The Death Knell

Chapter 3849 Spiritualism

"It's all burnt. Throw it away."

The orangutan lying on Deathstroke's shoulder took one look at the head in the shoe box, turned away and covered his mouth in disgust. The head had a good face, just like the result of Wade being stuffed into the oven and baked. .

The detective orangutan knows that strangulation can obtain part of the memory by devouring the brain of the creature, but the completely carbonized head in front of him probably only has a pool of black ash inside.

Strangler stretched out his small tentacles and touched it lightly, and the crisp skull cracked several slits, and a warm white smoke floated out from the skull cavity. The smell can be said to be very subtle.

"It seems that the brain has been completely boiled dry, Alberta, what happens next is up to you."

"Oh, okay, it's really troublesome." The witch took the shoe box, looked at the dead head and shook her head: "We can't do it here. We have to find a place without sunlight. Let's get down from the torch first."

"Okay, adjutant, teleport us to the sewers." Su Ming followed suit and directly picked the darkest place.

Conventional methods of gathering clues won't work, but there's still magic you can use.

If Constantine is the detective from hell, then Albella is the divorce lawyer from hell. She can basically master all the magic skills that the former knows.

She knew what to do without Deathstroke explaining it in detail. To put it simply, she already had the head of the deceased in her hand as a medium, and she only needed to cast a spell to call the soul out of the world of the deceased for questioning.

Regardless of whether this soul is queuing up to be reincarnated in the kingdom of death, or has fallen into hell and suffered, as long as it has not yet been reincarnated, it can be found.

Heaven is impossible, the angels are crazy now, and it's closed there.

She used standard hell magic. She first took out a knife and cut her hand, painted the magic circle with blood, then placed the charred head in the center of the inverse pentagram, and inserted burning nodes into several key nodes. cigarettes instead of candles.

This magic is a bit risky, because it essentially opens a passage, and there is a possibility that a powerful demon or something will emerge. However, with Deathstroke watching, even if a demon like Beelzebub emerges, Alberta was not afraid either.

Taking out some bat hairs from her windbreaker pocket and burning them, the witch turned her palms over and slapped them on the ground.

The magic circle burned instantly, and the blood seemed to have turned into grease at this time, igniting a raging flame, even rising more than three meters high, and the flames licked the top of the sewer.

"Come on, come on, don't be shy, come out and have a chat quickly, don't get discovered by the jailer."

This was probably Alberta's spell. The firelight illuminated her face, but she just calmly turned her face to it and lit a cigarette with the help of the flames.

A pale soul floated out of the flames. He was scarred and wrapped in flames. As soon as he appeared, he fell to his knees and screamed in pain, but kept his kneeling position motionless.

It was the same posture as the corpse that Deathstroke and his party saw in the suite.

"Fu" the witch pursed her lips, blew out a puff of smoke, and explained to everyone: "It's him. He is recreating his death scene. Because he was burned to death, he feels very uncomfortable, but it's okay. We'll wait for him to wake up later." By the time you die, you will be quiet and listen to us."

The surroundings were filled with a strong smell of sulfur, screams echoed in the sewers, the darkness in the distance seemed to be deeper, and there was a faint mist in the air due to hot and cold convection.

Watching the translucent milky white soul burning, Bobo took out a small stainless steel flask, unscrewed the lid and took a sip of wine to calm down his shock, then winked under the stimulation of alcohol:

"Tsk, you seem to have more dignity than Constantine on the other side of hell. If he wants to have a private chat with a soul, he has to soak his feet in a basin, electrify the water, and bring himself to a near-death state. , I personally left my body and went to hell.”

"Well, that's okay, but I don't like it." The witch raised one foot sideways and opened her trouser leg to show Bobo: "I usually wear high heels, so electrifying the soles of my feet is not a good idea. It will bubble.”

"So tall!" Jesse's eyes widened. She was shocked by the witch's dressing style as a mature woman: "You usually fight on 5-inch heels?"

As a speedster, he basically has nothing to do with high heels. The girl is obviously envious of him.

The little girl looked at her with envy. Alberta, who was already a little vain, smiled beautifully: "I am a sorcerer, and I don't need my feet to cast spells. I can even sit in a wheelchair, let alone wearing high heels to fight."

After saying that, she changed several angles to show Jesse her shoes.

It has to be said that after all, Albella has won multiple Colorado children's beauty pageant championships. Even when showing off her shoes, Albella has a sense of stage, and it only takes a few seconds to finalize her pose.

The screams came and went as quickly as they came. The wailing soul on his knees soon realized that he could move. He also realized through his translucent body that he was probably dead.

Then he started crying sadly, and the temperature around everyone seemed to drop several degrees in an instant.

Deathstroke squatted down and looked at the other person's eyes: "Sorry, you are dead, but you still have a chance to avenge yourself on the person who killed you, what do you think?"

The ghost sobbed a few times, but there were no tears. He didn't even have a physical body, and his raised face was only burning with flames.

"I do."

He answered ghostly, and his voice seemed to come from a vat buried in the ground.

"Very good, let me tell you your name first. I'm sorry, your facial features were burned by the flames. Even your eyeballs were burned out, let alone your fingerprints."

Initiate silent communication through strangulation, ask the adjutant to send some incense and candles, and use the lamp ring to light it for the ghost:

"We are investigating your case. We must first know your identity before we can deduce who the murderer is."

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." The ghost stood up. He had no legs and was just floating in the magic circle: "My name is Said. I am the security director of Stark Industries. I am also that person's friend and bodyguard."

"You mean that person?" Bobo took out his little notebook, dipped the tip of the pen on his tongue, and prepared to record: "You mean Machine Head, Nitro Stark? He killed you. ,Is it right?"

After listening to the orangutan's question, the ghost seemed very painful, but the purpose of the magic circle was not only to restrain the soul from escaping, but also to force him to answer questions.

So no matter how ferocious his burning face became, he still had no choice but to compromise and nod feebly:

"Yes, the person who killed me was my boss, my friend, and the superhero Machine Head I have always admired and loved."

After receiving this answer, Bobo exchanged looks with Deathstroke a little happily. If the deceased was Nito's personal bodyguard, then he must know many secret things.

"Do you know why he killed you?" The orangutan sent a straight shot.

"No, even yesterday, everything was fine. I hate it so much." The bodyguard covered his face and cried again, and the flames on his body also expanded.

At this time, Arabelle, who was showing off her high heels, looked over sideways and said in a devilish voice:

"Answer the death knell's question, or I will hand you over to today's Satan McGeeken. Then you will realize that death is far from the end, and the pain is also endless."

As soon as he said this, the bodyguard was too scared to cry and immediately answered various questions cooperatively.

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