, in the face of magic attacks, the American warrior, as a super soldier transformed by injections from an ordinary person, lacks magic resistance and is exposed.

The orangutan's jumping chop actually didn't take much effort, and he didn't have much strength. But when the sword blade collided with the shield, the sword automatically exploded into flames, knocking the bearded man back more than a dozen steps, and two scratches were scratched on the soles of his feet. Shallow marks made of dust.

Bobo, whose chop was blocked, landed firmly on the ground with a backflip using his extraordinary agility, but the American soldier had a nosebleed, probably caused by the shock.

"How about forget it, you are all injured..."

A look of surprise flashed across Heimao's face. Bobo seemed to have figured something out. He nodded in surprise while holding the weapon, and then started to squeal.

He said he didn't want to fight, but the expression on his face was very arrogant. He even kissed the handle of the sword and thanked Jim for blessing his soul.

"Bah, don't even think about it!" The American soldier stood up. He wiped the nosebleed from his beard and re-established a defensive posture: "As long as the revenge of the machine head is not avenged for a day, I will not fall for a day! The counterattackers will not fall. Down!"

"Oh." Bobo bit his nails. He was peeking at the progress of Deathstroke. In this moment, the strongest mercenary had already taken care of Captain Diversity and the Australian Thor. They seemed to have fainted, even the little one. The little beetle girl was also strangled and held in the tentacles, her limbs hanging down limply.

"Face me! You coward! Come on!"

The American soldiers banged their shields and shouted wildly to start the battle.

"Hmm...can you wait a little while?" Bobo discounted. He thought it would be better to wait for the death knell to take action. It is best not to make enemies with others when opening a bar. Maybe after the misunderstanding is resolved, counterattackers can still go there in the future. Forget about drinking at the bar.

The bearded man didn't want to say any more. He took the initiative to charge and pushed his shield towards the orangutan.

With no choice but to hit the opponent's shield with his sword, Bobo once again beat back the warrior like the soul of the previous generation of Dark Night Master.

"Hoo, ho, ho..." After being knocked away this time, it was a little difficult to get up again, but his willpower still allowed the American soldier to stand up strong. He held the shield in front of his chest and struggled hard Said: "Come again! I haven't fallen down yet! I can spend the whole day with you!"

The speechless black-haired detective rolled his eyes, looked at the other party as if he were a fool and complained:

"Does spending a whole day with an orangutan make you so proud?!"

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